Which was the best of the Trilogy Sup Forums and why?
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Which was the best of the Trilogy Sup Forums and why?
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Followship > Two Towers > Return of the Kings
>and why
why is it the best one?
TT > FotR = RotK
Fellowship, theatrical version. To be exact
Fellowship Extended>TT theatrical>ROTK theatrical>TT extended>ROTK extended
Fellowship. A great introduction to the world of middle earth and the profound beings which reside in the world. Each movie captures the scope of the story exceptionally well and fellowship set the bar high for the other movies and fantasy in general. It's difficult to separate the films from each other as they build on one another seamlessly.
Ah, a buzzword. The hallmark of those without a thought of their own.
ROTK for me bc Gondor forever
Hear hear!
this is a good answer ty user
Correct. Personally it'd be
>FotR > TT = RotK
for me, but Fellowship is definitely the best of the three.
What was his fucking problem?
With which movies is theatrical>extended true?
The one that won every oscar
The only answer is, all of them were perfect. No one is over from another one!
imho none, but the extended version of fellowship probably adds the least. The scenes it adds are nice though. Two Towers scenes with Boromir and Faramir are almost essential and its criminal they got cut from the theatrical release. I can't watch theatrical RotK anymore because I get way too triggered by the lack of Mouth of Sauron and Aragorn talking shit to Sauron through the Palantir
how are boromir and faramir scenes essential and the concerning hobbits prologue/extended council scenes not
All three.
The entirel trilogy is almost equal but fellowship edges it out because of the whole fellowship being together, gandalf give advice to frodo etc was heartwarming.
Two Towers, that Rohan theme is kino
Sauron mostly.
This answer was good.
The moment when swells up and then just the one violin plays the main part over the wide shot of Edoras gives me goosebumps every time.
The charge out of Helms Deep and the coming of Gandalf are great moments too.
I just wish Faramir didn't get toned down from the book. The whole reason he had the visions before Boromir was because he was more suited to be in the company of the ring but Jackson thought it silly that he wouldn't be tempted by it when he met Frodo.
Two Towers even has the old school memes going for it with PO-TAY-TOES and They're Taking The Hobbits To Isengard.
Fellowship is better storywise, but I still think RoK is a better movie. The pacing of the story in Fellowship makes it boring to rewatch.
Fellowship > Return > Towers
Fellowship because Galadriel.
It has all the best things.
Comfy shire, characters all interact, premise setup, action, music
Fellowship stands on its own more, TT and ROTK blend in together for me, not that it's a bad thing.
People who like TT the most, what is it about it you enjoy it more than the others?
probably helm's deep
FOTR is the most cinematographic
ROTK got most memorable moments
TTT is most campy and comfy
Although Helms Deep was the best battle of the trilogy.
fixed it u retarded fucks
all extended
See Add onto that the hottest woman in the series, Eowyn.