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brb, gonna puke a bit
#clintonpizza #billschessespizza #clintonstuffcrusted #hillaryssecretsauce
Jesus Christ, it's like they're trying to be the most stereotypical corrupt elites possible.
So they wear those so the help knows what they want?
They've set out to get enough dirt to blackmail all of DC. That was their plan since college. Of course they got their hands fucking filthy.
>some woman who isn't hillary tries to steal 33 Haitian kids
>this somehow is damning to hillary because she knows the woman
literally nothing, yet again.
>had a long relationship with her
What kind of company do you keep faggot?
she doesn't just know the woman, they worked together over a long period of time. Is it a coincidence that the Clinton Foundation was there while this lady was kidnapping children? get out of here.
33 is a masonic number
i have plenty of business relationships. doesnt make me best friends with them. i have no idea what my co-workers and clients do in their free time. for all i know they could all be kiddie diddlers
Hello Hillary. You're going to hang.
>America is run by corrupt globalist paedophiles
top fucking kek, russia should just nuke the entire fucking country
>the government is corrupt as corrupt
>the people are fat
>niggers are out of control
>they can't control their borders and their people
>cops are getting killed
>somehow this piece of shit country controls the economy
Sure you are.
Youre small potatoes small fry. Fuck off back to plebbit.
I wont accept it.
es la verdad
>people say things that don't fit my own narrative, they must be paid hillary shills!
how's it feel to take cock in the asshole? get raped, faggots. Just mad your shitty email proves nothing but more speculation
That's the privilege you get when you "win" two world wars.
>thinking its ok that we should even have a reason to speculate about fraud, sex trafficking, pay to play, perjury, etc; by a presidential candidate.
>not understanding how the criminal justice system works
The hatred that this incites in me is uncontrollable.
One day these bastards will pay dearly. And fuck you nsa if you're reading this and see me as a "threat"
THEY FUCK CHILDREN. Do you have kids nsa? Because they could have been one of their victims.
guys i found something
this is why people dislike trump supporters. IT IS PURE SPECULATION THAT THIS IS A CHILD PROSTITUTION RING.
there is no proof that they bang kids. jesus christ you people are an embarrassment
Bernie supporters should be organizing an armed uprising already.
Bill Clinton flying on Epstein's plane 22 times without bodyguards is a coincidence
>inb4 trump did too
trump has called epstein an evil, evil man.
Fuck you ctr, we have lists of all your names. If/when I gain influence I'll fucking kill you people too.
Wikileaks has NEVER once made a mistake in 10 years of gathering info.
holy shit.... wow.... didn't think this would actually be like, highlighted....
>NYPD totally did not threaten to expose the kiddie diddlying
The woman who sent that email has a masters degree in social work
In years to come your going to realise you were actively working against exposing pedophiles. Your either one yourself, or your going to feel soul crushing guilt. You are NOT forgiven. You will remember this very post for the rest of your life.
Have we seen any politician wearing these?
we are the autists with compassion
the fbi are true humans as well
nsa hires the autists that dont have any compassion
which is why they are not revolting
> Will you join us?
> Small gathering a few days before the pizza extravaganza
> Time TBA but probably 7:30 ish
> RSVP please!
Pizza extravaganza with a social worker? Bring little friends pls?
i'm not questioning the authenticity of these emails you fucking mongoloid. the emails have no proof of anything though.
fucking manchildren. provide me with concrete proof that they were fucking children and i'll fly to your respective countries and personally suck your dicks
More people need to see this shit, this is disgusting.
oh shit..... like cps or Social work for the elderly.
Oh shit they probably wear those symbols so that they don't have to actually say anything to be used in the court of law or write anything down that can be tracked.
One of the receievers of this E-Mail, owns a pizzaria restaurant. James Alefantis. Sometimes there is a simple explanation.
>give proofs plx
>lefty-tier insults
call me a nigger
Fkn retard hahaha
Or they're going to eat pizza's for Tony's birthday. C'mon guys use your brain. If there was pedophile ring and that many people were CCed over it on e-mail they'd have to be the stupidest people on earth. While they're pretty stupid I don't think they're that stupid.
the FBI is balls deep in multiple investigations into her to the point where people were resigning and leaking info to the public when they were being stonewalled.
So what i'm saying is FBI agents weren't in a shadow war against the government for no reason at all.
the NYPD, which, btw WAS ALREADY INVESTIGATING PEDOPHILIA WITH A PARTY 2 STEPS REMOVED FROM CLINTON, was going to blow the lid off of this if the FBI didn't.
Is that concrete proof? obviously not. but we have a lot of evidence which points in the direction of some very serious shit.
So the Marina Abrmaovic girl who had the weird spirit dinners with podesta made a weird video with lady gaga. shes full frontal naked in it and its real spooky
The email:
The woman:
The "spirit cooking" ritual:
lol no one pays to rape a drugged up gam-gam, take a guess.
those symbols are old as fuck, akin to hankerchief faggot code from the 70s
>hurr he didn't call me a cuck, what a shit tier insult
i'm actually quite impressed. I don't think i could act this retarded if i tried.
mano, acho que sim
these are people who are used to not being held accountable to ANYTHING they have done in their criminal careers and also have no idea what cybersecurity is.
It is the breaking point. They must all burn. And anyone that dares defend them.
>My god, he's right
>I'm actually very smart
10 years ago, did you imagine your future self shitting out this comment? Would you have believed you'd become such a pathetic human being?
Really consider that.
yeah and they need "pizza-related" maps on a napkin to find them
lurk moar
abramovic made a weird as spooky vid with lady gaga
yeah, the simple explanation being he owns a prostitution ring. seriously.
Meanwhile, all 800 Hillary supporters:
>OMG how can anyone support Trump when someone in the literal KKK endorses him? Shouldn't that tell you something?
Exactly. Do something so insane and on such a large scale that no one would ever believe it.
Reminiscent of one of the elites quote about people not being able to comprehend a conspiracy so big.
Someone posted this image from the previous thread.
Did a quick google and found that handkerchief code is a thing among gay men
And that "kewpie doll" prints means they are into minors.
The bbc pedi scandal abd the most tgat got busted
Operation yew tree
The FBI busted our establishmentioned
Do you really think your government isn't also full of nonvessels?
Doesn't any one remember the half a million people that marched in Brussels because of establishment pedophilia? The fire fighters hosed down the parliament to wash the filth out
right. i'm a pathetic person because an email containing pure speculation isn't taken as absolute fact. sub-Saharan nigs are smarter than this.
i dont give a shit about hillary supporters and am voting trump. i'm just trying to point out what a bunch of fucking idiots you guys are.
> ice_cream
lots of companies are stupid enough to run with generic symbols altered just enough to be identifyable.
from a technical standpoint, making a nested hearts or triangles design out of a single piece of metal for an accessory however is retarded since it would be easy to deform; unless you use a backing or bracing on the terminating ends to maintain its shape
however, that said, the last symbol in is uniquely disturbing, because it specifically includes two of the other symbols; which means they may have the same or similar meanings.
if an actual company was identified by a logo like that, then you should worry a whole hell of a lot
does anybody else find it sort of oddly compelling that, in response to one of the accusations of improper sexual advances from trump, the trump campaign found a witness to contest those claims, and that witness happened to be a whistleblower who confessed to providing boy toys to powerful politicians in maggie thatcher-era UK?
was this some sort of veiled threat from the trump campaign? that he knew about this shit happening, and if they continued to push the sexual deviancy perspective that he was going to do what anthony gilberthorpe did?
>i'm just trying to point out what a bunch of fucking idiots you guys are.
newfag no one cares
vote trump, lurk moar
Dont let this die
Fuck my phones predictive text
I blame the jews
Im not taking it as a fact but there sure as fuck a lot of possible angles.
This shit isnt even done coming out yet.
Why are you being such a bitch?
How is this idiotic? The Clinton Foundation was keeping tabs on and in touch with someone confirmed trafficking children, got this person out of legal trouble while working in Haiti (and you can look up just how shady their work in Haiti was), and internally discussed pricing of transporting children. No one is saying Hillary has personally driven a truck transporting child sex slaves, but she very likely has profited from this industry.
wtf though
You're pathetic because you either didn't bother to research the many previous threads confirming this info, or you're being told to DENY DENY DENY by your handlers.
One has to wonder why you even stay in this thread.
>KKK endorses Trump
>Every Trump supporter must be a part of the KKK
I wanted confirmation thats all.
because everyone on Sup Forums is losing their shit like this is some kind of damning evidence against clinton. it's almost as bad as CTR spam
posto is a restaurant
why would they gather to eat pizza before a pizza extravaganza?
k. into the trash you go
It's amazing because they also selectively ignore Clinton's direct ties to countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Or maybe they are aware of them and think they can do no wrong, even in throwing gays off roofs, because that's their culture. I don't even know anymore.
Shill confirmed.
That was Hitler, and it was a warning.
People tell small lies, because their conscience won't allow a big lie. They naturally question small indescrepancies. But those in power have control of all the media, so can tell a lie so big it would seem crazy to question it.
Keep bumping the thread kiddo.
>I'll personally fly to your respective countries
Oh Jesus
Highly underrated statement.
The only thing though we're figuring this shit out and nukes might not even be necessary.
Our hivemind is so powerful FBI and Wikileaks is us to process data
>wikileaks is openly partisan now
>it's now alt right media
This is insane, I love this year.
Fucking do it - we deserve it.
>Doesn't realise that system is broken and we are trying to see why it is.
Get the fuck out of here, shill.
This is pretty much how revolutions happen. These faggots will all end up with their heads in baskets.
is this the real redpill?