b-but Trump is so stupid! he lost 1 billion in a year
B-but Trump is so stupid! he lost 1 billion in a year
Oy vey! Remember the $6 billion!
I cant wait for zuckerberg to fail and disappear into oblivion.
we used to be kings.
are you retarded? he is set for life and his kids, kids are too.
he even donates fuck tons. lol you're a fucking asshat whom doesn't know wtf you're talking about. eat my hairy ass kid
Im glad you have a hard on for cuckerberg but he has no worth to society and only gives to charity to feel good about himself for fucking over his colleagues. His charities are cancer. Instead of doing anything to better the impoverished he donated to their infrastructure and gave a bunch of indian kids devices that could only use facebook and a few minimum sites. He needs to take his earnings and leave the world alone. Maybe kill off facebook, since my internet usage is now ad-heavy and full of faggots and bitches posting pics of themselves instead of owning an album. But hey, if that's your thing...
>3,7 billion in two hours
Someone with a brain explain this shit to me.
his money is in facebook stock. facebook stock price dropped hard.
That reads like Dr. Zoidberg
jesus fuck nobody here studies the educational jew? (finance)
the value of his equity from faceberg dropped because the market gave the company a lower valuation. AKA his shares are worth less now.
Yeah. He will likely keep his sheckle lotto wins.
He's too asexual to have been caught up in the whole clinton pedo stuff. They have no leverage over him!
his shares arent worthless they are still worth $120 each
He "donates" by giving away Facebook shares. If those shares become worthless, then his donation is worthless as well
Zoidburg would be more like,
"Remember the 6 million!? You should be so lucky."
NYT was crushed also.
That's what happens when you are biased against half the country.
Tiny hands
It's just another tax scheme to hide his money overseas.
Worth LESS as in not worth as much as they previously were you retarded goddamn nigger.
Are you retarded?
$120 per share in play new money. Please remember the 6 gerillion. The 6 gerillion that were lost in the tech bubble recession and the 2008 depression.
If the market still exists at all, it probably won't care much for rainbow dream stocks like faceplant
>3.7 billion in 2 hours
Some /bis/ faggot explain to me how the actual fuck is that even possible.
>These are the people posting on Sup Forums
Implying he is 100x more valuable than trump. 3.7b is a drop in the bucket for him compared to Trumps losses.
As much as I personally hate Facebook, Trump is just a shifty real estate agent with no positive contributions to society.
>own billion shares of a company
>share price drops by $3.70 in 2 hours
>you just lost 3.7 billion
Maybe the left are right, we are all down syndrome dumb cunts.
o hai mark
How is Facebook worth anything? Are pictures of my cat worth that much?
Trump lost actual money (tax write-offs)
Mark lose the value of stock which had very little to do with how much he cucks.
Zuck owns $24 billion in Facebook stock.
Facebook stock went down ~10% today.
He lost at least 2.4 billion, but I have no idea how they reached the 3.7 billion figure.
So it's just Jewish Monopoly money thing and not real fortune. Got it.
People shouldnt fall for this meme. Like all other billionaires he just announces that he pledges to donate x billion over the next x years. He isnt actually giving all that money up front to anyone. Hes holding on to it and dishing it out little by little when he feels like it.
look up the dot com bubble you goat dumb fucker
How did he lose so much money so quickly? Sorry, I don't know how money works.
Don't fucking remind me. I lost $5 yesterday betting on the Indians.
~t. Zuckerberg
hope they become myspace
fuck the biased media
No, but ads inbetween pictures of peoples cats are.
Billions and billions of ads. Even if 0.5% of people click an ad, even by accident, that's a shitload of revenue.
Not to mention how they sell "promoted tweets" emoji, game micro-transactions, they sell your data, your browsing habits, etc etc etc.
Shareholders panicked due to ad limits and sold their stock in the company.
I made £22.50
So he lost other peoples money
second dot com bubble about to pop
>shitty apps being sold for billions of dollars
>social networking sites worth hundreds of billions
All "value" of internet websites is massively overinflated, since they are just a way to advertise, not a product manufacturer.
Charity is untaxed, it's another scam for billionaires to use in order to horde more money and look good for public appeal. you kids all fell for the "benevolent billionaire"
this user gets it
So, internet websites are valuable when they give the kikes more power?
Say it isn't so
Is no one gonna check this?
But muh "new economy!" Muh pets.com!
economics illiterate here, is it the case that people 'worth billions' only own companies worth that much and they don't actually have that much money in the bank per se?
it always amazes me how people can lose billions at the drop of the hat. even if they know they'll never be poor, it must be stressful af
At least I can admit to not knowing this abot Shekelbergs finances, you fucking slant eyed chink.
usually, yes. all of their assets (money basically) are invested in things, and if those investments lose value, they also lose value. that's why they want to sell before the stocks drop.
kek confirms popping of the social media bubble
How will the shill media be able to go on after trump wins? They look like fools now. Even if you consider only 15% of Trump supporters being woke. That's a lot of woke fuckers with a mandate and tons of choice amo to red pill the remaining normies.
Canadia dubs are counterfeit and illegitimate.
Much like trannies, i refuse to acknowledge that they exist.
Stock price fluctuations you moron.
This is a non-news event anyway.
reading comprehension, 0/10
It can be sold for cash. How hard is it to understand such basic concepts? This is why you're so pitifully poor.
financefag here, there's a big difference between a paper loss and a real one. let's say you own one share worth ten bucks. if it goes down to five you still own one share and have experience a "paper loss", but that loss would become realized if you were to sell it. also just because you're rich it still means you can have a cash flow problem. most wealthy folks keeps their cash in non-liquid asset(homes, stock, bonds,etfs, land etc) which perform better than cash sitting in a bank account. in order to make that wealth liquid you'd have to sell those assets and that can take time. kinda like a broke actor who owns a 50 million dollar home with no disposable cash. they'd be consider asset rich and cash flow poor. it's more than possible to rich, but effectively broke. this is why you hire a financial advisor when your wealth warrants it. you could do it on your own with a bit of reading, but many choose to hire someone for that role. here's a tip for the lazy investor, stick it in an etf index fund. that'll give you both capital gains and a dividend income. it's basically the oxiclean of investing, you set it and forget it. it'll also perform better than most fund managers at a fraction of the cost. this way you get the best of both worlds... dividends(cash flow) and capital gains(growth of asset wealth).
Holy crap did the poor man survive the attack?
thanks lads
We are the Kek's chosen.
you ought to just buy 4chins from hiroshimoot Mark
normies do not understand markets, economics, or finance
if you ever see anyone posting about any of this bullshit seriously just dismiss it, all they can do is parrot talking points
how dare you call the great members of this board normies! we wouldn't concern ourselves with trivial matters. now can we go back to discussing which countries are white or not?
WTF, his pecs look like tits.
>Arm day, shit head.
I'm an old fart in my 30's but it boggles my mind that Facebook is work that much money.
It just seems like every other dumb online fad like blogs or MySpace or whatever childish banal ego booster that comes along.
6 billion. Jesus. For what? And why do people put all thir personal information online for people to steal and sell and manipulate?
Do grown men post pictures of themselves and their interests online for other grown men to comment on?
I want off this crazy ride
>being a grown man and not wanting the approval from other grown men
What are you a faggot?