Have we evolved to the point where we realize the problem isnt the Jews exactly, but just the globalist leftist elites?
Have we evolved to the point where we realize the problem isnt the Jews exactly, but just the globalist leftist elites?
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No, every single jew must burn until there is not a single drop of their blood left.
no, it's not every jew
but it is the jewish religion as a whole
it inherently teaches that the jewish people are superior to everything else on earth as appointed by god, and are destined to rule over it as their property.
it will not end until the religion is wiped from the earth.
>globalist leftist elites
you mean the group that's 95% jews?
Obviously all jews are not the problem, but obviously the problem is jewish.
It's every jew, they get to high powered jobs because of nepotism. If they're not all killed, they'll keep doing it
atheist communists and owl worshippers aren't jewish
yeah this
not all jews are globalits, but nearly all globalists are jews
Jews ARE globalist leftists.
No, the problem is democracy.
you mean zionists?
Isn't this fucker on his 6th fucking heart transplant?
That Zionist and Marxist Jews control?
This desu.
It's patently clear that Anglos are God's chosen people.
Aren't most Jews atheists though?
You're thinking of Rockefeller, although this kike probably has 20 hearts lined up for him
Their parents and their parents' parents thought they were chosen. It becomes epigenetic.
Except virtually most of the founding fathers of communism were jews as are most elite democrats.
I just threw up in my mouth when I saw these pics of this melted butter face commie...
What do you mean by the Jewish religion as a whole? Because Judaism is essentially Christianity minus Christ and the new testament. I don't see how you can remove Judaism without removing christianity
>problem isnt the Jews
No it's jews.
But not all jews. just the one's that worship at the synagogue of Satan
Source: The Bible
> globalist leftists
> implying rich jews arent all them or behind them
Christians don't subscribe to the Torah and some other Jewish text I forget the name of.
Some I assume are good people.
Religion is not important. It's the cultural upbringing.
By this token Jews would consider you a Christian whether or not you believe in Jesus Christ.
Against the grain but I have zero problems with religious Jews who want their own secure homeland.
That is all I want for my children as well. Globalist can burn though.
No it's their race, we can't keep pushing the whole dindu and wetback shit while giving the Jews a get out of jail free card by blaming it on their religion. They are blood and soul the GREEDIEST race on earth. I believe some may become honary Aryans, but for the most part I hope we get our 6 gorrilian.
You can't say "Jew" and have it mean religion and ethnicity unless their culture was the same.
The Torah and the Old Testament are the same. The Talmud is the law of the rabbis and says shit like boys are fuckable at 9 and girls at 3, and that Jesus was a magician who is boiling in a pot of his own shit in hell.
Also that it's not a crime to steal from, cheat and kill goyim.
Fun book, you should read it sometime.
If you hadn't figured that out by the age of 15, consider stopping with breathing.
The Jews are just children who haven't grown up yet. They should be tought to think and beileve properly so they can someday grow up to be productive members of society.
And if it weren't the marxists and zionists it would be someone else. It's a fundamentally flawed system.
There's a reason Jews have been expelled from the countries they've inhabited over 109 times
Jews aren't getting off the hook that easily.
They'll say they're fucking Christian if you make them. Jews are Jews down to the core, they're religion is only a guide on how to earn the most sheckles in a Kike's lifetime.
This. Name the Jew and blame the Jew. We need to fight against something concrete, not something as vauge and nebulous as "globalist leftist elites." It's the Jews who are the issue. Just ask Richard Nixon, Adolf Hitler, Henry Ford, Walt Disney etc.
You are foolish to blame Jews. It's the rich elite, who are mostly made up of Jews. It is not because they are Jewish they are evil, they are evil first and Jewish second.
>used to think synagogue of satan was just a meme
>literal satanic synagogue on epstein's rape island
Wait, are you trying to jew me again?
Hi can ypu please stop posting Soros in the OP? Sometimes I'm eating while browsing Sup Forums and I see this nasty face and want to vomit.
You mean the Talmud. Christians do in fact read the Torah, they just call it the Pentateuch. It encompasses the first five book of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament).
The Talmud on the other hand, is not read or followed by Christians, and was in fact not finalized until the 10th century AD. This addition of the Talmud makes modern Judaism in fact a succesor religion of ancient Judaism, just like Christianity is a successor religion of ancient Judaism too.
His eyes look like they're embedded in two arseholes.
I was agreeing with you really. Jews are snakes who use the double meaning bit to say they're atheists, but it really doesn't matter what they believe. It's ingrained in their culture and their upbringing.
>The Torah and the Old Testament are the same.
Wrong. The Torah is just the first five books of the Old Testament.
>The Talmud is the law of the rabbis and says shit like boys are fuckable at 9 and girls at 3, and that Jesus was a magician who is boiling in a pot of his own shit in hell. Also that it's not a crime to steal from, cheat and kill goyim.
Correct. The Talmud wasn't finalized until the 10th century AD and essentially created modern Judaism and kikery as we nowadays now it.
Jews are bro-tier.
jews were never the problem, being jewish is a coincidence.
There are those among the jewish community who are intelligent and use the jewish community like everything else in their life, and soros is no exception. He killed his own bretheren to advance his own goals for example
I'm almost completely genetically Jewish (not religious) and I want nothing more than to see globalist Jews herded into camps and would be more than happy to assist in doing so
>Have we evolved to the point where we realize the problem isnt the Jews exactly, but just the globalist leftist elites?
Who just (((coincidentally))) are diaspora jews? Hmmm.....
step aside, peasant
threadly reminder (they) exist unmolested
Rule Britannia.
Yeah I see what your saying but I want to emphasize that it's as genetically influenced, if not even more so, than it is culturally/religiously influenced. Their race is responsible for creating their culture. It goes into the nature of who they are. It makes sense that historic Japanese culture is very refined and ceremonial, being they are naturally/genetically a very cerebral people. It goes to show that the Jews have a genetically driven greed, since their culture expresses it.
The elites ARE the jews, genius.
The problem with jews is that corrupt, deceptive, immoral and greedy people ARE jews, however, jews as a whole aren't those people. As long as regular jews recognize this and recognize that zionism is bad, we don't have a problem.
I still think they should be denied places of power just as a precautionary measure, or at least subjecting them to excessive monitoring in order to make sure they aren't doing what their race does best.
Jews also don't have any political alignment, most are capitalists which automatically put them on, really any place on the political spectrum that they can use to aggrandize themselves, they'll take.
Are you saying this because daddy loves jews and is shifting the blame to globalists?
And here I was thinking Sup Forums were red pilled and you have all been brainwashed into voting for #1 zionist puppet Trump LOL.
>zionism is bad
No, ahmed, it isn't.
Not yet.
The elites are not the problem.
Those who blindly follow them are.
The sheeple.
Not all jews are a problem. They are perfectly capable of acting like human beings. But there would BE no problems if there were no jews. No marxism. No leftism. Their national consciousness and resentment is the source of it all. They are the ideologues. The agitators. The propagandists. The money men.
>have we moved the goal post lately to justify Trumpfkin voting?
But blaming the Jews is my favorite meme desu.
In the end thereĀ“s no left nor right
These are just words
Its the whore of Babel
Think about it
Well if you look at these evil kikes. They aren't really Jewish. Only genetically. Only their parents were. They've don't go to the synagogue. Instead they've taken advantage, and cloaked themselves with the antisemitism armor, so no one will call them out on their dirty dealings
>first post is CTR retweeted
can't make this shit up
They can have their land of Zion, just remove it from the Middle East-- perhaps to Madagascar-- and demand all Jews be banished to there. They should be left to trick and steal from their own people, instead of bring ursury, porn, and liberalism to a people who did away with it. As a Christian I won't have their blood on my hands, but I will see that not another one owns mine. If you were raised Jewish, are half Hebrew, or Jewish by Jewish Law (through the mother) then you must leave. Anyone with small rements of Jewish ancestry will have to take a test to prove their loyalty-- maybe a polygraph test.
Pro-Jewish Evangelical Christians are a greater danger than the Jews themselves, really.
Carl Jung: "Aryan unconscious has a greater potential than the Jewish unconscious"
The problem is the Jew itself.
I think Jews in their own desert homeland do well, because they have a sense of unity there and regress the need to destroy the land they occupy.
Until Greater Israel gets memed into reality.
nvm my last post, only good post right here.
Oy vey the low iq conservative scum is starting to understand.
No, it isnt. Read the Talmud. That's what jews want you to think.
left and right are just an illusion, there are interests, not a political spectrum.
its not all jews, just most of them. and all it takes is most of them
Question: is Judaism a religion or a people? or both?
pls expound
I know that judaism is a religion by definition- but what about the original Kingdom of Judah?
Also, it doesn't seem to me like Moses is even close to what we now consider "jewish"
lol no, this is a faggot cop out.
most of the kikes you see doing kike shit everyday aren't part of any elite, they're just kikes doing what kikes do. and the "right wing" elite jews are just as cancerous as the "left wing" one's. there's no conspiracy just the summation of jewish influence.
it's a disease
No because there are elite jews on all political spectrums
George Soros is confirmed an anomaly.
1. Hillary Clinton only met George Soros in 2013
2. Rothschilds warned George Soros and his influence in national affairs is dangerous
3. He's on a higher hitlist than Rothschilds in Russia and Hungary
4. He doesn't hide his corruption well at all
5. His whole business is stirring shit up in other countries.
I wonder who is behind this post
>the problem isnt the Jews exactly
Nice try Jews.
not even close. Old Testament Jews believed and followed Yahwehism, the Mosaic Law.
Jews today follow Judaism, based on the Talmud. There are several sects, and Jesus faced off against several (the sanhedran etc, some of them had different views on things like the afterlife).
What's with those vagina eyes?
This. I can't understand why people are so eager to make excuses for them.
>whine about blacks blaming everything on the white man
>whine about feminists blaming everything on the patriarchy
>blame everything on the Jews
Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen.
they're jews themselves.
those "everythings" are completely different "everythings" though.
JIDF is back it seems
George Soros is a fucking atheist though.
OP here
This thread has been very informative to me. I see the errors in my logic. Thank you, friends.
Sup Forums is always right
So capitalism is now a form a "leftism"?
You EGREGIOUS fucking moron.
This is exactly how I would imagine the ruler of filthy, globalist moloch-worshiping kikes looks like.
Yes, but shills want to make this place look like the asshole of the internet.
Globalist Capitalism =/= Capitalism that benefits the common man.
Capitalism that favors small business and individual innovation is what the founders intended and is what would be best. Globalism only benefits and elite few and starts to resemble communism when you realize it's the industry controlling government as simply opposed to government controlling industry.
Women voting
The two biggest threats to any European nation (US is a European nation; it's changing, though)
The Global Corporatism and political elite that run both sides of the isle is definitively the issue. The American experiment has effectively been lost to a political coup many years ago. This is the time for an awakening. A momentous turning point history predetermining the success of the events that are yet to come.
>Capitalism that favors small business and individual innovation is what the founders intended and is what would be best
that's national socialism. pure capitalism kills small business.