>In TFA they use hyperdrive to basically teleport through the not-death star shield
>in TLJ they use hyperdrive to drive through a ship and destroy it
What's the deal with hyperdrive? Is it basically teleporting? And why do people only complain about TLJ? I mean yes, TLJ contradicts TFA but what they did in TFA was already pretty ridiculous.
In TFA they use hyperdrive to basically teleport through the not-death star shield
Hardcore nerds are pissed about TLJ because expanded universe novels (read: glorified fan-fiction) had previously established that hyperdrive didn’t work that way.
In the first Star Wars Han even says if they don’t do the hyperdrive calculations properly the ship could fly right through a star during light-speed. Rian Johnson even said this is what got him interested in doing the ramming scene.
When will faggots realize that if it doesn’t happen on screen it didn’t actually happen? Trek fans figured this out decades ago, when will Star Wars fans?
How the fuck do they fly through the shields in TFA then? It made no sense
Starkiller base shields had a refresh rate of 60hz, flying at it at lightspeed gave them a 50/50 chance of going through on the "down" part of the cycle or crashing into the "up" part of the cycle, and they made it through because it was the will of the Force
>wouldn't a shield that shitty only block 50% of incoming laser fire?
umm err umm
I dunno, I only watched that shitfest once.
Force Awakens actually pissed me off enough that I actively ignored anything Star Wars related (trailers, marketing, articles from nu-male sites like Collider) for two fucking years. The only reason I saw TLJ was because of a cheap matinee at Drafthouse. I went in totally blind to all the hype and actually enjoyed the hell of out it. Holdo was stupid (even the women in my audience couldn’t fucking stand her) but I overall liked it a lot more than TFA
Did they explain this in the movie?
No he's making shit up
Something about sub light speed shield
>In the Force Awakens film Han refers to it as having a "fractional refresh rate"
i can't really blame you for not paying attention to the dialogue in the briefing scene, it was horrific bullshit
Why didn't they just get a droid to fly on a suicide mission through the shield and into the planet, this would've completely wiped out the starkiller base with 1 ship and 1 droid lost
Droid live matter
>wouldn't a shield that shitty only block 50% of incoming laser fire?
>umm err umm
It would block more than 50% assuming the field decays exponentially after the refreshing impulse - but if you're getting thousands of hits per second, anything from dozens to hundreds would fully penetrate depending on how strong the shield is and at what intensity a beam can penetrate. This also means they have way less than a 50% chance of getting through. Fucking retarded is what it is.
I mean besides the fact that shields you can see and communicate through with EM cannot be penetrated with lasers.
Holdo was completely insane and so was Leia, that's my explanation. Remember that they are both very old women.
Plenty of us shat on TFA for that 'comes out of lightspeed 5 feet from the planet and doesn't end up like a bug on a windsheild' bullshit, but it was only of the only things that was a fuck up. Contrast that with TLJ in which literally every single thing is a fuckup. Every. Single. Thing.
At least TLJ is consistent about being a fuckup, I prefer that unironically a thousand times over TFA.
Actually, scratch that, if the shield decays exponentially between impulses (which is the only decay that makes sense regardless of the physical process), if the shield is blocking anything at all it should be blocking everything because only an idiot would have the flat part of the curve under the penetrability threshold.
IT can do whatever the plot needs it to do. Just like anything else in star wars. Because it's a movie for babies
He actually says that in the same scene he makes the jump. It's 8-second-drama at its most literal. Conflict it introduced, discussed and resolved within under a minute. What does the audience get out of it? A shot of sideways hyperspace.
But old Star Wars movies didn't have scenes that inevitable made people question the logic behind them. They had simpler rules, they didn't require explanations like the refresh rate of the shields or why a human is required to fly into hyperspace, or how one and only one ship can conveniently track the good guys through hyperspace. Back then it was just "this thing has this weak spot right here" so they could focus on more important things like some character development.
I agree with you. The only complication of simple rule I can remember is General Dodonna explaining why the rebels have to do the trench run instead of trying orbital bombardment - the air duct is "ray-shielded" and only proton torpedoes (of which there seem to be a finite resource) will penetrate it.
>Hardcore nerds are pissed about TLJ because expanded universe novels (read: glorified fan-fiction) had previously established that hyperdrive didn’t work that way.
Most people pissed about this aren't hardcore nerds, they're annoyed because new movies use lightspeed as retarded contrived plot magic which is fucking dumb no matter how much you care about the setting.
Why didn't they shoot the escape pod in a new hope in a world where they know droids exist and they even have droids in the empire?
Retards who don't understand writing or never saw the OT believe this.
The Empire was too high on their ego to care. They were so used to winning that they didn't mind. And I think there's a short conversation between two Imperials where they say they shouldn't bother shooting a tiny escape pod, but I can't remember for sure right now.
>Most people pissed about this aren't hardcore nerds, they're annoyed because new movies use lightspeed as retarded contrived plot magic which is fucking dumb no matter how much you care about the setting.
>SW uses scifi elements
>its fucking dumb
Oh really brainlet ? You should switch the genre.
>And I think there's a short conversation between two Imperials where they say they shouldn't bother shooting a tiny escape pod, but I can't remember for sure right now.
There is. They explicitly don't fire on it because there are no lifesigns aboard and it's at least the second one they detect.
However, the boardroom scene in ANH and all of ESB shows that the Empire tends to hire grade-A idiots to fill their mid-tier ranks. Else Vader wouldn't have to choke a bitch now and then.
>>SW uses scifi elements
>>its fucking dumb
>Oh really brainlet ? You should switch the genre.
It's not
>SW uses sci-fi elements
>NuSW plays it fast and loose with their established sci-fi elements for cheap thrills that strain suspension of disbelief
>established sci-fi elements
What are established scifi elements brainlet ? its not like these elements are somehow real and having a DIN standard. You can do what ever you want with them.
You can't really do whatever you want with them. If you establish something works like this in one movie and then show it working a different way on another movie, without a proper explanation, you are cheating.
>You can do what ever you want with them.
You are a disgusting normie, fuck off.
>If you establish something works like this in one movie and then show it working a different way on another movie, without a proper explanation, you are cheating.
Its StarWars nobody was really respecting canon you brainlet, Lucas even deleted the face of the old Vader and replaced it with Anakin's face for "immersion".
fuck off already faggot
nice, i literally forgot where they said that
Calling people brainlet on Sup Forums doesn't really make you look smart.
You cannot. The OT set the standard. For every deviation from what you see here, you need at least a throwaway line of why it doesn't work the way it seemed to before.
>Force ghosts can no longer physically interfere with the living, only provide motivational assistance and council
>being a Jedi requires training and distancing oneself from emotion, being a Dark Side user requires strong, uninhibited emotion. Even if you trust in the Force, you're not going to do anything but the most basic stuff without substantial training.
>Believe in the Force and you'll instantly become a Jedi. Become a Dark Side user through diligent training and distancing yourself from your loved ones.
>Hyperspace calculations ain't like dusting crops, boy. If I miscalculate, er could end up inside a star. --> implies that the ship will be destroyed, not Re planet
>Hyperspace works however you want it to, goes from being able to phase through objects to completely annihilating them on contact.
I mean I'm 100% with the point you're making here, but the fact that 2 of the 3 "SciFi elements" you list have to do with wizards and ghosts pisses me off.
Old Vader is still Sebastian Shaw.
Anakin redeemed is Christensen doing a rape stare, bringing it in line with Episode III.
No I didn't like that change either, but the only actual retcon Lucas introduced in the SE was Han retaliating to Greedo actually opening fire instead of preemptively blasting him.
So are we now splitting hair about whether SW is science fiction or fantasy? Because yes, it used to be a fairytale in space.
These were, however, some of the fundamental rules it ran by, no matter which way you categorize them.
Early EU works treated hyperdrive as Asimov-style hyperspace, where you take a shortcut through a higher spatial dimension. The nav calculations are about reconciling the two frames of reference so that you can exit safely and avoid realspace mass shadows that would pull you out of hyperspace (and probably leave you on a collusion course). Gravity wells also prevented entry of hyperspace and that was how interdictors worked.
Incredible Crossections and later works explained that it's actually more like "hyperspeed" where the hyperdrive shifts your ship into a faster-than-light frame of reference. Nav calculations are about taking vectors that avoid objects you would otherwise smash directly into. The "hyperspace" visual is extremely blue-shifted background radiation. It's also way, way faster than older takes on hyperdrive had assumed. Gravity wells trigger a hard-wired safety cutoff and that's how interdictors work now.
FO shields apparently have a refresh rate like a literal tv screen so with precise timing they can be bypassed.
Star Wars shields are not great in general relative to the normal weapons they use, so I'm not convinced the Supremacy's shields actually matter against a kilometer-plus RKV.
>first draft LMAO
>Calling people brainlet on Sup Forums doesn't really make you look smart.
>muh your not smart hehehe
ok try again
>The OT set the standard.
Lucas gave a shit to standards brainlet, watch the OT again.
>Force ghosts can no longer physically interfere with the living, only provide motivational assistance and council
>being a Jedi requires training and distancing oneself from emotion, being a Dark Side user requires strong, uninhibited emotion. Even if you trust in the Force, you're not going to do anything but the most basic stuff without substantial training.
Yeah that's a thing for Sith and Jedi, but both parties failed in the ST, so your canon is not valid anymore.
>Believe in the Force and you'll instantly become a Jedi. Become a Dark Side user through diligent training and distancing yourself from your loved ones.
Talking about canon, but has no clue about canon.
>Hyperspace calculations ain't like dusting crops, boy. If I miscalculate, er could end up inside a star. --> implies that the ship will be destroyed, not Re planet
That's canon because someone implied that 40 years ago ? I can only repeat myself, StarWars (Lucas) gives no fucks about things like this.Its a story for 12 years old kids and never tried to create a universal canon with Hyperspace technology. Stop watching space-operas with love and family as main topic, when you still cries about these things.
>"People don't actually realize it's actually a soap opera and it's all about family problems — it's not about spaceships." - George Lucas
Cute that you think the points you try to refute here are from the same user that called you out on your rampant brainletism. They're not. Looks like you're outnumbered.
>Looks like you're outnumbered.
Oh I'm scared
I hope this is pasta because otherwise you are a 90iq retard, hyperdrive has been shown plenty in the movies and if it worked as it did in the TLJ it would be the definitive weapon of mass destruction, there would be no need to use any other weapons but a large missile with FTL to annihilate an entire fleet.
This guy doesn't get it! Ahahahaha we reddit now!