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Dehest dehs deh dehe dehy deh dehie dehs. Deh deh dehing deh deh dehard deh deh dehs deh Dehwarts Dehdemy deh dehey deh dehed dehs deh deh indehable deh deh dehs. Deh deh deh dehy dehery, deh dehs’ deh dehency deh deh dehs deh deh dehment deh indehive deh deh dehial dehs, deh deh deh dehic undehical, deh deh dehtion deh indeh.
Dehs deh deh deh deh deh Dehling dehed deh deh deh Dehlberg dehing deh dehs; deh deh deh deh dehs deh deher deh dehen deh deh deh deh deh deh deht dehthing deh dehbody?deh dehusly dehable deh-dehtion deh deh dehs. Deh Dehry Dehher dehs deh deh anti-Dehtian (deh deh), deh deh’s dehly deh anti-Dehes Dehnd dehs deh dehs deh deh deh, dehty deh dehment. Deh deh dehs deh deh deh deh. Deh, dehfully, deh deh deher deh deh.
>d-deh dehst deh dehs deh deh dehough d-deh
Deh dehing deh dehful; deh deh deh dehble. Deh deh deh, Deh dehed deh dehry deh deh deher deh deh deh deh, deh dehor deh dehtead deh deh deher "dehed deh dehs."
Deh deh dehing deh deh deh deh deh deh dehry deh deh deh deh dehed. Deh dehed deh deh Deh deh dehed deh deh dehal deh dehs. Deh deh dehlous. Dehling's deh dehs deh dehed deh dehes deh deh dehs deh deh deh deh deh deh deh dehing. Deh Deh deh deh dehish, dehing deh deh Dehry Dehher deh deh deh Dehphen Dehng. Deh deh dehthing deh deh dehect deh, "Deh dehse dehs deh dehing Dehry Dehher deh dehdeh deh dehdeh, deh deh deh deh deher deh deh deh deh deh deh Dehphen Dehng." Deh deh deh deh dehght. Deh deh deh dehing dehic. Deh deh deh "Dehry Dehher" deh deh, deh deh, dehed deh deh Dehphen Dehng.
Abra Abra Kedabra, I'm gonna reach out and grab ya
He took Berlin I'm sure he can take a sneaky little shit with a scar on his forehead.
Chamber of Secrets is the best one.
What kind of spell is this?
Well, i guess that's that. This pasta is complete.
full circle
Like how no one in the movies ever brought this up. Like when they learned about the killing spell in the 4th book. Harry wasn't all like "holy fuck dracos dad tried to fucking murder me"
Good thing he didnt have enough midichlorians
Amazing. Simply beautiful
>Dehphen Dehng
Sidecus Losticus.
wow bravo rowling
Bravo, BRA-VO!
>everyone thinks that it's somehow okay to take your teacher hostage despite him doing nothing wrong
How the fuck did they not have Julian Sands play him, or at least some other evil wizard.
Harry Potter and The Urgent Owl From London
? ? ?
what a hack
Is this loss?
Friendly reminder this wasn't in the books. They didn't introduce the killing curse until book 4.
Truly genius of our time
>tfw you're such a shit wizard you get taken hostage by two second year students, one of which has a broken wand
That's literally the beginning and end of his character.
How did Molly Weasley kill Bellatrix Lestrange? Did she use avada kedavra? Shouldn't she be in Azkaban then?
ministry is always corrupt nepotism
Avada Sukyadik
Peak deh