New personality type thread

new personality type thread
pic not related

Other urls found in this thread:

>try again
>don't relate to any personality type meme or known INFPs


feels good man

Again, INFPs are more likely to believe in shit that makes them out to be worthless retards because they have high standards.

believe in what

i dont understand


there are really only 8 types

intj=infj (introverted intuition dominant) = people with a direct access to the mind of god, to man what man is to ape, biggest fattest penises, creative, funny, most muscular type, all of western canon created by this type, can be the other types if they choose to be
istj=isfj (introverted sensing dominant) = boring, curmudgeon, conservative, cheap, very small penis
intp=istp (introverted thinking dominant) = autistic, kind of person that goes to an anime convention, constantly try to put themselves in flow (video games, fixing computers/cars/cutting lawn with scissors, etc) to get their minds off of how gay and lame they are
infp=isfp (introverted feeling dominant) = pussy, so deep, special snowflake, self-important pricks
entj=estj (extroverted thinking dominant) = dudes who got their asses kicked by their dads and waste their lives trying to make daddy happy, women with extreme penis envy
esfj=enfj (extroverted feeling dominant) = fat black women that tell you to smile, the mask that women wear to trick you into giving them your money
enfp=entp (extroverted intuition dominant) = lol random xD wannabe comedians who think they're a lot smarter than they actually are
estp=esfp (extroverted sensing dominant) = chads and stacys, muh beer, much football, muh party, muh small talk

the p/j thing is mostly meaningless, it's complicated but if you're an introvert your p/j distinction is based on function #2 because it's what's "outwardly shown"
the functions show something in themselves (even though descriptions of them are pretty vague) but once you start trying to create an entire system based on them it gets wacky

Sounds right up my alley, thanks.



I used to score exclusively INFP on these tests whenever I would take them (once a year really), the thinking side is something I tried to cultivate to cope with my life. IQ 116, female. I think I'm autistic.

very boring tbf

See, I fucking knew I should have been a lawyer. I'm extremely charismatic and excellent at semantics. Unfortunately, I grew up poor and have always been terrified of excessive debt and law school ain't cheap.

Literally me desu but -A instead of -T, what does it all mean?

INTPs are geniuses bruh


Got this from several websites.

so, how fucked am I?

go count some flower stamens einstein


It's alright


>tfw istp

Also, test for those that are in need of a link as they can't use google:


Literally hitler

I know

Is ISTP good or bad?

im on the wrong site

INFP here.

fuk u

Intp a

Also 5w4 sx/so if that's means anything to anyone

>not even -A

chad please
intp master race

Sorry to see that mate. If it's any consolation, this is just everyone's favourite pseudo-science.

This is to us what horoscopes are to morons.

This is our mystic bullshit.

Did Stalin have kids?

INFP: Silently judging you from the window seat.

INTP, I got INTJ on time.

Schizoid and antisocial according to various online tests.

"Antisocial attitudes", MMPI-2 (T Score = 72)
"Antisocial practices", MMPI-2 (T Score = 76), but my "Antisocial behavior" is normal (T Score = 59).

Sadist, according to a test found in a study (the 9-items sadism test, something like that).

When someone tells an INFP "You suck," they're more likely to believe it. When an INFP can't achieve some treasured goal, they think it's all their own fault. They think that their efforts were lackluster, or that their temperament is wrong. Which, honestly, is often true, but it hurts more for an INFP. It hangs around longer, a dark shadow on everything, coloring every future perception.

That's Fi, your lead function, that's doing that. Being an INFP is hard because you have REALLY strong emotions. Society doesn't like people with strong emotions... It makes them unCOMfortable. So you deaden them out--- Fi only causes problems right?

But Fi is the function of inner fire. Righteous anger. Face your demons. Sever their neck veins with your own teeth. Give up all the meaningless conventions and throw yourself into it whole heartedly. You can put more into what you really want than anyone else. You can hold less back. Relight the fire that everyone tried to put out.

OK. Now, you feeling pumped? Feeling awesome? Perfect. Good job. Now ease off it. Slowly, gently, calm the fuck down.

Your emotions are the things that tell you what you are, and what you want. You need them to motivate you. You need them to get whatever it is in the world you want, or even to know what that is. But you need balance and control. Learn to recognize when you're spinning into depression, or anger, or rose-tinted delusional reverie, and bring it to heel.

Also, society has this bias that emotions are for girls... Well, that's not REALLY true, but since it didn't really matter what a girl did in tribal times, people are far more tolerant of them. So if ever you catch yourself thinking emotions emasculate you, think back to the last time you were convinced that, given a chance, you would slit some jerk's throat without conscience. Or how grand was your last victory.

You have to be extremely honest with yourself. Uncomfortably so. But it's worth it.

Good hunting.

I'm pretty similar but slightly more assertive and more right, slightly more libertarian.