Guys i don't understand?

guys i don't understand?
why are you so afraid of her?
what's the worst thing that could happen if hillary wins?

>what's the worst thing that could happen if hillary wins?



scapegoating russia for the emails

that's not that bad
not ww3 bad

WW3 with nuclear sauce. Look at what her and Obama did in Syria, Yemen, and Libya. Are you really that fucking dense.

You must be trolling. Nobody could be on /pol and still be so damn unaware. If you are, then do some reading.


what's that?

She becomes the American Angela Merkel.

she sent a bunch of emails big fucking deal,i don't that's going to cause ww3

now i really hope she wins.atleast then more trash will immigrate to you and rape,kill and blow you guys up!

Because if she wins, then women win period. Thwn it will be the end of men, we can't let that happen. She's a manhating dyke, who molests little girls, and promotes lgbt propaganda. I can't in good conscience vote for this liberal haggard. It goes against every fiber of my being.

At least Hillary isn't a dirty Russian. I wonder if the Russian people realize they are the cucks of the universe. I suspect since Putin controls their media they have no idea how much of a joke they are to the world. I think the fact Putin fears her is a good sign. Never trust a Russian.

>what's the worst thing that could happen if hillary wins?
Stability and prosperity, this is what Sup Forums losers hate. They want excitement and apocalypse in their shitty lives.

i can agree with that fellow man

There'll be another four years of Obama and liberal policies. Further racial and cultural division, sympathy for BLM and cop killing thugs, war with Russia, feminism, obamacare, radical islamic terrorism, anti-white rhetoric, etc etc etc..

russians are pretty cool tho
i can emigrate there no problem

you're pretty racist

She's dead-set on puting no fly zones in Syria and Russia has made it clear that if the USA does this, they will declare war

She'll rape your daughters

She wants to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria
Russia said they would retaliate

She wants to provoke war with Russia and start WWIII

we both know that that won't happen user

not if we don't rape her first!

she wants to start WW3 with russia

that would be pretty fun tho

We get it, for fucks sake. You hate white people.

i am white tho? does that mean i hate myself

600,000 Syrian "refugees" on American soil

>i hate myself
You tell me, user. You tell me.

i am stuck in a boring overly peaceful 3rd world country filled with idiots who don't even know that there are other countries outside of morocco
what do you think?

an even more fucked supreme court. if Hillary wins this country is finished

Jesus, dude. No wonder. I'm... I'm sorry, user.

In my opinion, Hillary Clinton is just going to extend the steady decline of America, and after this election you can be pretty sure that the rules are going to be changed to keep anything like Trump from happening again.

I'm not really a Trump fan, but if he gets elected it'll send a pretty big jolt to the nation and show the liberals that you shouldn't mock and belittle the most powerful demographic in the world.

By enacting a no fly zone, shooting down a Russian jet that violates it, Russia retaliates, USA escalates...

Provoking war with Russia and causing wwIII

i really do envy you guys
i can't even play vidya i have to go to france to buy some cus they're ridiculously overpriced here
and people here can't play anything aside from fifa so i have to play all by myself and everytime i talk about them they act like i am crazy

In case you idiots aren't paying attention, ww3 is already happening. You have it in your minds that ww3 will be nukes but what if it's not? What if it's localised conflicts driven by outside actors (Afghanistan, Ukraine , Syria, etc). The war is already on, and the election will be won by the person most favorable to continuing the conflicts, perpetuating the war machine without letting it get out of hand to actual open scale exchange between the superpowers (hrc obviously ). You faggots are being used.

Come to Canada I hear they're giving out free citizenship. You'll be the most hated flag on 4chinz but at least... you know.

when will moroco ever be mentioned in these conflicts when will ever do something exciting fucking hell i hate this pussy ass country

>most powerful demographic
and what exactly is that, my delusional friend?

She'll get Canada to start World War 3 via Justin Trucuck.

Go fuck your cousin, Abdel.

if this is ww3 then it's absolutely nothing compared to ww1 and ww2, so i'm not surprised many people "aren't aware"

The fuck you can, pal.

my cousin is already there working at some design company and i am planing to follow him as soon as i finish my studies

>the only way to win is to nuke our selves

So I see that OP is using the Socratic method. I have to admit that the method pissed me off at times, but it's good for reflection.

>Thinks Morocco is tough
You guys got attacked in Casablanca in 2003 and did nothing the fuck about it.

Face it, you're Muslim cucks.

You want morocco to look a little bit more like syria today?
Would that be fun?

What would a fucking Moroccan know about anything?


i was being sarcastic i fucking hate how much of a pussy my country is

Well, alright then. Practice your shitposting.

It will be a continuation of the last four years where more and more legislation has been passed to secure top down authority in America. American democracy is being exposed as a sham right now and the longer it is left to fester in its current state more entrenched the new authoritarian regime will become.

It is already clear that America is a country of propaganda, thought policing and a lowering of all standards to the lowest common denominator. Rational thought is under attack and once that has been stamped out and the population entirely consumed by dopamine/reward short circuiting entertainment, innovation will cease and humanity will die out.

This isn't an explicit agenda of the globalists, but their short sighted motivations are creating the reality of it.

alot actually
there is nothing to do here aside from learning about other more interesting countries

Debt, war with Russia, zero boarders, Obama care expanded, ect.

God help us

Effects of thermonuclear warfare, toxic chemicals in industrial areas destroy the ecosystem.

i would rather die in a war the die in this overly peace full pussy ass country

>what's the worst thing that could happen if hillary wins?
Democracy dies.

WW3 with Russia.

She wants no fly zones over Syria= War with Russia and Syria= WW3

ok guys this was pretty fun i am gonna go sleep now

If Hillary wins, you won't have a vote anymore.

A bigger increase of national debt, unneeded intervention that will hurt relations with Russia and continue to destabilise the Middle East, more pandering to a minority of the U.S population, and encouraged immigration from Mexico. It'[s like electing Obama with a vagina. No scratch that, it's exactly like electing Obama.

But America isn't a democracy, it's a republic.

>why are you so afraid of her?
Gee... I wonder what could possibly go wrong if the antichrist is elected president of the leading country of the western world.

>what's the worst thing that could happen if hillary wins?
Just WWIII, no big deal.

>fucking catholics

she will ensure population replacement with immigration and ensure the destruction of america and its values

Trench warfare? Is that what defines a conflict? Is that what makes a war? Look, the US will never 'declare war' again, we'll just fight wars. Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Ukraine, these are all current proxy conflicts habbening today. How is this not ww3?

No. It's a representative democracy.

Syrian no fly zone + blaming all her problems on Russia

>what's the worst thing that could happen if hillary wins?
we continue along the path we've been on since the first Bush

stop being a boot-licking globalist, you fuck

Jesus christ. This cliche again? Get an education burgerboy.

this and a lot more, newfag

The worst thing would be a continuation of the status quo, which she would obviously make her mission. It's been good to her and people like her, but has sowed the seeds for contempt on a global scale. Trump would be the shock needed to reset the system instantly, rather than prolonging its inevitable and greater collapse. Fuck you