>His First time watching
>Pic related happens
>He say's
Turn it off I'm done.
>Turn it off and watch Iron Man instead
What did Rian Johnson mean by this?
>Watching The Last Jedi with my 12 year old
12 year old what haha
did you seriously just make up a story where you're watching a star wars movie with your fictional wife's son and he confirms the talking points you picked up from Sup Forums, so then you you can share that story with your Sup Forums bros?
and I thought I was pathetic. Thanks user, everything is a matter of perspective
so you turned off one crappy movie to watch another crappy movie.
Not larping. He's my kid and yes he said turn it off.
>turns off spacecapeshit
>puts on actual capeshit
You’ve failed as a parent and a human bean
He's 12 bro. I dont know if he's seen this onr honestly. But Iron Man is great as far as capeshit goes. Of course Thor 3 is his 3rd favorite capeshit movie.
I know. I can't wait until you have kid and put on The Deer Hunter, Your kid will love you. Oh thank you dad for showing me such kino. Grow up virgin.
You could really see how Kathleen and co. were trying to make Leia the centerpiece of the sequel trilogy. None of the other original cast interacts with anyone else but her, and then get promptly killed off immediately afterwards.
Then Carrie fucks it all up by dying in real life.
Really would have loved to have seen the scramble behind the scenes as they try to figure out what the fuck to do now. Who can they bring back for nostalgia bucks at this point? Lando?
>put all their eggs on the basket of a coke junkie
what a bunch of retards
Im his kid he didnt make it up
Get off this racist website right now you little shit or I'll twll your real father!
And then the parents came in and everyone clapped
OP with his "son"
t. buttmad 35 year old star wars fans
Wasn’t Leia supposed to have played the biggest role in IX? Didn’t they promise not to Tarkin her? Literally what can they do now?
>Tarkin her
That's what they can do bud.
No I've definitely heard Disney make a statement about not planning to use that technology for her in IX.
my sides
You Star Wars fan boys are cancer. No wonder nobody fucking likes you guys.
Is that your honest interpretation?
Hey everyone! Check out this retard.
white male butthurt women having powers basically
also Luke told Leia in RoTJ he would train her in the force
My 16 year old high-functioning autistic brother hated Last Jedi, he just started playing his switch half way through with his headphones in.
He fucking loved everything Star Wars until this.
>watch the TV with my 8 years old wife's daughter
>Donald Tr*mp shows up
>he say'''s
Turn it off I'm done.
>turn it off and watch The Daily Show
What did the white trash mean by this????
yeah but is he cute?
What were they thinking? Are they retarded or what?
> butthurt SW fanboy detected.
Waahh my child hood is ruined! You should have been born to an African prostitute and forced into child soldier.
That's like the most boring use of the force I've ever seen.
At least Luke blew up the death star with the force, that is entertaining.
Leia has the stronger force blood line.
Survives explosion, survives deep space with no suit, produces the strongest force user in the galaxy, Kylo.
Old bitter ass virgin, dies from a projection.
Luke is a little manlet bitch like his fan boys.
Feminism truly does ruin everything, doesn't it?
I'll be sure to throw a hissyfit when you lie about seeing a children's movie in theaters with your "family"
Congratulation, your son saw through the bullshit of the movie and has a mind of it own compared to all the autistic fucks and nu-males that watches star wars religiously
>triggered white male
you kys you perpetually triggered autistic shit
Yeah, he's a good looking kid.
>gets mad when user makes up story about kid getting bored with SJW bullshit
>gets on Twitter and believes when someone says there kid is scared because Trump will deport them
Once again, you liberals prove to be the biggest hypocrites on the planet
>Of course Thor 3 is his 3rd favorite capeshit movie.
That just means he'll be posting in mommy threads in the future. Based.
My niece and nephew were bored by this movie. Afterward, my niece literally said, "That was boring. I would have rather stayed home and watched Frozen."
>Be 12
>Be watching this scene
>Mums husband starts literally sperging out about it
>Insist he turn it off and watch his favorite movie Iron Man instead