Harvey is white

>Harvey is white


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The cat is gonna be nigger though

I'm glad, more white faces in our shows and movies is what we need.


Another completely soulless fucking 'reimagining' of a show to get all that nostalgia money.

Fuck the creativity vacuum though, let's talk about which cast members have been BLACKED haha

>included just so he can be portrayed as a weak beta male compared to Sabrina's new friend LaDarius


wish I could watch him and Kiernan fucking. :(


this, but un-ironically

Kiki will always be pure.

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so they just went with a dude that looks like Kiki's twin?


>im 12 though
fucking hollywood pedos trying to sexualize preteen girls. how do we stop this?

sexualize them first

>dyed hair

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her parents did well, they can be proud

Harvey has brown hair and he doesn't look anything like him. But at least he is white. I expected Sabrina to get blacked

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I want teenage witch Salem back, but he could just steal the show every single episode.

>Harvey is white
>but he's actually not the love interest character
>meet the new character made for the Netflix™ audiences: Jamal

If only you knew how bad things truly are.

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Oh she will you’re deluding yourself if you think otherwise. This is Netflix remember

haha that's true bro

delete yourself

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The actor is talentless though

Don't shoot the messenger, bro.

I find it better to warn people now so that they are ready for when it inevitably happens. Plus I can be all like "I told you so".

>blonde white girl on a Netflix show
>thinking this won't end in another victory for Diversity™

there isn't a love interest because it's based on the current sabrina horror comic

She'll still get blacked. This is 2018. No white girl main character doesn't get blacked. They'll find a way. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

And that's a good thing.


I’m very confused. I remember Sabrina as a sitcom that also got a kids cartoon. Why is everyone making it out to be some horror Lovecraft thing?


Nah I'm sure Sabrina will instead use her powers to make herself grow a dick and become trans
>come on its 2018

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This unironically....

this is harvey kinkle now... and people say soy isn't harmful

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Pls delet this

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genderfluid demon or something probably

He's dreamy. That's all that matters in these brain dead shows.

It really is. This is Western Civilization, if you don't like it, fuck off. We don't need you. See ya.

Why is it always us? Statistically we're the least likely of all races and both genders to race mix. It should be a black woman with an Asian man, or a black man with an Asian or Latina woman. Or the white woman should be specifically Jewish as they are also breeding themselves out of existence (except the ultra orthodox), but nah, just pick on Barbie allll the fucking time. It's unrealistic, cliched, in your face.

Please provide links to appropriate outrage, I'm too lazy to find it myself these days

based Krager welcome to the Sup Forums squad took long enough

>blocks your #MeToo
How will (((they))) ever recover?

>rape the pedophiles
It's the perfect plan!

That's how it should be


Anybody who believes Kiki is safe because of this is retarded. NO fucking way the all-new character, Tyronius Potter, won’t be “shaking things up and giving Harvey a run for his money” in this Netflix production


>tyronius potter

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Kiernan requested it that way. It was a term they agreed on as long as she played Sabrina.

I thought he did a great job as young Dahmer, how does he go from that to this? I was expecting him to start getting some more high profile stuff

s-stop it

Why do you care? He's probably gonna have a black or some Arab girlfriend. (((Hollywood))) needs to burn