I already KNOW Ryan Gosling was born a female so please post some others to check out and confirm. I'm an expert on transvestigation and can offer you objecive facts.
What are some other hidden female to male transgender actors?
Tell me more about why you know this, OP?
Does he have some of those hot dog dicks they put on FtM trannies?
McKenzie Davis (whore from BR2049)
oh You want female to male ones
Check male and female spines and hip location.
Man has straight back like a P or L when woman has and S shaped back.
Also the female hips are below the pelvic region alike the female hips which are above.
Checked her she's not.
Is this why so many straight men are attracted to him? Perhaps they subconsciously sense his femininity.
>Perhaps they subconsciously sense his femininity
Your subcoscious always tracks things you don't understand and if you stop communicating with it you appear repressed and confused. You see Gosling and you think you're lookingat a man and feel gay because of this but he really is a woman.
One has to wonder how many men become homosexual because of this brainwashing and they will never know how it all began...
Are there any other nuance to differentiating trans ppl from normal ones?
Preferably attributes that are easier to see with clothes on
Is this some form of shitposting? There is footage from goose when he was a child.
They start them young, pretty much all hollywood stars are trans
Shit, I knew there was a reason why mods deleted my "why are men attracted to Gosling" thread yesterday.
could you go into more detail with pics. I don't see anything odd looking about Gosling
What about:
Chloe Moretz
Taylor Swift
Cara Delevigne
Eddie Redmayne
Shit, his hips really start before the belly button
those hips have to be shopped WHAT THE FUCK
Sandra Bullock is a tranny, proof in here:
is there any other explanation for what you are observing?
are you you sure you arent falling victim to confirmation bias?
Post yfw OP is a Hollywood Jew and this is actually a spec op designed to bring more attention to Gosling's feminine traits and turn even more straight men into homos
>In fact, there are pictures of S.B. wearing frilly dresses and long hair cut like a girl's as early as her pre-pubescent childhood
read the rest of it, tard
>tfw I have the same bodytype
what should I do, /fit/?
I think i found one senpai
Present your boipuss to my dick.
>nobody has posted the ONE (1) actress that was born androgynous
>no one has yet posted the pasta
Sup Forums is dead
Work on delts and lats to get width up top, this'll deemphisize your hips. Generally though don't go for bulk, focus on getting lean and mean. Good body goals would be prime Brad Pitt or soccer players like David Beckham.
No shit he has feminine hips. He also has eyes that are visibly lower than one another. He's a goofy looking motherfucker.
these always sound like nonsense (and just guys feeling something off and fake about plastic women being dressed and photographed by gay dudes) until you see "the youtube account related to this video was shut down" then you go hmmm
First of all, OP is full of bullshit, of course Goose isn't a girl.
Second, I want you to take a real close look at kids, both male and female. What you'll notice is that they look THE SAME. From baby age to about 5 or 6, maybe even later, boys and girls are pretty much the same in all regards except genitals. Round faces, chubby bodies etc. The differences start in puberty. So if OP really cliams that they start them young then there shouldn't be many telltale signs if they're put on Hormone replacement very young.
Not him. Shoulder width, hand size, hip to shoulder ratio, protruding knuckles, Adam's apple.
Lets have a close look at kids
you know what i mean faggot, or do you want the leddit response
>that came off wrong, oops!
Explains why dudes like him/her so much
mirin' those barrelchest pecs.
And yet he's still a millionaire heart-throb who's slayed more pussy IRL than you've seen on the internet.
I'm unironically curious about whether he's ever been fucked with a strap-on. Surely there are hollywood whores who appreciate his fat bitch hips.
i'd suck her cock
He was a child actor for fuck sakes, you can litterly watch him go through puberty. But no, hes a chick
my dad says that she has a twin brother named Bryan and they switched places at some point to hide the transition. now Bryan just does porn and he can't act in Hollywood ever again.
Is your dad an entertainment lawyer for Nintendo?
he works at Best Buy. why?
Your dad sounds like a Chad
Um sweetie... you do realize men can also have larger hipbones/waist
They still won't look like woman's but also will not have that v shape
that dude does look like a womyn tho
Michael Obama is the most famous one of them all.
saw on a YT comment ages ago that jennifer aniston is a tranny. confirm or deny OP
Everybody is focusing on his hips but his pecs look the most abnormal to me. It's almost like there's a mastectomy scar on the right, and his nipples are misaligned.
I have large hips, ama
You ever been fucked in the ass?
That whole thing is retarded, tard.
How has this not been posted yet?
Wideboi vs. Thiccboi, who wins?
damnit it i have the same kind of waist/hips feels bad
his body is literally the size of a car
For all that deny the evidence, plz look at the basics I presented. Find a photo of goose and examine his back which arches and also the hip location. It's not about "muh men can have big hips too". I talked about the below crotch hip location and S shaped arched back which can not be changed and exist since birth.
Try to be critical for once.
I just checked them, they're not.
Straight back, hips above the crotch. She is a male.
You're still a male. You have a straight back and hips above the ctotch. Don't worry, it's not the same.
Jamie Clayton IS a tranny, user. There's no doubt about it.
What about those mr user
Did you like it?
Look at this image of ryan goslin and see how his back arches inside and the hips/butt starts from around the middle. Ignore the tatoos and realise than a man can't have this back even if he suffers lordosis. Also his hips widest point is below the crotch and a very acute q-angle
he's not user, straight back of a man and hips above the crotch
I'm working on them please wait
Why don't you post some Gosling pictures then, faggot
The burden of proof rests on you
maybe, wish it didnt happen
Feels bad
Ok i checked they're all the gender they claim (even Chloe strangely) except Eddie Redmayne who was born a woman. Learn to look into the person's back and hip point. You can look at the anatomy on the link I posted and learn to do it yourself, it takes a little to get used to but your eyes will catch the difference gradually. It's all about training.
>gosling is like me
so he unsoyed himself? br49 soyposter BTFO!
So I'd okay if i masturbate to ryan, right? It isn't gay, right?
It technically isn't. It depends if you think masturbating to Buck Angel is also not.
Personally I love the actor Goose and I don't hate transgenders but the truth is the truth.
If anything I feel sad for him having been subjected to this since birth and brainwashed for serving some piece of shit's agenda.
Its the fingers ya mook
>these fucking spergs
seriously, whats the deal with these people lately coming up with this shit
you should kill yourself.
The fingers mean nothing, they have nothing to do with childbirth. Today woman and men start to look similar because all the hormones in the foods and that's why you see so many having many charasteristics of the opposite sex, like strong jaws. A woman can have longer ring finger even if it's not the norm, skeletal structure is the defining point. which is the back and pelvis/hips
There's a lot disinfo in youtube. Many will claim Emma Watson is a man which is wrong as she has female structure. Ignore all the bullshit and stick with your research, we live in a very sick world.
>any conspiracy ever discussed
>(((it's actually a psyops to discredit real conspiracy theorists you guys!!!)))
>"black women look like men"
wow yeah ok
>"mel gibson looks like a black man"
nigga what
this is literally the case tho
>look how actually like a woman he is, just be laser-foccused on how he doesnt have chest hair in this area and mix up feminine and masculine only in this white male action hero!
wtf I LOVE ryan gosling now!
Looks like an overgrown baby in its diaper
>Eddie Redmayne
I fucking knew it. "He" looks more natural as a woman than he does as a man.
That's another pic of Goose when you can she the arch on his back beginning even though he has his arms hiding a large portion of it. Also take a look at the forward leaning belly pelvis, a clear sign of a woman with a body made for carrying children. If he was a man his belly would be flat and much more solid given he works out but instead it's soft a the muscles around this area relaxed because a woman's belly need to be expanded in case she is pregrant. Also underdeveloped pecs which can't be corrected with any traning.
Are you sure you don't just really, really, really want to fuck Ryan Gosling?
Your posts are becoming noticeably more fetishistic as you go along.
Also thois is a female bodybuilder for reference. Can you see how flat her upper pecs look even after all the steroids?
A woman's mamary glad are made to carry milk so they will always remain underdeveloped.
Compare it with goose and also notice how there's not any clear seperation between his abdominal and chest muscles which often seem to almost erge together. Same with the female.
Everyone can give me requests if he wants to but please try to look into it yourselves to.
I'm trying to help people and provide facts which you choose to ignore. How can I offer what I want to say without giving insight and descriptions?
It seems like you're projecting and being rude for no reason other than the momentary pleasure of mocking me.
If you have any other subject you want me to look into I can. You're welcome.
>mammary glands
I was just fucking with you user. Keep doing what you're doing.
Oh if that's the case I'm sorry. I can be really dense when being serious.
How about that guy who was the lead cop in Fargo season 2. He seems extemely feminine. Patrick Wilson or something.
Thank you
If you're talking about him he's not. You can see the straght back and hips in this image, also the very male way of running. Women run (and walk) very differently so if you catch them in action their movement looks wrong for someone posing as male.
>except Eddie Redmayne
So thats why I've always seen something extremely gay, feminine and disgusting in him(her)
For reference look the prime minister of Canada Justin Tudeau who is a transgerer. Take notice of the very different movement compared to the man on the right and how he leans his weight on the front leg instead on the back like a man. That's why you see chicks "catwalking" and swinging their hips.
Also look at the widest hip point which is below the crotch and forms an acute angle inside which makes his knees appear pencil-like.