Literally find a fucking flaw

This movie is comfy as fuck and unironically the second best Star Wars kino after Empire.

People like to assume it's bad because it's associated with the prequels but it's better than the new Disney shit

>best villain
>best fight scenes
>most memorable dialogue and memes

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hayden Christiansen's squeaky voice

>emo faggot
>best villain

Literally the entire fucking script. What went wrong with you, you miserable fuck?

First Act's Anakin/Obi Wan relationship (a half point because it makes you realise how much of a wasted opportunity AoTC was for the characters and what a pointless waste of a movie TPM was too).
Some of the ship battles look nice
Ewan Mcgreggor and Ian Mcdiarmid are wonderful.
Some of the prop and set designs
Fun memes that arise from how shit this movie is relatively speaking. (Though it's the best of the prequels.)

Most of the CGI doesn't hold up
The dialogue is fucking terrible
Anakin's fall is contrived, unbelievable, rushed, and confusing given the character we were show in act 1.
The Jedi in all Prequel movies seem far too incompetent to be Jedi and have zero spirituality bar Yoda, Qui Gon, and sometimes Obi Wan.
The dialogue bares mentioning again
The fights, whilst fun on a really base level, are over choreographed messes that go on for 30 minutes
Full of plot holes regarding the OT. Leia remembering her mother, Luke going to live with his family 2 yards from Anakin's mothers grave, hope he never visits lol, Palpatine's flippy powers and reflexes don't save him from an amputee slowly dropping him down a hole etc. I could go on.
It's shot very boring
The direction is very poor
The script is a mess
It, and the other prequels, constantly introduce new villains then kill them off with no development.
Anakin's a whiny bitch still
The Jedi constantly behave in ways people just wouldn't to enable the plot to continue, this can be said for most of the cast really.
R2 and C3P0's ending, lovely retcon lads. GG George.

I'm going to stop now because I'm bringing myself down.

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I was referring to sheev you numbnuts

Watch yo profamity

I love ROTS, it has some of the best moments of the series. It also has a lot of terrible shit in it too but I'm able to look past them.

>unironically the second best Star Wars kino after Empire.

I think you meant ironically since RotS is the most-overrated SW movie.

I can't

.t rian johnson

The acting by at least 2 of the main actors was garbage. They cut the scene that explains Anakin being mad at not becoming a master because he wanted access to jedi records only masters can see.

Ep.III is jam packed with great fights, important plot points and memes. That is why it's tied for third best SW movie along side ROTJ.

>the dialogue is fucking terrible
It’s treason, then.


What would have happened if Obi finished off Anakin instead of letting him live? Would Sheev found out another disciple and dominated the galaxy anyways?

It's a bad movie, stop saying this shit is better than TLJ, TLJ is a mediocre film, the prequels were atrocious

First half is bad. Coughing robot was shit. Anakin was a fucking idiot.

Nah bro TLJ was a boring mess with no likable characters

General Grievous was original as fuck, interesting as fuck, and now, begone, sir.

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1 and 2 are atrocious. 3 is actually enjoyable

No, parts in 3 were enjoyable, most of it is agonizingly shitty writing and boring and hell. Seriously, if an old man's over acting is the best part of to movie by such a long shot it's time to admit that its a really bad movie, when you hear people say anything good about ROTS they'll usually say something like "It's an origin for darth vader" which I don't see how fan service = quality movie.

The real reason TLJ is so hated is because le* JSW themes, and zero fan service.

tlj is unironically the worst film i have ever seen. everything about it is just terrible, it has zero redeeming qualities. aotc is a masterpiece compared to tlj.

>The real reason TLJ is so hated is because le* JSW themes, and zero fan service.

Wrong, watch Mauler's critique on it.

Probably because its themes offended you and there weren't enough light sabers in it for you to clap your hands at

Battle of the Heroes is the best ost of the sw soundtrack. Fight me

Grevious comes across as kinda pointless when viewing it as standalone. When accompanied by the Clone Wars CGI series, ROTS actually works pretty well on all levels since there's a lot of precedent for Anakin to view the jedi as a corroding bureaucracy driven by a lust to maintain political power.

Its nice.


>not march at the jedi temple

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Puddmeh was so fucking hot

> Lived long enough to watch the most hated and criticized sequels of a franchise in the history of cinema become the most beloved vehicle of comedy and memes to unironically beloved kino

It's basically on par with ROTJ, honestly. It's an enjoyable flick with some very obvious flaws that bring it down without killing the fun of the film. That being said, I would say ROTS has probably the most interesting atmosphere of all 6 films. The post-decline era of the OT was novel, but personally there's nothing more interesting than watching the exact moment before the old order falls away.

I believe it has flaws like every movie. E.g. Anakin's transformation could have been better communicated. It's not obvious when he starts hating the Jedi. At the "what have i done" moment he has some anger towards them but he still regrets his actions and he's main motivation is to save Padmé.

That being said, I believe it's the closest to what any modern SW movie should aim to be.

>What would have happened if Obi finished off Anakin instead of letting him live? Would Sheev found out another disciple and dominated the galaxy anyways?

He'd realise that he didn't need any prophet boy to conquer the galaxy and bring balance to the force. He just needed to believe in himself.

Episode 2 was just as good if not better. 3 had terrible lighting, go watch the Darth plageus speech scene again the lighting is just awful it looks like a YouTube sketch it should've looked way nicer than that.

>Attack of the Clones
>Better than anything

It's time for you to leave.

Attack of the clones had an interesting structure and I like the detective Obi Wan shit and the Dooku vs Anakin fight

better than disney wars, definitely

I agree. The labyrinthine opening shot— of Anakin and Obi-Wan giving chase to Dooku through the space vehicles on the planet of Coruscant—is a mighty and audacious gauntlet-throw, the digital equivalent of the opening shot of Orson Welles’s “Touch of Evil." It wheels and gyrates and zips and pivots with a vertiginous wonder that declares, from the beginning, that Lucas had big visual ideas and was about to realize them with a heroically inventive virtuosity. And the rest of the movie follows through on that self-dare.

If I had seen ROTS in real time, in a theatre upon its release, in 2005, I think that, at the moment when Sheev, sizzling in the blue lightning that Mace Windu reflects back at him, cries out to Anakin, “Power! Unlimited Power!,” I would have leaped out of my seat yelling with excitement. The entire movie is filled with an absolute splendor of the pulp sublime, and that moment is its very apogee. Lucas reaches historic heights in the filming of action: the martial artistry of Anakin and Obi-Wan’s double duel versus Dooku, the gaping maw of outer space and of the airshaft into which the heroic duo drops, Obi-Wan’s light-sabre fight with the four-armed Grievous, and, above all, the apocalyptic inferno of the confrontation of Obi-Wan and Anakin. I watched these sequences over and was repeatedly and unflaggingly amazed by Lucas’s precise, dynamic, wildly imaginative direction.

The scripted politics of the conflicts have a grand imagination to match. What Lucas brings to the script of ROTS is a quasi-Shakespearean backroom dialectic of power-maneuvering. The dialogue is just heightened and sententious enough, just sufficiently rhetorical, to convey the grave moment of ideas in conflict and the grand mortal results of that dialectical clash—the making of a villain and the unmaking of a republic.

Really, episode 1 should never have happened. Attack of the Clones becomes Episode 1 and Episode 3 becomes 2 and 3. Also I'd have done this.

>Introduce a masked man villain
>Wears something similar to the iconic "Darth Vader" helmet
>seems to show up to kill people and does dirty work
>Dooku is arrested but this masked character breaks in and kills Dooku
>Padme even mentions that this character really helped expedite what could have become a lengthy trial by just offing said character
>The masked man kills all the jedi at the temple
>Anakin and Padme decide to flee the war
>Padme is some how next in line to be emporeor cause she's also from Naboo(fuck it, idk, it works)
>Obi-wan says he senses the masked man is on the planet Anakin and Padme are on
>the masked man is there to kill Padme and Anakin
>we hear off screen a lightsaber fight of Anakin and Vader
>We see Obi-wan reacting in panic and heart break
>it is implied Vader killed Anakin, the truth is not shown to the audience
>Obi-wan and Vader fight, Obi-wan maims Vader badly and he becomes a cyborg

I think episode 3 is really good, but ruining the ESB twist is really stupid. This is how you make it as a prequel. Yes it's dumb and corny. You should absolutely protect the identity of Vader till ESB and establish Anakin and Vader as characters in one movie and treat them as different entities. Turning Vader into a mask Anakin wore to do the dirty work he felt needed to get done really helps grow Anakin as a character too.

I won't, it's the third best Star Wars movie. After New Hope and Last Jedi.

Across the Stars is better

>all a movie needs to be good is "themes"

I actually had a dream last night that I was Anakin and instead of being burnt up and dying at the end I was arrested and put on trial, but then some extra-galactic aliens attacked and then let me off to assemble a team to fight them which included fucking Spider-Man and some x-men

Man, tolerance breaks from weed gives you some weird and vivid dreams

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Smoking Sick Style combos

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the gay undertones of sheev n darth

>best villain
Episode 6
>best fight scenes
Episode 5 or 6 definitely non of the dance numbers from the prequels
>most memorable dialogue and memes
Episode 1 and 2 are "better" in that regard.

TLJ is Episode 2 tier.