Attached: IMG_5935.jpg (355x418, 50K)
Carter Ward
Other urls found in this thread:
Isaac Walker
Grayson Green
makes sense, she doesn't have great acting skills and her sudden rise from spanish TV is something
Jaxson Harris
based Harvey
Wyatt Torres
harvey standing next to some no name?
so what
Oliver Lewis
Oh no! A picture of Harvey with an actress. This obviously proves they fucked, just like pic related proves Trump was a Clinton plant, right?
Chase Allen
delet NOW
Ryan Ross
She also fucked Benicio del Toro back in 2009
David Ortiz
Cuban Lexi Belle whores herself out for roles, why am I not surprised.
Nicholas James
Adam Brown
It’s Sup Forums‘s collective waifu fym
Matthew Roberts
It's not a secret she likes older men
Levi Williams
Gavin Rogers
People are shot literally every day in Detroit alone, let alone the rest of America
Why do people lose their shit over one guy?
Jason Reyes
> trump not a clinton plant
> republicans are losing safe seats in pennsylvania suburbia and alabama since he's potus
> constantly fires his own people and his administration is in flames
Kayden Jackson
Colton Stewart
You mean Sup Forumseddit's. Don't associate me with that dishonest cheeto dust of a """movie."""
David Powell
You fucking moron, that picture proves Clinton was a Trump plant, you fucking idiot. Holy shit I can't believe how fucking dumb you are.
Trump planned it back in the '90s, she'd run against him in the 2016 election, she'd run such a piss poor campaign that he could literally say anything he fucking wants, and win, and then he passes the savings onto himself, and her buddies like Warren Buffett.
Holy fucking shit, how can you be so fucking moronic, it's like you haven't even understood 4D chess, when Trump has already taken it to 10D.
Jesus Christ, get your shit together user.
Jeremiah James
Because the media told them to
Fascinating how the media takes an obvious thug and an obvious case of self-defense and turns it into the next Emmitt Till.
Christopher Anderson
>Emma (((Watson)))
Lucas Nguyen
>losing to the person we planted as an opponent was the plan all along haha
Thomas Hernandez
Is that fucking PIERRE WOODMAN? Give the video!
Nolan Bell
There is an article about how you should pick the most extreme and indefensible cases, so the people talk about it.
Colton Hill
>Trumps filling his cabinet with neocons and about to start another war for Israel
>"b-but we're winning right guys?"
Dominic Martin
As much as I hate liberal baiting in the media, Zimmerman ended up being a piece of shit who bragged about killing the kid. It wasn't self-defense because he went out of his way to follow and provoke him with the intent to kill him
Jose Roberts
Carson Jackson
Please post these in every BR2049 thread. They need to leave Sup Forums.
Robert Miller
What these picture have to do with quality of the movie, you fucking brainlet?
Luke Price
>Ana harvested to pursue a career
>Career launched at the time of #MeToo
>Doesn't say anything
Really gets the mind rolling
Jackson Watson
The threads are always waifufag or goosefag circlejerks. Also need to post that article where Gosling says women are better than men.
Cooper Baker
Tearup that goypussy, Harv
Brody Fisher
tear up that goypussy, harvey
Andrew Lopez
Cooper Phillips
There's no way she hasn't been havested by one jew or another. I sure would have made her swallow mynut if I were in a position to demand it.
Anthony Reyes
it's Labi Champion, PR in ibiza
Gavin Cook
Logan Wright
why did i hear that on rorschachs voice
Matthew Roberts
BR2049 was voted MOTY of 2017 tho
Ryder Peterson
why not? at least harv was a good chap and offered these talentless cocksuckers a role and money.
Kevin Gonzalez
Hudson Myers
based Weinstein, who does he do it?
Jonathan Sullivan
Ayden Long
>hides your thread and makes a drink
it's all so tiresome
Jack Foster
Because Sup Forumsedditors and Sup Forumsacks outnumber true Sup Forums.
Joshua Fisher
>It's actually Weinstein's cock
Austin Ward
The word going around is that some girls didn't even have to suck, the Jew just loved to have his cock resting on their faces for up to half hour. Sometimes he'd have them kiss his balls as as a "Thank you, Harvey" before putting his dick away. That's it. Nothing too humiliating.
Ayden Myers
The threads now are useless buzzwords like "dishonest" and "videogame cinematography" because of brainlets like you.
Sebastian Morris
Julian Collins
Kayden Bailey
>It's actually Weinstein's cock