Why did this scene look like a literal video game?

Why did this scene look like a literal video game?

Attached: bladerunner.jpg (800x450, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/proto soy/

it didnt, youre just a memer


Attached: Blade.Runner.2049.2017.1080p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS.mkv_snapshot_00.21.50_[2018.03.15_15.59.30].jpg (1920x800, 583K)

Dude neon colors and autism so frigging superior

>That soft ambient occlusion
>That garish lighting setup
>That horrifically forced choreography

Unironically looks out like a syndicate(2012) sequel

Why do you and every other user feel the uncontrollable, retarded urge to insert the word “literal” into every statement and question you make?

>that horrifically forced cinematography

when being contrarian goes wrong

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Kubrick cinematography is imdb-tier entry pseud shit, it looks pretty on cinegrids but merely veils a self-validating, self-satisfying self-indulgent aesthetic. For more see:
Wes Anderson
Alfonso Cuaron
Gonzalez Inaurittu

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it doesnt

>Resorting to soy provocations

A vilenuevian I see.

>all those buzzwords
>no actual argument
spot the nu-male who dropped 50 grand on a film degree

Maybe because real time processing has almost caught up to pre-rendered cgi.

In 5 years time, you won't be able to tell the difference.

unironically and literally is words for faggots on here who can’t creatively discuss anything

The amount of buzzword this mentally ill autist spouts per day is simply astonishing

based video game autist

not an argument

mfw op is right


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what video game cause I'm bored and need something to play

already played deus sex

highly embarassing post

>saying pseud and self-validating is an argument

Report and don't give op attention.

literally every single one of these threads has OP coming out unscathed and being held to little or no debate

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All my posts have been fastidiously on topic and relevant to cinematic discussion. That's why my project here is fruitful: people like to hear the truth.

There is not much to argue when OP thinks "soy", "dishonest" or constant mentions of video games are any arguments at all

You have to make an argument before anyone can debate you.
Shitting out a bunch of memes and buzzwords doesn't qualify, butthole.

K bud

Anderson is alright, but all his films are the same. Peaked at The Life Aquatic and you know it.

>I'm trying to be like my hero Armond White. Give me attention.

>All my posts have been fastidiously on topic and relevant to cinematic discussion.
Talking about playstation video games and soy is hardly a "cinematic" discussion.
And that's the reason why most of your pathetic threads get deleted by jannies

If you want to read me that cynically then sure. Except I try and earn my attention through thoughtfulness and erudite critique unlike your fellow vilenuevian.

>talking about playstation video games till infinity
>"thoughtfulness and erudite critique"
beyond embarassing

This movie was better than the original.

Both films are great on their own merits, the new one isn't trying to "outdo" the original, it is a completely standalone film.
But in some departments the new one is most definitely better, for example the romantic subplot of K and his virtual waifu is ten times more genuinely emotionally investing and moving than the absolutely flat romance with non existent chemistry we got from Deckard and Rachel in the original. And K is a much better and more explored protagonist than the one note Deckard in the original.
This is pretty much a non disputable fact.

>non existent chemistry we got from Deckard and Rachel in the original
sounds like low test projection

So was the girl replicant kind of on the same side as k? It seemed like she killed K's boss because she thought she had succeeded in killing the replicant baby and didnt want that to happen. I also wasnt really sure what most of that shit was with the guy with big eyes. Was the chick replicant playing him or genuinely on his side? I understand that he wanted the child dead too

>more explored
>Depicting solipsism via gloomy close up counts as genuine introspection
>indisputable fact

This shit may stick if you're in your early twenties but just because a director wants you to SEE a character as having depth (not that being vaguely 'isolated' comes even close) doesn't mean you have to believe him, sucking cinematic cock by proxy and lapsing into idle veg out mode like a 'smart' little vilenuevian.

You didn’t give a single argument for the first one having a more explored protagonist, which it doesn’t since Deckard merely serves as a medium to explore the setting and other characters, while in BR2049 the entire film is solely abouz K and his Pinnochio like journey of transcending his original programming

this but unironically


The original looks more like a videogame in some shots

Attached: Blade Runner 1982 Final Cut Blu-ray.mkv_snapshot_00.16.19.jpg (1920x800, 290K)

>>> reddit

Except that looks like a video game with artistic wit over neo next gen banality. Weak non argument.

woah... so THIS is the power of post-irony

>artistic wit
It looks extremely dated and just crude in some of these shots. Here the flames look like youtube tier videocopilot compositing

Attached: Blade Runner 1982 Final Cut Blu-ray.mkv_snapshot_00.22.42.jpg (1920x800, 104K)

Theres still a zesty organic attitude that defies the myopic self consciousness of 2049. It looks visionary, 2049 affected providence whilst scott simply strutted his stuff. If you can't see that you've no doubt become enveloped in ideology.

my thoughts exactly
there is no doubt in the original that you were seeing the work of a real talent
2049 is like "yeah it looks 'good'" but it's always for looking goods sake

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>a sequel expands on the visual narrative of the first one
woah riveting insight

That doesn’t change the fact that the first one looks dated and crude at some points because of bad compositing. Original yes, but dated.

All these threads are started by an autistic Ridley Scott fanboy angry that his favorite hack director is no longer relevant.

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It looks like the bloom effects in modern vidya


>forced choreography
You what mate?

I can still hear the soothing voice of the ads in my head

>>a sequel expands on the visual narrative of the first one


>Rapes then appropriates with next gen flourish

>Expands the visual narrative

Stop talking about what you don't know you don't know.

Why do you keep spamming these awful threads, ReviewScrew?

The failed proto-soy project of conflating my voice with this infant is dull, and intellectually offensive. Reviewscrew makes no comment on the failed aesthetic of Blade Runner and its kinects as ghastly video game voyeurism. As expected a comic book and reddit fan.Next time you attempt debate do it honestly.

Attached: steve-jobs-movie-trailer.jpg (720x720, 65K)

>next gen flourish
The reddit spacing and the brainfart at the end of your post don't help either.

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/proto soy/

I actually find your posts oddly cathartic, they show I've got a discussion going, and a strength of will in the battle of ideas. Keep it comin, I've got a bunch to say about this movie seeing as a certain sect of Sup Forums is so insistent on its quality.

>Exact same response every time you're called out
>Makes the same threads 15 times a day
It's like you're a bot

Except almost all criticism about the movie comes from your inane ramblings. Their is no discussion you deluded inbred.

I don't know what video games look like, user, but you tell us

It takes a videogame player to know video games, and we all know you love call of duty, ReviewScrew

A discussion implies an exchange of ideas, while this is just a one way buzzword channel from you. If there was "a discussion" I wouldn't be able to find 100 posts of you that are exactly the same
>strength of will
Funny how you think of your copy paste spam mental illness as a "strength"

If you find my work difficult to parse that's your problem and personal benchmark.

This movie was so good op can't stop thinking about it.

Where did I even imply you write anything remotely "difficult"?
Talking about video games and soy is not difficult, I was only making fun of how you think copy pasting the same playstation buzzwords is some kind of "discussion" and how you interpret your spam autism as a "strength of will"

You've been giving me repeat viewings to no end and I've made the aim of my work clear and will develop and improve my technique until I peak and this board begins to pull their heads out of the gutter. How long that will take no one know, but I'll know it when I see it.

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