Girl Takes DNA Test, But Shocking Heritage Results Bring Her To Tears
You have to buy into the idea that what you are born is more important than what you and others around you do after you are born in order for this to matter at all.
doesn't fucking matter lol
Read a fucking book, cuck.
Staged as fuck.
This is top cringe at it's finest.
Bunch of complete halfwits and only goes to show that most of these pieces of shit care about what a person looks like and not what their DNA tells them.
What a load of shite
Is it supposed to be obvious that these people are all actors?
pretty bad actors desu
Bitch found out she's related to Wendy Torrence from The Shining.
>We are one race, the human race
>No borders, goy
Yes goy, the results are not modified whatsoever. You are 50% (European Ethnicity), 20% Bantu, 10% Asian, 5% Jewish, and 15% Australian Aboriginal
How does your retort even make a lick of sense? And don't call it trolling, not every stupid thing you post online is a troll.
Fucking retarded
not to mention DNA tests take allot of time.
Saw this shit on Facebook 6 months ago, did not clicked
wtf I'm 0.0001% syrian.
I'm with her now.
Increase syrian refugees by 10,000% one of those could be 1/100000th my cousin.
fucking cucks.
I'm going to guess, they're all from Africa, the Middle East before becoming European.
How would that change anything? My forefathers left those places because the people there sucked balls.
This is the worst, most poorly staged, globalist bullshit, EVER. Shut it down.
This is stupid...I took DNA test and I wasn't emotional about it
you read a book
I dont get it, just because i share heart dna with a chimp doesnt mean chimps are the same as me.
Until you actually experience genetic truma like me you never know what it's like. I thought I was 100% English but it turned out I had German, Irish, Scottish, French, Italian and all that shit and I was so ashamed i fell into depression for 3 month.
jesus, the editing of that shit made me want to puke.
how can someone watch that without feeling as though violence is being done to them on some level
Inam not a pure superior race but i have a race and dna these globalisr cocksuckers could go suck a dat one, I consider myself nearly racially equal to whites and thus have no issue with ethnic provinces if we are all the same it should be the same result.
DNA makes you who you are.
HBD confirmed.
So will you shut up about racism?
I am only missing 16% of the genes of western euros anyway.
"Do you know how DNA works?"
LOL idiots have to be told half of genes come from one parent, etc.
Staged propaganda nonsense
everyone knows there is no 'pure' anything
>My ancestor was a fish so i must be a fish
Why are they crying? Fucking bitches.
Wtf are you talking about leaf. Do they put estrogen in the water up there?
I found out there's slav in my genepool.
I didn't have a cry about it though and just went about my business.
100% fake. while actually we did descend from prehistoric ancestors in Africa billions of years ago, we have differentiated so much now that aside from visual differences, there are actually genetic differences.
For example the DNA of a person with primarily African descent will actually possess a genetic marker exclusive to that race. Its how they can identify HeLa cancer cells.
I found out I had literal Sicilian blood in me, if you found that out too you'd be scared and mad and angry at DNA
Fucking leaf cuck.
I opened my fucking letter from 23andMe and guess what?
>5% Ashkenazi
I took the results like a man, no depression bullshit.
Thats a pretty cool mixture man
Also europeans all have a mixture in them
Nigga you dum
I'd probably be like 25 % jew man who cares, I never got my invite to the world domination club
Globalist fucking scam. Get fucked.
I would have gone into depression for years if i found that out
No I wanted to be 100% ENGLISH! I was in tears when I found out I actually hated my parents for having a mongrel like me
I would never forgive my parents.
>there's no such thing as race!
>we checked your DNA and you're actually mixed race! we can even break down your ethnic heritage by percentages!
>stupid thing such as a pure race
I'd like to have a word, goy
Great. Discover I'm a nigger and now I want to rape and eat chicken.
steal a bike or two.
It's not my parents.
It's my great great grand parents they reckon.
We're all the same goyim, open your borders and let everyone in.
Did one of those, 97% Scandinavian, 2% Sami and 1% Russian. No finnish surprisingly.
You think they would accept me in one of those videos or are they all cherry picked?
That explains why you pick up pennies of the street.
master race reportan
ask yer mum where my 0.2% subsaharan manifests
its a canadian thing, anglo/french and all that
Fucking this.
They can't deny DNA evidence anymore so they 'embrace' it in the most retaerded of ways...
mfw i'm 98% potato nigger
Fucking this.
They can't deny DNA evidence anymore so they 'embrace' it in the most retarded of ways...
Sup Forums is filled with cucks who haven't achieved shit themselves. not saying they're all like that but about 80% maybe more.
in order to not kill themselves out of depression, they take pride in "my parents are white"
I think this is dangerous.
I know what I am..
Probably 15% Native American (That's being extremely generous)
75% English
15% Gypsy..
I didn't check if those numbers added up. I know for a fact that I'm probably more than 90% European. But what bothers me, is that they think it makes people have a stronger sense of identity to say "I'm human", that's not the case at all. When we ask a religious person whether they've seen god or heard him speak, we cause the religious man to doubt his faith. Or when we say to a patriotic man "All humans are the same", we cause him to doubt his faith. It's not the faith itself which ismportant; it's the fellowship of the people within the faith that's important. If there was legitimately no race on Earth, and we were all the same, except for skin color, I think that ingroup faith still matters. i think it's important to have ingroup faith and fellowship, regardless of whatever a DNA test says.
The only important people in my life is the people where I live, my family, friends, and locals. It's moral to live in the harmony of our relationships, and it causes depression to live in the disharmony or spitefulness towards our relationships. What effect does a DNA test do but divide relationships? Therefore, what moral justification is there to expose the fallibility of identity?
>Do you know how DNA works? You get 50% from your mum and 50% from your dad
I really hope this britbong wasn't being serious and just giving a simple answer for the mouthbreather.
one drop, nigger.
>((( 27.3% )))
so fucking scripted
Into the trash it goes. Everyone knows Ashkenazi's are mixed Arabs/whites, technically mixed race and therefore not it's own subgroup
>these idiots not understanding how racism works
Mexican born White Nationalist here AMA
Stay away from this Jew run company. Use 23andme if you must.
This is probably true. From all the face posting threads I've been in as well, most motherfuckers are ugly, let alone have decent a e s t h e t i c s baka
Says the faggot who needs to shit on others to feel better.
>has his world view btfo in every thread
I literally hate my family. I couldn't give two fucks who's ball sack I came from.
>fall into depression because muh origins
Talk back to me when you have an alcoholic father that tried to ship you to China multiple times faggot.
we americans are racist sometimes. WE say that mexicans are all rapists when in truth, we are the illegal immigrants. WE stole the land from the natives, we are the ones who should leave, in reality, the native americans should only have the right to make that statement , not us. And no, i am not a far leftliberal SJW. I am a atheist, who shares some right wing beliefs. I am not saying we should allow millions of thrid worlders into our countries, but being racist wont solve anything.
you're trash because you are racist.
Females only can find out their maternal line anyway. XX vs XY
Says the retard who belongs to a country which could not keep its empire toghether.
Yeah, those paid actors sure did play those strawmen effectively.
My paternal line is entireƱy euro though.
>parents both get 23andMe done
>100% northern european
feels good man
Did I misunderstand or did the black guy claim to be 100% cuban?
The thing is I've never given a shit about race and dna. It's their terrible cultures that I have a problem with.
>face posting threads
>Sup Forums
there were a couple of those like years ago, no person in their right mind would post their face on Sup Forums or Sup Forums of all places.
aka only the most retarded people did that
> WE stole the land form the natives
Who only had it because they conquered other weaker peoples and took their land. Aboriginal history isn't " lol 20k years ago all the tribes settled in their land and lived peacefully with the other tribes until the evil white man came ".
Conquer or be conquered, welcome to the way of the Pre WWII world.
uh but what a person looks like is literally what their DNA tells them?
About the kurdish girl
If I learned I'm a turkish rape baby I would be even more angry
Cuban americans are cuban white cubans are blk.
There is awlways a sadder story than your own, user. Just get over it and forgive him and get on with your life.
Pic related are my results. The results you get from 23andme are mostly speculative and filled in by other people paying for the test. One page on their site has a range slider going from 90% certain to 50% certain, the 50% part being most speculative which is guessing and not based on your genetics. If you set it back to 90%, you'll see what you were expecting. I was more interested in the medical screening and it didn't tell me jack shit.
TLDR: 23andme is a waste of money and total bullshit.
LUCKY! I had to fall into depression because i found out i was southern european
> tfw I found out that I too am part clover monkey
You're just a beta cunt m8
23andme or ancestry.com?
Imma do it right now
sorry goatfuckerstan every one knows that 23andme as well as other companies have been caught lying about results because of globalist faggotry
people originally had every intention of just doing what they advertised but a few years ago they all at the same time said that they had done the test wring and now needed to redo the test
this made some suspicious and they submitted multiple samples under different names and found they had made all of it up. 1 sample comes back with a wide range of middle eastern and etheopian then another comes back a mix of all european types with some west african
they admitted to misrepresenting the results but were not held legally accountable because of jewish faggotry
cuck a fucking read, book.
>literally has a line for "british"
Bull shit DNA test.
so where can you get 100% accurate results? Pay your GP?
Is this some kind of joke?
so fake
they are all just cookie cutter stereotypes, right down to the professor in the horn rim glasses and tweed jacket
Brown peoples greatest achievement is leaching off more sucessful races
Really made me think!
These are all actors and fake.
open your mind. open your world. open your borders.
His Great Grandma got fuckered by colonial soldier
>the paki guy is dressed traditionally
>not dressed like Ali G
im 2/7th spanish because i have spanish surname