Which one of you did this?
Which one of you did this?
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How about you post the link to the video dumbass
fuck this guy is a rlly good actor im only a few minutes in but have a bump
Is it you?
no i meant the guy pretending to be a kid is a rlly good actor i hope he catches all the pedos and gets em rekt what a cool strat
u didn't have to post the vidya, the virgins here all know him
wait is this guy already a meme?
Looks Mexican, probably from QuattroChan
is that moonman in the background?
Why has no one thought of this before? He could do a tv show with guys like this. Would be so based.
Guy lived in my state.
that's be hilarious i would def watch that
>thats a big hill!
>Im really good at geology
fuck this guy plays the retarded 13 year old rlly well
There's nothing wrong with being a pedo
Why do anti-pedos talk like mentally retarded children?
im not retarded i just like abbreviating words its easier u fuck
>not living at home with your mommy and daddy
Its easier because typing in full sentences with real words takes more frontal lobe capacity which you lack.
You mean most of the fucking human population?
What about that leaf in toronto who does the same thing?
The funny thing is, the pedos are usually indians and asians.
So you follow what most of the human population think? Reread what you wrote, and realize its the same argument leftists use against "racists".
>comparing racism to fucking children
The mentally ill pedo strikes again
Holy shit fuck off you stupid kiddie fucker. No one thinks fucking kids is ok. You have a problem with your brain and should kill yourself. We know you think about killing yourself all the time so just do it. Stop disappointing your family and everyone around you and kys, my man.
I compared the argument against them both. They are very comparable, because they are irrational. Saying because the majority believes something must be right it is is lemming behavior.
That's your entire argument? I should kill myself? Cute. Rind et al. shows the vast majority of consensual sex between children and adults is not harmful.
>so what most of the sane and natural part of the population thinks. (Like 99%)
what kind of SICK person is attracted to 14 year olds?
There is no discussion here. I'm not arguing with you because there is nothing to debate. You must kill yourself. You know you must. I'm not even trying to talk you into it. I know you think about it every day. I just want you to do it, I am cheering for you. Do it.
No, you're right. The reason why you should not have molested kids is because it fucks them up.
Pizza roll fucker.
the last 1 minutes was a bit sad
kek u dirty fuck
>keep photos of 13 year old self and other teenage boys and girls
>Spend days and nights chatting online pretending to be a teenager
>Relentlessly sext other guys
>LOL I'm doing this to catch the pervs!
Enjoy life behind bars being raped by Jamal & Co.
>Yea, I'm actually 5.9
Lol. This was so poorly thought out.
This whole video is retarded.
>you must have gotten a real good deal on this car
>wow, that's good.
These are questions that 13 year olds ask.
What a fucking moron.
You sound triggered.
lol @ your tabs
>guy pretending to be a kid is a really good actor
You're the guy, aren't you?
theres nothing dirty about this. i want all young girls to be protected from sickos hoping to exploit thier tight bodies.
for what? protecting girls?
4:40 hahahhahaha i can't stop laughing
Dubs say he is the guy
>you thought i was 23 year old dude pretending to be 13?
Well, let's be honest here. No one with half a braincell would think he's 13. It's not a stretch.
That guy is hot af
no homo
what's so funny about 4:40?
I'm fairly certain anxiety war's anxiety would be alleviated by coming out of the closet.
hes talking about how much he "hated" looking at dicks all summer
>"i was sick of it i was like hey , this whole summer i've been talking to this pervert"