Will we ever get a Community movie? Do you even want it at this point? Is there any potential for it to be good or will it just be shit?
Community thread
Will we ever get a Community movie? Do you even want it at this point...
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If they can can't get everyone it will be Jeff still at Greendale seeing everyone move on. If they can get everyone back it will be a study group gets back together and does something feature-length, probably including some paintball
Community was fantastic for the first 2 seasons and then just went downhill. Starting slowly at first then snowballing.
britta a cute, A CUTE
I agree with you except 6 was the worst. They had 4 characters left.
Nah Britta was only hot before she got stupid, then it was all about Annie.
Absolutely Gilly
How is she so perfect? She can be all glammed up like in your pic or wearing her pajamas with no makeup on for an Instagram picture and still look amazing.
Shit opinions senpai, S6 was great and much better than it had any right to be, much better le wacky gas leak season or 5 which was boring as fuck. Also Annie > Britta and Gillian > Allison
Really pretty girls are smashing no matter what, they just alternate between different shades of beautiful.
If you guys like Gilly listen to her on Comedy Bang Bang, any episode with her and Paul F. Tompkins is gold
Truth, the only thing you’re missing is a power gap between seasons 5 and 4
Who the fuck wants that? That's about as dumb a. Idea as an Arrested Development movie.
Good taste. Season 2 is best because it strikes the perfect balance between season 1 being a bit too college rom-com cliche and season 3/4 being too wacky with the constant themed episodes. Season 6 is underrated as well
>How is she so perfect? She can be all glammed up like in your pic or wearing her pajamas with no makeup on for an Instagram picture and still look amazing.
Autistic answer: because beauty comes down to simple things like facial symmetry and proportion. You can fix this slightly with makeup, you can hide flaws or straighten out your face, but people who are "genuinely" beautiful don't need to.
I just tried and it says I gotta get some stitcher bullshit. Fuck that.
Nobody wants it. Harmon has brain damage from alcoholism.
Most of them are on Youtube, just search. Here’s a good one.
I don't think it's a good idea but I still want to see them complete the 6 seasons and a movie. Trouble in everyone is doing their own thing now. Gillian is shilling diet Coke, Alison is being in every Dave Franco movie + GLOW, Joel has a weekly talk show with Netflix, Donald is juggling 4 movies, a TV show and a music career, Chevy might as well be dead. The only one who's not busy is Danny pudi
S6 is the patrician choice
6>2>1>3>5>>>>>>6 and 2 are close. I honestly think 6 may have been written a little bit better but I think the cast was working with better chemistry in season 2. The cast was great for 6 but you could tell they were still getting used to each other. Keith David should've been on this show with Chevy Chase though, I think that would've been hysterical
Even Gillian has a Netflix show and movie coming out in addition to other movies. You’re right though, pretty much the only ones not up to anything are Abed and Chang
Abed was in Powerless. It wasn't a good show.
I love how they had Elroy being on the outside of the group and not just immediately being their BFF like most shows would, him saying “were you guys close?” and the way he leaves during the Finale were hilarious
She has purple knees from getting fucked raw
>slow blinks
M-muh dick
>Hey “Britta!” It’s me, “Abed!” Haha from the NBC show? Just wanted to drop by for old times sake! You heard anything about the Community movie? I’m not busy! Hey maybe if that doesn’t pan out you could mention me to the director if you guys need an understudy for this play? I get off my IHOP shift at 9pm. Alright catch you later “Brits!” Don’t eat too many baggles haha!
Community was a shit show.
I’d be okay with being cucked by Craig
s6 had no pierce. he was the funniest part about the show.
Those eyes are the epitome of “fear, but also a boner”
How early did fans start the whole ‘6 seasons and a movie’ thing? Because the show peaked pretty early and then went way downhill, with the later seasons becoming heinously bad.
A movie at this point would just be sad.
I've cum over this picture too many time to count.
I couldn't even finish the Yahoo season
I'd prefer if it just faded away at this point, too much of the cast is gone. Seasons 1, 2 and 4 were pretty good, let it die while it was still 50% good
Peak Community right here
also I might be getting 4 mixed up with 3 based on this thread...I forgot which season Dan left
I’d really only say 4 and 5 were bad and they were still watchable, 1/3 misses isn’t bad. Most American shows wind up going on until 3/4s of the show is garbage
4 is referred to as the "gas leak" season so you probably are.
That’s a shame because S6 was actually good and definitely the best of the last three seasons. I feel like it gets a bad rap just because people usually think last season = bad for comedies
That's simply just not true
started my rewatch recently.. on to s3 now. Chang is worthless but the dean makes up for it. Show is hilarious and classic. Miss those years
After 3 chang is a detriment to the show, only redeeming himself in season 6, where he is hysterical
>watching this dogshit past season 2
The only actual bad season for me was 4 . 1-3 were amazing and 5 was alright. I wanted to hate season 6 but it turned out way better than it had any right to be. On par with 1-3 imo.
because seasons 3 and 6 are both very good, and 4 and 5 are more obnoxious but still entirely watchable
I like how Chang basically went full circle in S6 and they let him just be a supporting role again, him getting bitten by the cat and doing The Karate Kid were great
A lot of patricians in this thread recognizing season 6 was kino. Not on the same level as the first three seasons, but better than five and WAAAAAY better than four.
>Abed was in Powerless. It wasn't a good show.
I actually really liked Powerless. Was upsetting as fuck when they just scrapped it without finishing the season and sold off the last two episodes to new zealand, and didn't even bother to air them in the US.
It was colorful and comfy, plus the OP was tunes.
>season 6
>very good
Vanessa Hudgens was surprisingly decent as the straight-man, and I liked Abed and Alan Tudyk, but everyone else was unfunny and the episodes were boring.
It was the best of the last three seasons and in general way way better than it had any right to be for a show on its last season, cancelled from its home network and picked up by a literal who streaming service, that also had lost three of its main cast. They did a good job with making it more grounded but still hilarious, managing the new characters (Elroy was GOAT), making Chang into a human being again, addressing how sad it was they were all still stuck in the same college after 6 years while still keeping it funny, and also wrapping it all up with a great finale episode that works perfectly for the series.
I"m not saying S6 was perfect and it was certainly no S1/S2 but it really was a lot better than I ever hoped it would be
Gilly? You know she's married to Garry Marshall right? You know she went back to his home planet to push that genital-less baby out of her vagina after carrying it for two weeks, right? The baby of Mr. Marshall?
yeah, at the very least it was no worse than all the other capeshit shows on
Second best girl.
>almost forty years old
>unmarried despite being gorgeous and funny
>single, no boyfriends as far as I've ever seen
So she's a lesbian or something right?
>top tier love interest
>gets written off unceremoniously
honestly her leaving was totally uncalled for and lowered the quality of the show
Other than cheating on him, Mickey seemed pretty cool, most of her worst moments were a product of Gus being a total spineless worm. I really liked her a lot in the new season when she had her shit together and was a lot more happy and pleasant
Only behind Frankie
The show started mentioning it in mid/late season 2.
I'm pretty sure at that point it was meant to be a joke though.
Jesus he really was in nothing last year. At least he got to do some voice work for Hearthstone, that's cool
I was rooting hard for powerless. It wasn't great but Ron fuchs and Danny pudi were starting to be funny. And vanessa hudgens was likeable (and quite fuckable). Damn shame
dios mio... la creatura lesbiana....
its a meme you dip
It was a joke in the episode where they're all remember things that never actually happened in Season 2, Jeff tells Abed the Cape is gonna be cancelled and he replies "Six seasons and a movie", then they used it a few more times in the show like when Abed was crying over Cougar Town being cancelled. It was a joke in the show that the fans adopted, not vice versa
Good christ, she is just incredible.
I saw her walking around New York once. We made prolonged eye contact. I want to go back to that moment.
>Jeff doesn't need a girl who doesn't wear underwear because Oprah told her it would spice things up. He needs a girl who doesn't wear underwear because she hasn't done laundry in 3 weeks. He's been to flavor-country. They should retire the table we did it on.
Fucking awesome
Is it really surprising to people that this happens to actors and actresses? Most Hollywood marriages are shit and you're constantly all over the world working and travelling which doesn't really leave time to settle down for a relationship. Plus she got her big break recently so it's not surprising she's capitalizing on that rather than looking for a boyfriend
The real lesbian kino moment was later in the episode when Annie tries to kiss Brita
She was pretty good in suicide squad
brie's skin isn't that good up close is it satan?
What flavor does she have?
Funny, I was thinking of all the pimples on Brie's face as I posted this
And if you're in the mood for a diet coke, have a diet coke.
How comes Jacobs just gets CUTER with age, yet Brie becomes grosser with each pasting day?
because brie maintained a higher peak sexy level for too long. gilly has maintained a constant cute level, she isn't gassed like brie
Gilly has a good maternal look to her and also is goofy and cutesy enough that any flaws can work for her
Allison was mostly banking on the "sexy schoolgirl" look which works when you're like 25 but not so much when you're almost 40. Also now she's going for the pure sexy look trying to be a vixen, which doesn't work as well unless you're actually extremely sexy, so her flaws stand out more. Expectations basically. Nobody really thinks of Gilly as a sex symbol, she's just a goofy chick who happens to be hot, whereas Allison is actively trying to remind you have hot she is any time you see her
I hope she got paid well for this because it has to be one of the worst commercials I've seen in a long time. Why the fuck would you not at least use her comedic talents to make a joke in the commercial or something? Why do you need Gillian Jacobs to shill for Coke if the commercial is just "Man I love Coke, buy Coke guys!"
I thought she was being sarcastic
>Yurt it up!
Britta would call her a sellout for that
nobody likes britta. not even gilly
whomplers birthday at six flags is great. so is the one with gabrus.
nothing will ever top russ ross dress for less. that has so much pathetic dialogue, its hilarious
>its the purge after midnight
>dogs took over the bathroom
>no boy shorts
I just think it's hard to parse her selling coca cola after seeing her for years as a character that would loathe everything coke stands for
Oh, Britta's in this?
wasn't that the point of having her cast?
Community was shit after season 2. Not debatable
I really doubt it's supposed to be ironic or sarcastic, that's a pretty esoteric joke for a company as big as Coke to be ironically self-advertising using an anti-capitalist character from Community
>walk into the gym shower after a long workout
>see this
What do?
Doubtful. If anything it gives off a sunken place vibe. And if it were intentional they probably wouldn't have cash a random Indian guy in the other one
>hit the community showers after class.
>all the girls laugh at my grades and penis
>you will never be this close to gillian
Why don't I end it
>Will we ever get a Community movie?
>Do you even want it at this point?
>Is there any potential for it to be good
>or will it just be shit?