White Disporia

Fellow Burgers, this is a thread for you. Feel free to reply if you're in different country atm.
>What is your ethnic makeup?
>Did you ever visit your grandparent's or parent's homeland in search of something?
>If so did you find that something?
I'm a quarter Indonesian and I plan on visiting Indonesia with 5 of my cousins come next summer.
I have no idea why I'm going except to meet family.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm ¾ NW Europe and ¼ Sicilian. I look like a half-arab.

I've seldom left the American Midwest, and I've never left the country or even seen the ocean.

>Going to Indonesia in summer



Holy fucking shit user.
You've never seen the ocean?
Also, what do you mean by northwest European?
Elaborate please.
I swear to god if you say Dutch, that Ocean meme just got 100% danker.


There's no summer here now.
Raining all day. for the whole year.

>White Disporia
>Fellow Burgers

Jokes on you Hans, I'm also 1/4 Dutch.

>>What is your ethnic makeup?
>>Did you ever visit your grandparent's or parent's homeland in search of something?
>>If so did you find that something?
What the fuck?

I'm Italian, Irish, Scottish, Cornish, English, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Nordic Russian, Austrian, Swiss, Hungarian, Sicilian, Egyptian, Syrian, Israelite, and Polish.

5/8 enthic Russian. 1/8 kike. 1/8 Hungarian. 1/8 Romanian.

Yes, but I was not searching for anything in particular, just visiting family.
Yes, I found my family.

Norse Russian or Slavic?

My extended family are a bunch of brits who I have no intention of meeting.
The only ones I care about are here in Straya and Straya is the only country I care about

>I'm also 1/4 Dutch.
you're mixed, like every american. meaning you're nothing. there's nothing dutch about you. that's not how genetics works.

English, Irish with some Scot, German and Hungarian

Have no ties at all in the Old World.

If you are a purebred you are not Dutch. You are an inbred on a national level, you aren't Dutch, you are a freak

facebook tier meme

Would you believe me if I told you my name was actually Hans?

We sexed the dutch up during ww2, they are like half Canadian.

hello nsa! don't come back

>Born in London
>Both parents born in Scotland
>Spent my early childhood in rural Hampshire and my later childhood in rural Aberdeenshire
>Never lived in a town with Have lived all over this sceptered Isle and shall continue to do so until the day I die, with it's spirit firmly in my heart.

All Anglo commonwealth countries are poor imitations, as are their people.


I visited Ireland, met second cousins, found the church of my great grandfather, and an inscription dedicated to him there. I hate when Europoors make fun of Americans for caring about their heritage, "muh fractions" etc.
like this shit

I'm also proud to have heritage from the mayflower, so I'm like a 14th generation American and a 14th generation bay stater. So that's cool.

white need to leave other countries
i hate you

race =/= culture or name.

you americans are all mixed cucks with no real heritage.

Is it true that Slavic Russians don't consider Norse Russians real Russians?

English, Scottish, Irish, German, Austrian, Danish.

I hope to.

I'm 1/4 French but never knew my French grandfather. Nowadays, I have no real desire to visit France as it's a muslim-tier rathole.
My other grandfather is of Dutch descent, but I never really cared for Holland all that much. Just a bunch of stoners.
Honestly, I think I'd be a better fit for east Europe.

Western Slavic/Nordic

Is your name romesh?

My maternal grandparents are from the Ural mountains, basically Russo-Mongolia. Anything goes for being a Russian.

>green eyes
bruh, I think I might be more Dutch than you.


Born in Germany to 100% German parents and 100% proud of it. 1/x% German = NOT GERMAN

Slavic/Uralic Russian here.

Norse Russians sounds like a meme. Almost no one in Russia has Scandinavian ancestry.

Unless looks are implicated, in which case I'm "Nordic", sure. I look like a more Finnish version of Forsen.

>>What is your ethnic makeup?
Earliest ancestors were english and dutch colonists in the 1600s. mixed with virtually every kind of european immigrant over the centuries so I'm a mutt like every other white american . white americans identifying as anything other than white americans is dumb.
>>Did you ever visit your grandparent's or parent's homeland in search of something?
The US east coast is their homeland.

from what I understand I am
Native Alaskan
Sephardic Jewish

I as much of a mutt as it can get


Is it okay to just be okay with your family having inhabited the region since before America existed?


Hol up
Watch this shit, and then tell me you don't want to move here.
No seriously, would you want to?
I do.

Almost this. There are a few from Karellia which you could consider Nordic.

>What is your ethnic makeup?
I was born in Brazil and I moved to burgerland when I was a kid but I'm Portuguese, Italian, and gypsy heritage
>Did you ever visit your grandparent's or parent's homeland in search of something?
Nope, I plan on visiting Portugal someday though

I'm part Italian, Polish and German

I celebrate my heritage by making dank pierogi and spaghetti sauce

of the three where should I visit?

>What is your ethnic makeup?
Ancestors are from Ireland, England, and Germany
>Did you ever visit your grandparent's or parent's homeland in search of something?

kill yourself

Did you not understand what i wrote here , Burger.

1/x German = NOT GERMAN. I'm sorry, but we have enough shitskins here to deal with at the moment, so you're not allowed to enter.

haha that seems pretty comfy tbqh

100% German on my mom's side, blonde hair and blue eyes everywhere. Mostly English and French mix background on my dad's side, with a splash of [spoiler] Mexican [/spoiler] from my great great grandmother. I ended up blonde hair, brown eyes and with skin that doesn't burn and can grow a full beard.

I was born on this side of the future great Wall of MAGA and I intend to remain there.

>What is your ethnic makeup?
Irish, German, Scottish, and Native American
>Did you ever visit your grandparent's or parent's homeland in search of something?
The reservation in search of gibs
>If so did you find that something
Getting some gibs next semester.

>>green eyes
see, not dutch. now kill yourself you race mixed mongoloid.
typical american manlet (6'2" is average)

You're not fooling me, Ahmed, I've been to Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

>66% Nordic, 31% Anglo, 1st generation American
>Father is a 1st generation red-pilled BC leaf
>Grandfather is pure blood Dane who moved to Canada from Denmark in WW2
> Haven't been to Denmark yet but plan to.
>Don't plan to have kids in America, it's on its way out, might try for Australia or some other based white nation.

>I've been to Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
then you have seen tourists and almost no natives. good for you.

My mom is Australian, but not aboriginal. Her make up is french and british. My dad is Italian. I've been to both places and would like to settle down in Italy if I ever make it big. I find Australian's abrasive.

Dutch have no heritage, infact since you aren't mixed I can't even call you Dutch, you are simply inbred, the real dutch moved to America a long ass time ago.

>Middle eastern and sub-saharan African tourists in the droves

>Not realizing it's actually about 6'1"

>Dutch have no heritage
>be the merchants of the world
>be the greatest painters of the world
>sell niggers to ameritards and fill their shithole of a country with them, and our pockets with their money
yeah ok

Ayeeeee my people.

I can't get gibs though. I don't think Shawnee has gibs to gib

If you are "pure German" you aren't German at all. You have to have some British, French, Italian, Dutch, and everything else

Look up Ogla of Kiev, she was a Russian Queen with Vangarian roots. Also the Tver royal family had Vangarian roots.

That's a shame, Potawatomi master race, here.

Shut up you pathetic faggots. Just because You're 1/84th native americsn doesn't mean you deserve anything.

>blue eyes
You are proof you aren't white, please have cancer, you are a literal giant freak. You aren't white, you are a freak

>be the merchants of the world
sure buddy

>be the greatest painters
You misspelled France and Italy

>sell niggers to ameritards and fill their shithole of a country with them, and our pockets with their money
Because Holland is too much of a shithole to even afford slaves, you are literal third world, you can't even claim to be european


1/6 gazillions muh yuro heritage doesn't make all of you Burgers european at all.


can you not read? I never even said anything about myself. 6'2" is average.
>a fucking leaf
go back to your igloo
>sure buddy
East India company? oh wait, north america only has SJW education and nothing else.
>france and italy
hahahha no. clearly you know nothing.

You aren't German tho, all Germans live in America now. If you didn't move to America by at least 1920 you aren't American.

>can you not read? I never even said anything about myself. 6'2" is average.
No it isn't. If anyone around here was that tall they'd be mocked and called a freak.

>go back to your igloo
Dutch education everyone

>East India company? oh wait, north america only has SJW education and nothing else.
That was done by the British

>hahahha no. clearly you know nothing.
Dutch art is trash, you clearly know nothing lol

1/8th, and I agree that doesn't mean I deserve anything, but it does mean that I can get something.

You are guaranteed not 100% Dutch you silly fuck.

You're just a Germanic/Scandi mongrel by your own logic.

Lmfao, gramps flew in from NL in 1958.
Stop being salty as fuck.
My dad spoke Dutch growing up.
My great grandparents were from Den Haag and Heerlen.
I'm going to marry a QT dutch wife and settle down in the NL and there's nothing you can do to stop me Ahmed.

Germans aren't better than anyone, you lose wars instead of win them and import cuckoldry and invent scat fetishes

all the best Germans died in WW1 and WW2, or immigrated to America like my great grandmother did.

What's left in Germany are the weak and the Slavic rape babies.

The funny thing is there's more German DNA here than there is in Germany. That's why all of the men in your country look like numales and compared to how they did in old WWII footage. All the actual German men died with their cause.


40% of children born in Germany are brown.

That's a shocking statistic. And no, Germany is not superior to Europe as a whole. Your country is now on its third attempt to ruin the continent.

plastic podraig detected

God, what a depressing stat.
We need to drop a few nukes and declare a race war already.

1/2 Norse, 1/4 Jap, 1/4 Bulgarian Jew

would drag my balls through glass for a thousand miles to make trump win this election

Pic related

Welcome aboard user.
Btw, just curious.
Do you look Finnish?

We have a heritage of liberating your swamp donkey cuck shed of a country

>What is your ethnic makeup?

>Did you ever visit your grandparent's or parent's homeland in search of something?
I've been to Brooklyn many times

>If so did you find that something?
Yeah, I yelled at a Dominican guy on the JFK expressway

Never felt more like a New Yorker lemme tellya

When you were here 'fore
Couldn't look my wife's son in the eye
Family from north Europe
All pale blue eyes

I'm white as a feather
In a New England town
I wish I was German
You're so fuckin' German

But I'm a Swede
I'm a cuckold
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

It's comic how many people on Sup Forums have Jewish ancestry.

How do you guys feel about the joos?

eh, fuck this country

even whites are an unnatural amalgamation of euoprean peoples. All this country has done is create 300 million stateless peoples.

I am German and would do anything to be Swedish

>Ethnic Makeup
My family has been in this nation so long, it is hard to trace a single predominantly ethnicity, besides "Western European." My father's family is Danish/English/Scottish and my mother's is Scottish/French/East Prussian/Indian (dirty race mixers).
My father was born in Alabama, as his father, as his father, going back to the time before Alabama was a state. Before that, they lived in Maryland. I have direct ancestors who fought in the War of the Secession, the American Revolution, and in the French and Indian war. This is my homeland. Fuck the late comers.

what type Jew we talking about? not big on the Soros kind but the average Jew on the street is okay as long as there not one of those orthodox douc bags. Israelis are pretty based.

Fuck off inbred, you aren't American you are a traitor confederate

Says a fucking leaf. Go back to sucking the Queens tit.

>leaf telling us who's american and who's not

this is like when we try to tell Europeans who is white and who is not

>A leaf
At least we fought for something we believed in, unlike your stock, faggot loyalists who fled.

You know, I felt like this before I realized that it can work, but only with Europeans.
Europeans share common core values.
Sure, they can differ quite a bit, but the basics are all there.
The country just needs a cleansing.
We're not stateless, we're just being pushed out.
Can I get anyone elses thoughts on this?

And? Europeans don't know jack shit because they are too poor to afford education.

The queen is whiter than you

Actually you didn't. The rich landlords convinced you that you were fighting for MUH FREEEDUMB when in reality it was so that the landlords could pay less taxes.

I like Israel, though I'd only go there if something bad happened here. Most Jews I've met around here are irreligious and mix outside the tribe, not much of an insulated community anymore. I'm also no fan of the Rothschilds and their cohorts.

At that time, pretty much everyone was a landowner, except the niggers. Land was cheap as dirt. It still is, to an extent. I am looking to buy land myself at this time.

Pan-European Americans worked fine. Up until around the early 2000s this was a wildly successful (and pretty unified) nation.

We are obviously starting our decline now. But we had a great run.

I agree with some that we should start a new Roman Empire.