The Simpsons wont die until the cast die

The Simpsons wont die until the cast die

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I'd say it would just take one major cast member dying. Dan Castellaneta, Harry Shearer, or Hank Azaria would probably do it

He thinks Simspons will end when the cast dies!

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decades from now, the simpsons won't be split into the golden era and s11+ (or whenever you put it)

it will be split into the 35 seasons with the original cast, and the new generation with the new voices

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Theres like 2,5x the amount of shit seasons than good ones

No, the voices will be computer generated after the actors start dying off.

No. People don't watch simpsons anymore. It's just riding off bullshit and a dream at this point.

Simpsons reboot when

This. They have enough material and the technology has been around.

If not sooner, computer generated voices are good enough now that it would be cheaper than continuing to pay an actor

Who seriously watches this shit anymore and why?

The series should have ended 20 years ago.

I watch it every week hoping my favorite character might return.

Season 30 will be the final one

Mrs. Krabappel is gone forever, user

no one, they are just making it for syndication, charging higher syndication rates for older seasons

they ruined her character by marrying her to flanders anyway so who cares?

I don't' know anybody who watches it in at least a decade. Even when the movie came out, I didn't know anybody who still regularly watched the show.

there's a whole generation of people that have grown up doing impressions of simpsons characters, I'm sure they could find some voice actor or a random obsessed highschool/college kid to imitate them almost identically.

or computer generate them.

no one needs anymore simpsons
they have outstayed their welcome years ago


Would there seriously be a college kid who'd care enough about the Simpsons to do impressions? More like some 40 year old who nailed his Homer in 1996.

If someone tried to replace Dan Castellaneta, there would be riots.

Didn't Harry Shearer almost leave a couple years ago and they had a backup ready to replace him before he came back?

Chuck you

Both the german voice actors of Homer and Marge died. They just replaced them

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