Some of this movies should have more female dialog.
Also, is this graph legit?
Some of this movies should have more female dialog
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Who cares? Men have always been the actual do-ers in society. Women just sit back and do jack all. Movies just try to reflect that.
women are the niggers of gender
The Silence of the Lambs shows you don't need a lot of female talk to have a memorable female character.
We hear enough of that in real life
Women claim they deserve equal pay then they bring this up and show they hardly do anything in the movies, seems legit.
What happened to 2012?
You just know we'll be hearing about female/male dialogue quotas soon. Movies that will have less than 50% female dialogue will be shunned
The Artist won which is a silent film
So the dialogue of men and women was equal one year and they left it out because it didn't fit their narrative?
Whats funny is there is a spoken line in the artist, and its a man. So this basically confirms the person who made that chart (and you) hasn't actually seen the artist.
>the most sexist film was made by a woman
Really makes you think.
The chart explicitly says "characters with more than 100 words"
he's not wrong
Legitimate fair point. Thread should have ended here to be fair.
Nobody seen the Artist, The 2012 Oscars drifted into the void of Disregard
It's the only movie inherently about a woman, and the themes are about a woman in a man's society. Honestly, if they want more females talking in award winning movies they should start making better movies with women in them...
>schindler's list
>no women speaking
>feminists vs jews
I'm not going to comment on this.
Fuck women. How long until we have sexy robot dolls with synthetic ovaries, so we can dispose of those cunts?
Now do a graph that lists the religions and ethnicities of all the producers, directors and actors in these films.
Damn, all those movies are fucking trash. Why do I even care about the oscars.
Gladiator. Lambs. All others into the trash.
Love how the only woman directed film on the list had no women in it kek.
Pleb. The Artists deserved its win.
Oy vey! Don't be racist.
Did they purposefully pick movies with little to no female presence in them?
What about movies from before then? It seems like all of the films from years ago on TCM have women with larger roles than they do today.
Then compare those with the average religions and ethnicities distributions in the United States.
women never shut their fucking mouths, I watch movies to escape women talking
Then identify whether any religions of ethnicities are over-represented in these films in comparison to the average distrubtions in the United States population.
Who is "they"
I wonder why is the 2003 winner 'Chicago' not in the graph? Perhaps because it had more sung lines than spoken lines?
That one is really bizarre. Are they upset that there weren't enough women slaughtering jews to be represented in the film?
>it's another incel rage thread
I'm mad too, because Female Nazis(as opposed to feminazis) can be pretty hot. Like the Baroness from GI Joe.
Maybe they wanted more slaughtered female jews
It didn’t fit the narrative m8.
did Argo really win the best picture at the oscars? Jesus Christ...
Haha, I didn't notice that. Is the image edited, or did they really leave it out in publication?
Oy v-
I mean, why w-would you do that?
Shape of Water would be an odd one for this list
13 of those movies are shit
>movies are about dialogue
If your movie shows Hollywood in a good light then it's got a good chance of winning best picture. It's just a bunch of cunts patting themselves on the back.
Some retard yesterday was arguing that "Come and See" was a shit film because there were "too many close ups and not enough dialogue." Imagine how much of a brainlet you need to be to write something like that.
this chart is the essentially another wage gap argument for cinema. doesn't factor in biases or a multitude of reasons to explain why or even why does it matter. it will be used as a shameless way to grab more power to "influence" society at the cost of artistic integrity and freedom.
Eh, I think the criticism has more weight in industries as heavily reliant on nepotism as Hollywood
There actually is a wage gap but it's very small: not the "70 cents to the dollar" we always hear about, but actually more like "93-97 cents to the dollar." It was found by a study commissioned by the Obama administration around 2011 (2013?, can't remember exactly). They found that most salary differences were explained by the fact that men just work for longer hours. After everything was considered they found a small gap that ranged from 3% to 7% depending on the survey methods used. Some of the researchers hypothesized the gap was due to women not getting the same raises as their male counterparts. As to why that happened, the researchers left it open to interpretation.
Forgot to mention that the wage gaps were higher in higher paying jobs. There was little to no wage gaps in McJob type work.
Isn't this the reason that some of these movies are very good?
How is it a wage gap if they aren't working identical hours?
Did you even read it you retard?
He's trying to talk about the earnings gap.
No, he's saying that after accounting for the extra hours worked, as well as some other factors, there's still a gap, mostly among the highest paying jobs, and likely because of the difference in raises. It seems likely that it has to do with the fact that men are more assertive by nature, which is going to be difficult to overcome.
>he's saying that after accounting for the extra hours worked, as well as some other factors, there's still a gap
Yes, that's what the earnings gap is.
No the earnings gap is the 70 cents one, the total difference between all earnings. A wage gap would be an actual gap in wages for people of the same age, with the same job and the same amount of experience, which appears to exist in some professions
>the earnings gap is the 70 cents one
That's the wage gap. These are all clearly defined terms.
You are incorrect, and obviously so. It makes no sense to describe the difference in earnings as a wage gap and the difference in wages as an earnings gap.
can we just agree that women are sub-human
Not really
>You are incorrect
Well, feel free to prove it with more than just your word.
t. sub-human
>Earnings: the balance of revenue after costs and expenses
>Wage: Payment for labor or services to a worker, especially remuneration on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis or by the piece.
Which gap is which is pretty fucking obvious. It's very popular to call the 70 cent gap a wage gap, but anyone who has actually spent the time looking at the methodology for the numbers knows it's inaccurate. Nobody calls the difference after adjusting for things like hours worked an "earnings gap"
Here, since you're trying your hardest not to make your own argument, I'll help:
Shape of Water and La La Land will probably be mostly women
Ironically, Shape of Water probably isn't, since it's protagonist is mute.
Oh yeah kek
What's ironic about that?
Shape of Water is exactly the kind of film the creators of the chart want made, but it doesn't fit their metric
That's not irony, it's cherry picking. This thread has other examples of movies they've left out for convenience.
Women Don't Have Enough Dialog In Movies And It's Actually Problematic AF
Sorry, guys, I already defeated the argument you're not making.
i wonder who directed the hurt locker? must be /ourguy/.
I think everyone was just being kind, since you made an obvious mistake in thinking this came out after Shape of Water won the Oscar. It's not cherrypicking, the data's just old. And even if they left it out, the fact that the film doesn't fit their metric even though it's the kind of film they're trying to promote would still be ironic. You should probably read up on that word, I know it's a tough one.
>It's not cherrypicking
>This thread has other examples of movies they've left out for convenience
>I wonder why is the 2003 winner 'Chicago' not in the graph?
>the fact that the film doesn't fit their metric even though it's the kind of film they're trying to promote would still be ironic
That's still not irony, that's you projecting what you think their reasoning is onto them.
2003- Leaves out Chicago because it had more women speaking
Right, that's why I call it cherry picking. They've left out examples that show the flaw in the argument they're making.
>movie called The King´s Speech mostly features men talking
wtf, stop the presses!
Can you explain how they could leave out Shape of Water when it didn't exist when they made the chart? I'm also including a book recommendation for you, hopefully it will help, since you're coming off kind of retarded right now.
Bro, the irony is that Shape of Water has more male dialogue than female even though its main character is a woman
>Can you explain how they could leave out Shape of Water when it didn't exist when they made the chart?
I'm not arguing against that, read the words I posted instead of the words you posted.
If they didn't leave it out, then how is it cherrypicking?
Fuck anyone who criticises Dances with Wolves. Brilliant film.
Did you read that dog shit in full before you posted it?
Shape of Water didn't help this trend.
rotk is based on a fantasy book with almost no female dialogue, still has a woman killing the most powerful enemy
schindlers list, braveheart and dances with wolves either take place in a war or have a soldier as a main character or both which pretty much ensures that the protagonist is going to interact with a lot more men.
a beautiful mind and forrest gump are (fictional) biographies of men so of course there are going to be more men talking.
million dollar baby has a great female lead and why you would list that film as an example of not portraying strong females is beyond me. same thing with silence of the lambs
the departed is law enforcement/organised crime setting which is both dominated by men irl.
titanic and shakespeare in love are chickflicks anyway.
havent seen the others but there are legitimate reasons for all the films i listed to have men talk more than women. none can be traced back to discrimination. do these people ever think something through before screaming sexism?
>Hurt locker directed by a woman
>Woman don't talk at all
really makes you think
What do you mean fixed? You're posting a fake image doctored from an original.
Reminder to report alt right shilling.
>No women speaking at all
>Movies directed by a woman and a jew
Hmmmm ?
It's funny how neo-Nazis and SJWs both think Hollywood is a conspiracy against them, and have the "facts" to prove it. It's almost like they're the same.
>Combining Jews with whites to make whites look overrepresented
Who's the bullshitter exactly? Me or you
it's was an alright movie but blatant Oscar bait
A) The numbers in that chart for how many actors are jewish are completely wrong.
B) Pretty much everyone considers Jews to be white, so you've already lost on that one.
Even if we pretend most of those Jewish people aren't white based on some fantastical definition of "white" that you made up while screeching in your shit-stained underwear, your image is still and isn't based on any actual data. You can see this by looking at certain Oscar categories like
t. brainlet
They agree that Chicago wasn't a good Best Picture Oscar Winner, goy.
So you be sayin the holocaust was a white genocide? That we wuz ashes 'n shit?