When you wait 200 years for your girl and you still get blasted
/trek/ thread
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Having her reciprocate his feelings in the final season was a fucking mistske
>I morph into your chair sometimes
>hehe what do you mean
Fade in: Starflight headquarters, USA. Officers are gathered around a round table.
Picard: Greetings to everyone assembled.
Worf (angrily): Just what is the meaning of this?
Odo: Calm down worf.
He does have a point though.
worf stands up and stretche his legs.
Picard: Mister worf. Sit down! Now!
worf: what is the meaning of this??
Is this supposed to be more of that predictive-keyboard-assisted Trek parody fiction?
They should have had him kill and replace her out of frustration and wear her face skin as a mask.
>Stories which do not materially involve our crew
>Stories about psi-forces or mysterious psychic powers
>Stories which cast our people and our vessel in the role of "galaxy policemen."
>Stories about the original Star Trek characters [...] [o]r their descendants
>Writing fantasy instead of science fiction
>Writing "swords and sorcery"
>Treating deep space as a local neighborhood
>STAR TREK is not melodrama. [...] Believable people are at the heart of good STAR TREK scripts.
>No stories about warfare with Klingons or Romulans and no stories with Vulcans. We are determined not to copy ourselves and believe there must be other interesting aliens in a galaxy filled with billions of stars and planets
>Stay true to the Prime Directive.
>Plots involving a whole civilization rarely work.
>Mad scientists, or stories in which technology is considered the villain.
>Stories in which our characters must do something stupid or dangerous, or in which our technology breaks down in order to create a jeopardy.
-- "The script: what doesn't work"
this thread sucks already
Do we ever get to see sex in Star Trek? Not normal sex but a kind of alien sex that's different so it's not porn?
The final episode when Odo fuses with the founder, cures her, then she immediatily surrenders afterwards, it was Odo understanding the Dominion was right and agreeing to spread a similar pathogen amongst the Alpha Quadrant, he didn't go to the great link just to cure his people, he was escaping Kira before she realised, she died soon afterwards.
Hi, Mental.
Ferengi getting their ears rubbed is called oo-mox and is basically the equivalent of a hand job
"Because the Ferengi ear was a major erogenous zone, massaging the ears caused extreme pleasure and relaxation"
closest thing I recall was a Klingon woman hissing angrily and acting feral in front of Worf, and have him describe that as "Klingon Sex" but that could just be described as fetishy SM.
Another example are the Shapeshifters who fuck by mixing each other while in liquid form.
Gas all STD posters
Are we going to have this every thread now? The memes are really starting to stack up in /trek/. Will the thread be able to take it?
>Do we ever get to see sex in Star Trek?
>closest thing I recall was a Klingon woman hissing angrily and acting feral in front of Worf, and have him describe that as "Klingon Sex"
They talk about how klingon sex would break an ordinary woman in DS9. Actually DS9 has a lot of sex referencing, especially considering they make it explicit the holodeck at Quark's sells mostly VR porn.
It's a literal plot point that he's convinced to run "family friendly" programs to broaden his customer base. Meaning before Miles "Kill Every Cardy" O'Brien and the doc do mountain climbing in the holosuites the floors were probably crusted with semen and vaginal juices.
That's for scripts from outside writers though. They are just warning fans "If your spec script is Spock fanfiction, there is no chance we will buy it."
It's a slippery path up Mount Broccoli.
I'm confused. Is this a writing guide to what NOT to do? Because they do this shit all the time.
How can people not see that this is another question from the spammer, Trekkie229?
>do we ever get sex
>do gordy ever get sex
>Not normal sex but alien
>Sisko not believe but athist?
I'll be seein' you
The question seems legitimate, tho.
In those days, you could write a script (basically fanfiction) and send it to them, and if it was good enough they would buy it from you and develop it into an episode. Yesterday's Enterprise was developed from a spec script, for example.
The context of that list is "things we can do, but that you should not do because you aren't us."
Year of Hell should have taken place over a whole or at least half a season tbqh.
God, I hate this self pitying ball sack. Lots of people are amputees without being a 10 ft dick about it, Nog.
It has to seem legitimate, otherwise nobody would respond! That's the whole point of bait.
Why does Picard's borther hate him?
Why would anybody believe this is a legitimate question when the only episode with Picard's brother also explains the answer?
I mean, he got over it. I think it's reasonable to be depressed about losing a leg for at least a little while.
Fuck off.
He bitched about it for ages and made his only friend feel like shit. Then he hid in the holodeck and became such a drag that a HOLOGRAM told him to basically f*ck off.
>you make it sound like I'm a hologram
>well, aren't you?
>is that what you think?
>Picard's borther
Loser backwards ass farmer who is barely tolerated by the Federation whose own son is infatuated with his more successful borther
Maximum alpha Captain of the Federation's flagship, known throughout the alpha quadrant as one of the finest heroes of the Federation
What a mystery!
You're replying to a bad person.
>actually replying
Stop that.
>episode starts with an ultimate weapon which can modify time to erase things from existence.
It was still a fun couple of episodes, some of the few actually very good ones on Voyager, but it was obvious from the start how it was going to end, plus Tuvok went blind, they weren't going to make that permanent.
you cant make a weapon too powerful in a show because that cant be defeated.
it was like one episode
Is Dax like a human with a thing in her that lives?
Dax is a thing that lives in different people
Stop replying to it
Why does Q put humanity on trial?
He fears the samurai.
Obviously you wouldn't keep every aspect of the story the same but watching it feels like you're getting a glimpse at what Voyager could and should have been just condensed into a two part story.
Sometimes I forget there is an actual 2 headed woman.
nothing better to do
Why the Cardasians leave deep space nine? They don't value the worm whole?
That's for all scripts.
Don't listen to that other guy. Yes. It's a writing guide for what Roddenberry et al thought didn't work in Startrack scripts, and what you shouldn't generally do if you're a Startrack writer.
That is not the context of the list, dude.
I think this has been asked and answered before but anyway, Sisko interacts with the prophets who are aliens, not gods.
it's the spammer, man. Report him and hope to god the mods get off their ass and at least ban him for a while.
If Jews created star trek, why are they portrayed as greedy cowards in the show?
What the fuck was his problem?
Why is Harry Kim so beta?
Is it just because he's Asian?
That's just a stereotype. The show was just poorly written, anonymous.
You remind me of that dude who got pissed at his friend for being depressed for having brain cancer so he bullied him into committing suicide
You can't just let them wallow in it or they'll never get up again.
this shit was dark
>that dude who got pissed at his friend for being depressed for having brain cancer so he bullied him into committing suicide
How about you join the army and lose a leg in battle, then come back to us and tell us how you feel about it?
I think it's supposed to be his age. But, I think an Asian actor is more likely to be cast in a role like that (inexperienced, young, underconfident but highly competent guy). Stereotypes are kind of a chicken-and-egg problem. They reinforce themselves.
Mullibok: When we got here to Jerrado, I overpowered the crew and I stole whatever I needed to start building a life here.
Major Kira: Y... you overpowered the crew? Yourself?
Mullibok: There was only six of them. That was fortunate for me, because I was somewhat weakened by the captivity and starvation
Mullibok: It was mind over matter. Every 26 hours, I'd just tighten up my waist belt another notch, and that way my belly didn't know that it was shrinking.
Mullibok: I ploughed each furrow with my fingernails and when I hit a patch of mineralised clay, I chewed it up in my mouth to soften it.
This is literally soap and lampshades tier bullshit. Do the (((Bajorans))) really believe their own stories or are they laughing about the deception? Also what did Mullibok really do to escape to the moon?
I know there are some disabled posters regularly ITT. Not a stretch to think there would be an amputee here.
Tony Stark built Iron Man in a cave.
I hope they let Bryan Fuller have more of a say in season 2 of STD.
>I know there are some disabled posters regularly ITT.
I know for a fact that one guy is disabled in some way because he censored the word fuck like a 60 year old christian grandma.
Hahaha Harry Kim falls in love with a hologram and then gets cucked by Tuvok.
so that's basically a yes then
>I know there are some disabled posters regularly ITT
I never would have guessed.
I hope Soniqua gets the thing Jackson had, turns white, and they have to cancel the show becasue it's not progressive enough
The only way to even remotely redeem STD would be to remove Michael or at the very least greatly reduce her presence.
Which came first, cardassian or kardashian? For the latter it's when fat Iran lawyer marries thot, so 1978
tell me her surname is 'Hedgehog'
poor Harry had a hard life
Janeway did nothing wrong
>average /trek/ poster
Is there an Africa on Vulcan?
Reminder that Harry dies in the second season and is replaced by a duplicate
also, can someone tell me the name of that recent movie that came out, about an autistic girl trying to get her star trek script made?
And that's why Little Green Men negates all fan hate towards Ferenghi-centric episodes.
Year of Hell should have been real Voyager, all of the other adventures the liquid Demon World copies.
It doesn't matter anyway, because the real real Voyager was destroyed and it's copy got the only two survivors, Kim and Naomi.
Sisko is a wormhole alien, begotten not made.
And he beat all of Q when he knocked Q the fuck out. Which raises questions about the Q. They had a civil war after that ...
>crusted with semen and vaginal juices
Unlikely. All that stuff probably gets repurposed pretty quick for organic material used at the replimat.
Very. I'm glad a show finally dealt with it. I didn't like the resolution, but I agreed with it. That was Kino Voyager.
Yep. It was cute but absolutely didn't need to fucking happen at all
One of my favorites also
It's not even the real Kira. He fell for the Cardi copy. Which makes Dukat's obsession doubly humerous.
Slippery Vic!
*4 packs a day* Janeway
you're wrong
>and then he ran around the bridge begging us to spare his life
The only decent pull Kim got was that ACTUAL reanimated dead girl from his past. And even she fucked off after a while to be dead again