Why don't you have a gf, Sup Forums?

Why don't you have a gf, Sup Forums?

Nowhere to meet anyone.

I have autism and am a virgin.

I'm an autistic neet.

Consider yourself lucky. You have options. Mindset is everything.

Because I like dicks.

I'm married.

Becuase they get mad i spend so much time studying so they leave.

I do though

I love another man

Because my wife is expensive enough.

Do you think if you had a qt gf by your side you would hate women as much as you do now?

I do and I'm going to be a dad soon.

Because I am artistic and gay

>falling for the vaginal jew

Extremely insecure

I'm extremely boring and I have adult acne.

Women are gay.

I'm too lazy desu

I have a Korean gf

Seems like a lot of work

My wife said I'm not allowed

women are a racket

Your people ruined me with 2D women who are far more desirable than anything I could find irl.

I wasn't put on that path in my life.


I have severe issues with intimacy

I always hate when normies me ask me this question.
>well golly gee mister, I guess I never thought to go down to the gilfriends-R-Us and pick one out, I guess I might just do that tonight.

A person might as well ask me why I'm autistic.

This tbqh my senpai

Because I'm a fucking mess at the moment and don't really go anywhere. I know I can land a grill so I don't worry about it too much. People keep asking me out etc. but I always come up with some excuse.

I hate myself and have no self confidence

I do have a gf

>Be me
>Have beautiful gf
>Have normie group
>Degree in (real) STEM
>Well paid job

I discovered Sup Forums half way through college.

Then I realised I wasted 4 years studying propaganda science used to distract me from the jews corrupting western civilization.

>Seeded red pills to my peers
>Awaken about 30℅ of them
>Gf actually unironically and unbelievably swallows the redpill, jews and all

>Life of paranoia
>Have trouble believing anything
>See myself as a crusader of Western values
>Get genuinely depressed when I see degeneracy
>Losing my mind

Honestly, you need to join clubs and groups to make friends. Otherwise you'll go insane. I know I would

Had a Filipino gf
she left because I love Hitler more then her

Top kek, sir. You fairies are good with that design shit.

STEMFAG? I know those feels

Building the courage to confess my feelings to one right now, help.

Because I'm not an adulterer. I have a wife.

Meh. There is always the pub desu

Can't connect with any of em. All girls I come across are full Normie's that listen to mainstream music, care about celebrities and other fucking boring shit. I really want a gf that I can just meme with a dark sense of humour. So fucking hard to find

Im an ugly broke loser

Andorra is that you?

Muh obeasity

Buck up.

what if i like MY dick

>dating in 2016

there is literally nothing more bluepilled, NOTHING

The Jews

Me having a girlfriend isn't going to make America great again

Because Im a broke alcoholic who hates himself and didnt really go after the only girl he ever knew who was a perfect match for him.

There, are you fucking happy?

Ive seriously contemplated suck-starting my shotgun several times in the last month, but the only thing stopping me is what it would do to my mother when she found out.

Are you fucking happy?


Because I'm a jew

asks the jap

I have no sex drive so it's pointless to even try or care about getting one.

I am from burgerland, but my phone is retard

to answer the question it's because the last 4 times I had a gf it ended the exact same way, on the exact same timescale, down to +/- a week. Kinda fucked me up so now I lead girls on

what degree? what job?

curious cuz im a math major about to graduate looking into going into media analytics


you do realize this works 1% of the time right?

women don't work like that

>Why don't you have a gf, /BOARD NAME HERE/?

go fuck yourself

Met a sweet Spanish qt been with her nearly two months. I'm 27 she's 22. So sweet , she has started often using the words 'faggot' and 'cuck'

I do and she happens to be japanese.
Living the weeb dream boys.

All the women are broken. Well, at least all the cute ones, anyways. I'm NEVER going to go after a girl with depression or anxiety, and any fun girl into nerdy hobbies tends to suffer from it greatly, and always claims to be pansexual. They're all broken people who are incredibly flakey. One day things seem perfect and the next day she disappears.

It's like there's only four types of white girls

>Nerdy one with anxiety and draws furry shit on her tablet and plays OSU

>Instagram glam bimbo with thousands of makeup selfies

>Hipster/punk Antifa shit shilling hard for Hillary and Bernie

>Raver slut into cosplay and sucking everyone's dick

I have a stress/drug induced psychosis. My mother went dipshit crazy and i started doing hard drugs around that time. I used to be really popular and have a shitton of friends. Now i am alone with a pile of embarrassing memories how it broke apart. The thing is the more people know you the faster people know what kind of fucked up shit you do / have done. I have enough struggle trying to find a way out of this mess. A gf would might help alot but i am to far out of my mind yet.

I'm married tho.

Redpill is being patient until post-happening

I've dedicated the last few years to my college studies instead of looking for a relationship.

When has Sup Forums turned into Sup Forums. I remember when you reported threads and mods actually pruned them.

NIgger diacussion and hate

Even my spic friend is engaged to a white girl(male) and fucks her(him) every time she(he) comes to pay my friend a visit.

It might make your RSI better though. Right?

Depends, I break up fulfillment autistically:

Short term happiness:
>Pub, drugs, sex

Long term happiness:
>Productivity and personal goals

Short term happiness is great, but crashes hard, long term happiness creates a sense of pride and fulfillment

It all depends on your quality of thought tbqh. Hope all you anons the best here

i don't know

You think this because you have an ability to date.

Relationships and dating are wonderful though. Really. It's the fall that hurts. Lying in the pit at the bottom alone is worse. Especially since some people never get the chance to be on top ever.

>my feet hurt
>why did i even bother coming
>this tastes kinda funny
>i wish i was watching this at home

>few friends
>extremely introverted, poor social skills
>boring interests
>no relationship experience
>25 and only had sex once

busy in grad school in a program with 1 (one) female in the program.

I tried getting the phone number of a spanish qt on my uni's basketball team but I got shot down.

You win some you lose some.

Becose i am very shy,(not ugly or fat) i had several girls but not girlfrends, its wery hard for me to aproach a girl.Bye the way i LOVE JAPAN whant to visit it someday.

because I`m bad at interacting with women.

i have autism

i think i could get a gf if i really tried, i just don't want to socialize with people because i want to have better focus on building wealth instead, and being wealthy will help me live comfortably with a cute assistant (and maybe with a gf), and i have high standards so i'm not going to bother with most women

Physics, database performance analyst

You'll have no problem getting a job with math

Analytical STEM will get you any job.

The people who don't get the jobs with our degrees are socially awkward. Interviewers filter out the "You too" guys. I'm suspicious that people who browse Sup Forums aren't actually autistic, at least in person and around others, but how can we tell

>Especially since some people never get the chance to be on top ever.
a real relationship isn't about dominance or control, and bringing that perception into a relationship isn't helping one bit


I have a pregnant wife

>tfw my grandfather was an MP in Japan after kicking the shit out of dagos and krauts and shipped a ton of officer belongings back to America and I'm never going to return any of it

i unironically prefer being alone

making up fancy reasons as to why would just sound like sour grapes. i have an antisocial personality and don't even seek to make or maintain even friendship tier relationships

asian american manlet living in the decaying state of CA.

also,most young women these days are unfortunately infected with leftist bullshit talking points and sympathies.

It'd be nice to find that one conservative leaning asian american girl here, but I think I'd have better luck trying to win the lottery.

I wish I was in your position instead. I can get girls, but they end up just disappearing. Either their anxiety and depression hits them where they go mental and disappear out of thin air, or they get sexual ADD and cheat. The worst is when you suspect something from them going silent, then you realize they've been hanging with someone else. It's always the fun, cute-looking ones, guys.

Being red-pilled on women is the worst. I'd rather be blissfully ignorant and have being shy or some shit as my excuse than to see the problems ahead of time and knowing when shit is going to end.

>Want to discipline girlfriends
>Can't because jail