>The Raddus is even bigger than a Star Destroyer >Despite it's size, it still wasn't enough to fully destroy Snokes ship
Why is this hyperspace ram thing a problem again? Where does the argument "they could have smashed an Xwing into the Death Star" come from? If pic related can't destroy Snokes ship, than what makes you think an Xwing could destroy a death star?
Anything smashes anything at light speed, brainlet.
Hudson Foster
if you hyperspace rammed 100 x-wings into strategic points it could work
Ryan Reyes
Because you could make hyperdrive missiles, why rely on weak lasers when you could just completely destroy any ship with a few missiles in specific spots
Josiah Gutierrez
But Snokes ship wasn't even destroyed. It was still like, what, 90 percent functional even after the collision?
That's a lot of resorces when you could just fire a torpedo into the exaust
Levi Scott
Rian Johnson introduced real physics into star wars and you spergs freak out. He improved it. Get over it.
Robert Thomas
>Dude, a bullet doesn't blow up your whole body, so guns aren't worth using All battles from now on should logically consist only of long distance Hyperspace missiles.
Jonathan Bennett
Hyperdrive tech is much more expensive than simple missiles. Where would the rebellion even begun to get the resorces for something like this? One Xwing would be a much better investment than a single one use missile
Bentley Foster
but it retroactively ruins all the other movies retard
Lincoln Myers
>90% functional It was literally cut in half.
Ryan King
An X-wing travelling faster than light would fuck a continent, let alone a big ship.
Joseph Gray
Wrong. X-Wings are >More expensive >Require more manpower >Far far far far less effective One Hyperspace missile is guaranteed to punch a hole straight through your enemy's ship, scifi force field and all.
Cameron Ross
Ships can't bleed out dumbshit. God what a deliberately ignorant argument. If I smash a hole in my wall, my house isn't suddenly going to become unlivable.
And is still able to work as intended. They didn't even evacuate.
Xavier Bailey
Somebody made this argument before but it's not valid, every x wing has hyperdrive and the rebels seem to have an unlimited supply of them, why even waste x wings that get destroyed by the dozens when you can guarantee a 100% success rate with those hyperdrives on missiles then just keep the x wings in hangers on larger ships
Matthew Cox
>real physics >lasers arcing like artillery shells
Julian Nguyen
If I punch a whole straight through your spaceship youre gonna have a problem
Charles Campbell
Go cut your car in half and then try to drive it around, retard. Also, the single jump destroyed multiple star destroyers, making it much more effective than anything else ever shown.
Justin Allen
>real physics >space ships slow down and come to a stop in space when the engines go off
It wasn't designed to make sense. It was designed for entertainment.
Nathaniel Walker
Looks like a penis and vagina.
Michael Cook
No, but if a large hole is smashed through your house splitting it in two, you might have some problems boss
Jaxon Reyes
Gravity wells bend light you brainlet
Joseph Hall
The hyperdrive is the most expensive part of an Xwing. It would be much smarter and effective to build a whole Xwing rather than launch it's hyperdrive into space hoping they hit something. And even if it does hit something, do enough damage to make it worth it.
You are ignoring the fact that the ship is clearly still functional though. And let's not forget that the only reason the Raddus did as much damage as it did was because it was bigger than a star destroyer, attacking something smaller than a death star.
Zachary Perry
Are you the retard who was arguing that Holdo is the only good character in TLJ hahahah
Joseph Gomez
Imagine it like this, I could fire a hyperspace missilie at the Death Stars core, or that thing they destroyed on Starkiller base to wreck it and would instantly destroy them. No need for a trench run or trying to disable any shields
Matthew Stewart
the literal blaster bolts were arcing in zero gravity retard
Matthew Bailey
No I think Sup Forums has more posters than that.
What would the point be when the trench run was just as effective and you didn't have to worry about unnecessary casualties from the debris? Not to mention how rediculously accurate of a shot that would require to successfuly hit the core.
Aaron Evans
You've proven yourself to be an idiot, and you just keep digging that hole. Maybe learn something before trying to correct someone.
Lucas Thomas
>The hyperdrive is the most expensive part of an Xwing. Source: Your ass >It would be much smarter and effective to build a whole Xwing rather than launch it's hyperdrive into space hoping they hit something A single hyperdrive missile could take out star destroyers on its own, so no, x-wings are far, far, far less effective > even if it does hit something, do enough damage to make it worth it. See above, retard >You are ignoring the fact that the ship is clearly still functional though. It was damaged much much more than any single x-wing could achieve, along with destroying multiple star destroyers.
Gabriel Flores
What damage does an x wing do, they are completely ineffective and mainly just to defend y wings that do the real damage, a hyperdrive missile would be instant needing no defence and would punch a hole right through a ship, or if you fire at the engines might even obliterate it completely, you will lose x wings in a battle, they always do, hyperdrive missiles could be the same losses of hardware but with significantly better results and no pilot deaths, there is no reason the rebels wouldn't do it
the blaster bolts LITERALLY arc in zero gravity, prove me wrong
Austin Clark
>unnecessary casualties Like the majority of the X-Wings?
Isaac Lopez
>What would the point be when the trench run was just as effective and you didn't have to worry about unnecessary casualties from the debris? Ineccessary casualty from the debris? OH NO NO NO NO NO AHAHAHAHHA that's just embaressing Not to mention how ridiculously accurate of a shot that would require to successfuly hit the core. I think they've mastered the maths of finding the centre of a sphere in the Star Wars universe, and thats all you'd need.
Connor Thompson
>zero gravity Holy shit you are so fucking braindead it's embarrassing.
Ryder Walker
Obi Wan's force ghost could have killed Sheev with lightning.
He could have EASILY killed Vader with lightning, and that's what he wanted Luke to do the whole time. What a lazy fucker.
John Nelson
>The hyperdrive is the most expensive part han won one in a card game, it's equivalent to a car engine
Isaac Price
And their ships act as gravity wells as do their shields. And they bend light. Like arcing.
Julian Richardson
>Source: your ass Actually here is my source: youtu.be/fchC0Dscm9I >A single hyperdrive missile could take down a star destroyer How big are these missiles? They would need to be as big in comparison to the star destroyer as the Raddus is to Snokes ship to do any worthwhile damage. >It was damaged much more than a single Xwing could achieve You are right, but they didn't sacrifice an Xwing, they sacrificed the Raddus, the biggest ship we have ever seen the rebels own
Austin Hill
Why didnt Yoda just destroy the Death Star II core with lightning when Sheev arrived.
Nathan Martin
none of those ships have the mass to bend light to a noticeable degree, definitely not the the degree of arcing that you see in the film
Brandon Wilson
An Xwing was able to take out the death star with just it's proton torpedos. Twice.
Why waste resorces taking blind shots trying to slam an Xwing exactly into the core?
Jonathan Thomas
not him, but that video doesn't prove anything, but I'm with you the hiperdrive would be the most valuable part of any ship with the refrigeration
Ayden Hall
>How big are these missiles? They would need to be as big in comparison to the star destroyer as the Raddus is to Snokes ship to do any worthwhile damage Wrong, it was debris that destroyed the Star Destroyers, so they were objects smaller than the Raddus travelling at some speed less than lightspeed. If anything, Hyperspace Missiles would be way more effective. >Hyperdrives are expensive on a non-republic outer rim planet 80 or more years before the Sequel Trilogy is set >This means they are the most expensive part of an X-wing. Lol
Ian Cooper
>Why is this hyperspace ram thing a problem again? Because it's a lazy deus ex machina moment that Rian Johnson pulled out of his asshole because it would look cool.
Adam Rogers
you realize that if you can propel any object of any size to faster than light speed its already going to capable of way more damage than the conventional weapons we've seen them use the entire time right? its basic fucking physics you uneducated dropout
Zachary Moore
Can you explain the physics of lightsabers and force jumps too while you are at it? Thanks.
Jaxon Gonzalez
Are you fucking retarded? The centre of a sphere is easy maths. Never mind every other X-Wing and X-Wing pilot were killed besides Luke, who had to literally use MAGIC to make the shot. Punching in some numbers to shoot a hyperspace missile to the Death Stars core from literally any angle would be a million times easier.
Evan Sullivan
Kek! You faggots trying to find logic in Star Wars fantasy hahahaha
Christopher Morris
How many x-wings were lost in the process that allowed that other x-wing to complete it's mission? How many attacks did the rebels fail because they didn't have an incredible pilot or a space wizard, you reduce the risk and you increase the odds at the cost of some hardware that you would've lost anyway
Landon Diaz
>Find a big fucking asteroid >Attach a hyperspace drive to it and calculate it hit the center of mass of a round object >??????? >Victory
Brandon Smith
To save lives you goof
Bentley Torres
>If I smash a hole in my wall, my house isn't suddenly going to become unlivable It is if your house is floating in space...
Hyperspeed smash droid-controlled CR90 corvette or GR75 transport (rebels have dozens of those) into DS focus dish area or exhaust port directly from above (it's shaft straight to reactor core), DS will be or crippled and unable to fire its superlaser or destroyed right away much easier without need ot the force intervention and severe trained pilots losses
Juan Thompson
Why are real life physics only relivent until someone gets the idea to "attatch a hyperdrive to an astroid"?
Good idea user. I should just get a big boulder, put some wheels and an engine on it, and drive to work. Much more effective than a car.
Parker Howard
Not really but it's established lore, shit on for the sake of this absolute shitfest. I went to the theater to see TLJ, and thought it was shit even though I was drunk. I've been trying to slog through that piece of shit the last 3 or 4 days and I can't stand to watch it. It's like one long parody skit.
Cooper Williams
I liked the part where hyperspace hadn't been referred to as "light speed" since the first movie but suddenly was again so they could ram something at "light speed."
We should take a moment to thank donald trump for totally killing any semblance of debate.
Carson Russell
Ok guys its over, OP is a retard confirmed
Brayden Sanchez
Actually with real life physics if you had a football with a hyperdrive it would completely vaporize any ship Instantly
Nathan Flores
Every ship in star wars has ways to stop shit like this. Remember how quickly they are able to go back to normal business after the Raddus has a whole blown into the side of it? It's seamless.
So what is going to steer the astroid? What is going to propell it forward? What is going to activate the hyperdrive? Where is the hyperdive going to get the fuel from? How are they going to prevent the astroid from drifting in a different direction?
Isaac Gomez
>dude there's only one way out of this base! >the soliders walk out of the base through various tunnels to man the trenches
... I just...
Levi Williams
>*Tastes ground* >It's salt, not snow. To be clear, its NOT snow. >Steps out onto salt >*Looks at camera* >We're definitely treading new ground!
Kayden Bailey
A cheeto with a hyperdrive would vaporize the earth, let alone any ship.
Wyatt Nguyen
This is a joke right?
Robert Allen
like star destroyers flying insanely close to each other for no reason and being easily pushed, it's not consistent and doesn't make sense if you think about it for 5 seconds
Charles Ortiz
>because some fictional things exist, its acceptable for there not to be any logic in the world thanks for proving how retarded you actually are.
by your logic it wouldve been perfectly fine if rey defeated the first order by shooting death star lasers out of her twat because hey the force exists and thats not real right?
Ethan Clark
why are you begging for specifics in attaching a hyperdrive to a rock and setting it for a one-time jump?
Hell, you don't even need to attach the hyperdrive to anything. Infinite mass is infinite mass. The ballistic force of anything with infinite mass colliding with anything would make tsar bomba look like a cherry bomb.
Charles Hernandez
>So what is going to steer the astroid? Humans don't steer through hyperspace brainlet, coordinates are programmed into the hyperdrive beforehand. >What is going to propell it forward? The fucking hyperdrive you absolute retard. >What is going to activate the hyperdrive? A remote, > Where is the hyperdive going to get the fuel from? If hyperdrive fuel is external to the hyperdrive, then attach a fuel tank along with the hyperdrive. > How are they going to prevent the astroid from drifting in a different direction? Coordinates are programmed into the hyperdrive beforehand. To reiterate for the brainlet, people don't steer through hyperspace.
Nathaniel Hall
>Star Wars fantasy What established lore? No where in the original trilogy was it said that you cant hyperspace ram, shit even Han Solo mentioned that traveling through hyperspace is dangerous, that's the only established lore on hyperspace travel
Luis Wilson
How about this, we put a hyper drive on a missile and just shoot it at star destroyers.
Cooper Green
Then I guess its just canon that everyone in the whole Star Wars universe is as much of a brainlet as OP for not being able to think of hyperspace ramming before
Asher Martin
If you are going to apply real life logic to one aspect of the star wars universe, you need to apply it to the rest too.
Because that isn't how fucking hyperdrives work. Just because you attatch a jet engine to a rock doesn't mean it is able to fly like a jet. You still need thrusters, fuel, etc.
Holy shit you god damn retard. The hyperdive is essentially the engine. Not the God damn thrusters. A hyperdive attached to a random astroid isn't going to anything at all.
>Coordinates programmed into the hyperdive beforehand Hahahaahah WHAT? The coordinates are programmed into the navigational computer, not the God damn hyperdive itself.
Samuel Howard
how about this, just shoot hyperdrives at shit. You don't need the missile, or the ship, or the cockpit.
>dude there's only one way to destroy this space station >ram it with a hyperdrive? >NO! A TRENCH RUN!
Julian Hughes
20 of 22 X-Wings and 7 of 8 Y-Wings were lost attacking death star before divine intervention finally helped son of space jesus to hit target. Smashing 27 starfighters controlled by droids into exhaust port from above or focus dish can't be possibly less effective than that
The death star is significantly larger than Snokes ship and an Xwing is MINISCULE compared to the Raddus. 27 xwings might do some damage, but unless they get that lucky shot right at the core, it's still more effective to shoot the exaust
>The hyperdrive functioned by sending hypermatter particles to hurl a ship into hyperspace while preserving the vessel's mass/energy profile So you're wrong, it doesn't use the normal thrusters. The navcom is part of the hyperdrive, fucking retard.