>no Adriana gf
why even live
>trashy infertile wop
She likes it rough tough
You could literally beat the shit out of her everyday and she'd make you breakfast
The one legged Russian chick was the toppest tier
Gloria was my goomahfu
>tfw no batshit insane suicidal gf
He's right though
Infertile women are useless
Whatever happened to Gary Cooper?
i have one. its not fun
>yeah I still love you
>...but I won't marry you!
ill take her, gib now
the accents in this show really wear you down after a while
Yep. They should all be executed.
Carmela is standing with one hand on her hip and the other holding a cup of coffee.
Tony shuffles in to the kitchen in his bathrobe, barely awake.
>Carmela: You're up early.
Tony just grumbles. He pours himself a gigantic bowl of honeycomb cereal and starts shoving it in his mouth.
>Carmela: I'm going over to your mother's after I drop off Meadow.
>Tony: So?
>Carmela: So? So I'm going to see if she needs anything, she's an old woman you know. She shouldn't be living by herself.
>Tony: Carm please. I just got up. Lemme have breakfast before I gotta think about her.
Carmela purses her lips and says nothing.
>Carmela: You want some orange juice?
Tony just grunts a yes.
Carmela pours him a glass and puts it next to him. Tony picks it up and looks at it. Some pulp, just the way he likes it.
Meadow shambles downstairs in pajamas and opens the fridge.
>Carmela: You're not dressed!? Meadow we have to leave in 10 minutes!
>Meadow: I'm not going to school today.
>Carmela: What? You're not going to school today?
>Meadow: No one is going. It's in solidarity after the shooting in Florida.
>Tony: Solidarity? With what? Dropouts!?
>Meadow: With the kids who were killed, Dad. Jesus you can be so ignorant.
>Carmela: Meadow! Language!
>Meadow: Dad swears all the time, but I'm not suppossed to take the Lords name in vain?
>Carmela: That's enough Meadow, go upstairs and get dressed, we're leaving.
>Meadow: I told you, I'm not going.
>Tony: Oh you're going alright.
>Meadow: No, I'm not.
>Carmela: If you think you're going on that ski trip with Hunter AND skipping school, you're in the wrong house missy.
Meadow sours immediately. She storms off up the stairs, past an already-dressed AJ.
>AJ: What happened?
>Carmela: Meadow claims she doesn't have to go to school today.
>AJ: Do I have to go?
>Tony: You need all the school you can get.
AJ is dejected and sits next to Tony, pouring himself a bowl almost as big as Tony's.
>Tony: Hey hey, take it easy.
>AJ: What?
>Tony: What are you going for a record? Theres enough honeycomb in there for a 6 people.
>AJ: You had that much.
>Tony: You backtalking me?
AJ frowns and pours some of the bowl back into the box.
Carmela stews angrily as she sniffs her coffee on the other side of the counter.
Meadow storms back downstairs dressed for school. Furious.
>Meadow: Just so you know I'll be the only person from my grade who is actually at school today. Everyone else isn't going.
>Carmela: Well I guess you'll just have smaller class sizes for a day, that's not such a bad thing.
Meadow scowls at Carmela and stomps out the front door.
Carmela kisses Tony on the back of the head and follows Meadow out.
She yells out as she leaves.
>Carmela: Tony do you want anything from the store?
>Tony: (mouth full) Gabagool.
>Carmela: What?
>Tony: (louder) Gabagool!
>Carmela: I can't hear you Tony!
Tony takes a deep breath, mouth full of honeycomb.
>Tony: (yelling) GABAGOOOOL
The door slams behind Carmela as she leaves.
>AJ: You shouldn't talk with your mouth full.
Tony glares at him with fury.
>AJ: What? You taught me that!
Tony pauses for a half second. Then continues eating. Still mad.
imagine the smell...
[Spoiler]I have IBS and I wouldn't sleep with a girl with IBS[/spoiler]
she probably mostly smells like hairspray
not that easy, bub
>Solidarity? With What? Dropouts?!
>past an already dressed AJ
>You need all the school you can get.
>that's not such a bad thing
It's like watching the reunion special, i'm crying user
pussy's wired for sound
I refuse to believe Tony died.
will fight for it
... he died
... he died
... he died
1'st season best season.
The Members Only jacket guy in the final episode was clearly a relative of Eugene Pontecorvo. He obviously kills Tony Soprano in the diner in order to avenge Pontecorvo's suicide. Why you idiots haven't yet figured this out, even though I've been telling you for over a decade now, only demonstrates how clueless the average Sopranos fan is.
what if I say 'fuck off' with your theories. I refuse to accept he died. deal with it
What about all the clues laid out in Road To Respect?
We're just scratching of the surface of the rabbit hole here.
didn't like 2 years ago the writers confirm that he died?
I'll take a video game as canon if Gandolfini returned for the role
the entire season is so fatalistic though, and there are many parallels to Tony's death, most obviously Bobby but also the guy that gets shot right in front of Sil. I really like the ambiguity of the ending as presented though
What is a memers only jacket?
Member of what? A fashion piece or a actually club you join.
Why would both brothers be in?
Why would he wear such a visible sign during a hit.
what's the significance of Silvio ending up in the same exact position as Tony was during his coma?