*Steals your Oscars*

*Steals your Oscars*

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most deserving of an oscar in a decade

>t. chicano


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2016 should've been Kubo and the Two Strings
2015 should've been Shaun the Sheep
2014 should've been Princess Kaguya
2013 should've been Ernest & Celestine
2012 should've been ParaNorman
2011 should've been Chico & Rita
2010 should've been How to Train Your Dragon
2009 should've been Fantastic Mr. Fox
2008 was won rightfully by WALL-E
Coco is the best academy award winner since WALL-E

lets be honest kubo was forgettable besides the art.

zootopia was forgettable besides the sexy bunny

it didn't deserve Best Original Song

Yeah. It won because of it's Meme Humor and LOVE TRUMPS HATE speech in the middle

>Shaun the Sheep
>Not Anomalisa


>Shaun the Sheep and Paranorman
wasn't even the second best nominated their years

I agree with you with How to Train your Dragon tho

Trump wasn't even president at the time you fucking liberal shit

Ran for office in 2015

i shut it off when the flying dragon was introduced. should i watch again?

sure whatev

It's a cat, you blind fuck.

Yeah I was just making a joke about how Trump is also the name of the president while providing a satire on how the alt-right reacts whenever his name is even brought up in a negative light. Ya see, modern English writers have a multitude of malicious tendencies which have been spread throughout all contexts of writing. I'm trying to offer the opinion that these tendencies can be avoided if someone takes the time to do so. This will result in political regeneration, but must be done by all English writers not exclusively professional ones. The slovenliness of our language allows for foolish thinking, and this foolish thinking allows for slovenliness in our language. This cyclical process is often difficult to break because again bad habits provide us with very convenient and elegant sounding sentence structures.

cats cant fly & don't have wings & i was drunk & high. i just assumed dragon.

From who did it steal it?


you should smoke a bunch of weed right before heading to the theater and sit near the front like I did. make sure to pack munchies.

reminder that Loving Vincent should have won, and all of the incredible, talented work from a multitude of artists failed to receive recognition because of >muh mexican pride

>any film but pic related winning in 2010
If you disagree you have no appreciation for animation as an art form.

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Boss Baby.

Might be one of the worst Pixar flicks besides those car ones