Fuck off Nilso edition
Fuck off
Fuck off Nilso edition
Fuck off
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>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -
>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?
If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.
This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:
> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)
> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)
>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)
Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).
>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".
>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck
Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.
Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.
Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd
no hipost edition yet baka
Tripfags ruined it
That would have been an even worse idea and retroactively makes me like this existing edition more.
f u c k
hello this is the doctor here can i have some food please
Best Doctor
What was your least favourite moment of Doctor Who subverting your expectations?
Just steal a sandwich.
Feel better!
I have some taco stuffed pasta shells you're welcome to.
You austrailian memer.
hello doctor i am also the doctor i am also without food please help
>least favourite
Moffat revealing that the Doctor's greatest fear behind his door in God Complex was just the fucking crack. (not canon)
hello i am also the doctor and there is no food here please don't not food
At least I get to meet the Doctor
where are my crisps
Rian is /ourguy/
>she's actually on the phone
wow who would've thought Doctor Who has better production values for mundane IRL things than 99% of other shows
I met him the other day. A little subcontinent asian fellow. Gave me meds, didn't poke and prod me, so that was nice.
When, instead of going with a "Bill and Missy vs the Monks and evil Twelve" plot hinted at by the trailer and synopsis, instead Toby Whithouse wrote in a fake-regen scene that made Twelve seem more like a cruel jerk than all of Series 8 had, made little sense, deflated the tension from the script, and is the root to every single problem later on in the episode.
What was your favourite moment of Doctor Who subverting your expectations?
The moon being an egg.
>Doctor Who! NEVER shortened Dr. That is horrible
tfw this retard embarrassed all doctor who fans in front of the world
The moon being an egg.
>Dr. That
I'd watch Dr. That
D'oh has an apostrophe in it, Rian
No no no, don't you see Lym, it was absolutely genius how he did it wrong. He really subverted your expectations.
How's Shit Trips 2.5 progress?
Did anyone post any stories over the past day? I wasn't online, so I wouldn't know.
>The Doctor's Daughter
>is acutally just a pseudo-clone he has no past relationship with and only knows for like a day
the sarcastic "it subverted my expectations" meme is the most toothless non-criticism of TLJ. I've seen it said here daily since the film came out and not once has it been clever or added anything to the discussion.
I expected better of you, Neo
post fatty Doctors
fuck off
>not once has it been clever or added anything to the discussion
Sounds pretty fitting to me
My favourite Neo TLJ butthurt post was when he said he wished he could "unread" Sandifer's positive review of it
>The Doctor's Wife
>not actually his wife
>but The Doctor does get married 9 episodes later
Imagine having a decent artstyle and wasting it on fetish pics
>I expected better of you, Neo
You really shouldn't have, he's addicted to shit memes.
>post fatty Doctors
Yesterday's gay fat fetish user confirmed
I guess I subverted his expectations.
What were they thinking with that fucking episode?
That one was fine though because the Doctor's "wife" was actually something cool. Jenny isn't cool. Jenny isn't cool at all.
>star wars fans
Were any other episodes shot on film aside from Spearhead From Space?
To be fair the TARDIS is technically his wife
A lot of Troughton stuff is like 50% film
>"skinny prettyboy" being fat
guess i subverted your expectations
you'd rather sit in a room full of "Whovians" than a room full of Star Wars fans?
this, to be honest
Whovians, we could at least commiserate in our misery.
>doctor who fans
>not soldiers of the Dalek Empire
How could you do this to ten
Which classic stories have the best soundtracks?
He did it to himself.
are there any left, besides normies?
The state of this thread, /who/ should be ashamed. ASHAMED.
I would, in a heartbeat, and that's coming from someone who fucking hates Doctor Who fans.
You want to kiss them at waist height?
Edamame from Gallifrey boys!
This, desu senpaitachi.I don't know, I don't associate with the riff-raff.
The Daleks
We post
Oh shit the mobile leaf ban was lifted
Ten would never
This post sent me to the hospital
was there food there there's none here i need fold helps me
This reminds me of fat riker in star trek threads. Fatter riker really.
I brought my own
Who here has read Twelve's novels?
Lay off the fucking food.
Yes! Kill the Moon created so many GOAT memes, for that reason alone, I forgive. A particular favourite of mine too user!
I haven't. ST3 idea/request though. Physics poetry in 12's voice/perspective or physics poetry "by" 12.
i casn't lay off the fdood theres none here in the first place to lay offf
You already ate it. You keep eating it but you forget, Doctor.
>paшн фaйлнeйм
Pили мeйд ми финк.
Hy a Дoктop нe пoхyдeeт, и я нe cтaнy нe гeй.
>Steven Moffat is an alt-right, MRA, Trump supporting, gamergate conspiracy theorist.
What did she mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
>unironically watching rebeltaxi
Whom is she?
Moffat must be one of the only people who gets branded as both far right and far left.
>not the first post from this IP
Fuck off Judy
I wonder if they show or explain how an egg become the moon by use the first rock theory (The Runaway Bride) as example, it will less backlash again it?
Get in the stream for a sec.
Fuck off Judy
Are the Zygons even that good?
Please don't tell me you're seriously asking Judy into the stream so you can ask him about his "ST2.5 progress"
and with this post you have revealed yourself as the third goblin
I'm working right now, this week still busy with the 10 days st Patricks day booze romp
Fuck off Judy
3 hour nap /who/
dont forget to wake me up