What went wrong guys?

It had everything, it could've been a masterpiece, it almost was.


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This montage make me feel sad, it just so well done, it makes me see how much potential was wasted.

If only they could've keept it as good as the first 1-4 episodes.
If only.

I don't think the problem were Ashi, sincerely. Season 5 needed an "Ashi".
The real problem is how they mismanaged her.
Watch the video, she gives a whole different tone to it, it just feels so right, but the way they handled her and the plot, ugh.


It's frustrating man.

How many times do we have to ask "What went wrong?" Seems like a pretty dopey question to ask ad nauseum.

It's difficult not to. Especially when you've been a fan for so long. So many years in the waiting, it's hard to not feel frustrated, especially when you see potential wasted, you feel like "fuck I could've done better if I had the resources", maybe not, but still...

Shit, Sometimes it's just better to stick to headcanons and let go.

>If only they could've kept it as good as the first 1-4 episodes.
1-3, episode 4 was extremely bad. EXTREMELY.

>It's difficult not to
No it isn't.
>Here's what I think went wrong
Done. Verbally acting dumbfounded, especially after this long, is dopey. There's no better word for it.

I think it was a transition, it started good and became bad, just like the whole season, she had a change of heart too fucking soon.

nigga stop pretending Jack was the pinnacle of storytelling. it was stylized monster of the week.

it's over and it sucked.

Different people dude, different opinions, you're not the only one in the world, don't project.

Your shit taste is over and it sucked.

But season 5 could've been. Maybe not. Who knows? But it certainly could've been so much better.

I'm not projecting anything, there is no way to say "Wh-whu happun?" or "Here's my opinion, but I need you to tell me why I feel this way" and not sound stupid.

Yes you were. Also, if you think it's so stupid why you're wasting your time here?

I advise you to watch the video before you leave tough, it's brilliantly done.
If you like Samurai Jack that is.

>if you think it's so stupid why you're wasting your time here?
To get people like you to think before they type, no matter how hard you might be fighting it.

>it was stylized monster of the week.
Exactly, we could've gotten that instead and it would've been better.

Ashi became a love interest, too much time spent on that
She had served her purpose as someone for Jack to care about and give him hope again but she well overstayed her welcome

That's stupid. If stupid people never posted here Sup Forums would've died long ago.

Let me mourne bro.

You're free to be an idiot, just try a little harder not to defend it.

That was a pretty good music video.Thanks for sharing.

I agree, too much time spent on that. Altough I still think she should've been with him till the finale, dead or alive. She was mismanaged.

Anytime bro.

I know 10 years from now people will remember the golden days of samurai jack we will remember season 1-4 making us laugh and cry

Whenever people will talk about season 5 it will be just about how much better it could have been

as much fun as the everybody loves somebody sometimes night was, it still was poor direction for the plot

also these cuties never came back

The worse of it, is how many people were pretending that the finale was actually good.

forgot pic.



Mostly just ashi and shipping fags and people who didnt watch season 1-4

I''ll quote one of the tube comments because it's just fits so much.

>Most extended cuts tend to over stay their welcome. Not this one.

qt dog family and scaramouche are the only things stopping me from regretting S5 entirely

I unironically keked.

That ep 1 was fucking fire man.
god the first 3 episodes were good

Scaramouche is a child killer

I'm talking about the whole episode, not just the ending.

>Go to the channel to see if they made any others
>it's all Steven Universe crap


They fucking were.
Holy shit, I remember Sup Forums hype on those days, 3-5 threads of Samurai Jack per time almost all of them reaching bump limit, memes everywhere.
Maybe that's why the later episodes were such a sucker punch, we saw what it could've been but we never got it.

It forgot to earn its ending.
No, "it's in the theme song!" is not reason enough to completely blow off the setting where 99% of your series takes place. At the very least they needed a future coda.

I know, I disagree with you tough, I think it started good.

>The horseman was hyped up for half the season
>Even got shown off months before the season aired
>Finally episode 6 comes around and we get to see who he is
>He's a generic warrior ghost that goes down in one hit
What the fuck were they thinking? What role did he fill that blue jack didn't?

I think the biggest flaw was having Jack actually go back to the past, when the entire point of the last season *seemed* to have been that Jack fixation on going back instead of stopping Aku in the future was what nearly brought him to absolute failure and ruin, and that he had truly changed the future for the better just by being there.

Remember that fucking sick prank AS pull on us on April 1st?

The biggest letdown of the whole season.
At least he gave me cool wallpapers.

Now it seems more like they knew how shit the rest of the season was, and wanted to put it off a bit longer. Or at least give it some breathing room.

Why does Tumblr seem to think 1-7 were good, not 1-3 like us?

hahahaha the butthurt was hillarious.

I seriously don't know how they managed to screw this up.

1-3 are KINO and the quality dropped from there but I think our standards stayed at that level

Im still mad

The Wolf papes are the best tho

I'm actually glad to see that Sup Forums actually have higher standards than tumblr

I had hopes until that point for the series to get back on it's feet, but Ashi against the ogre army was the last drop for me.

Sup Forums is one of the few places that still has any standards, period.

Yeah, the ending felt more like closure to Ashi's story than Jack's

Heh. Notalgia is a bitch, you can almost pretend that the whole season was kino with pic related.

If only.

Gendy couldn't get nearly has half the budget he expected and had to rush the hell out of the season.

he managed to get just about what would make the plot comprehensible, but that's about it. If he had the budget for one or two extra eps it would have been much better.

It was too short, which is why the pacing was so rushed. Ten episodes just wasn't enough for the story that Genndy wanted to tell, despite what he may think. I honestly think that season five could've been a lot better if it had at least three more non-filler episodes.

I was expecting a shitstorm, but this is actually a comfy thread.

I've already seen that video, it's a masterpiece. Worth watching it again.

I have to believe on that because, for fucks sake some scenes were such a bad choice such a mistake that I have to believe Genddy had no other choice.

I cried

She wasn't so bad, and she actually had a reason to be there. Don't blame the character for it's creator's faults.

yeah but he's funny and looks sharp

Yeah I know, right? Cooties? Who needs 'em. Icky girls and their icky cooties. Eww.

In all honesty, there was no way it was ever going to live up to the hype. Sup Forums would have found some issue to bitch about anyways.

They were bitching about everything for the first three episodes anyway.

As much I want to say you are wrong deep down I know you are right

>the Tumblerinas are still butthurt about Ashi

Whaaa, Jack turned out to be a straight man instead of a trans asexual demgirl or whatever it is you wanted.

Go complain about it in your feminist blogs.

She should have die in Episode 3.

>Wanting more of that furry
She's shit.

>ashi stole the final fight away from jack and deus ex machina'd the main plot point away
She was a good waifu though I suppose.

Bad art style, ill fitted for an "action" cartoon.

If Genndy wanted to give Jack a GF, he should have chosen one of the Scotsman's daughters (but maybe Genndy has shit taste in fictional women)

Ugly as fuck.


It's not so much Ashi as it was the forced romance angle killing the tone that was set up in the first few episodes. Also, Aku being virtually nonexistent, the Scotsman being reduced to a gag character whose scenes don't matter, and the pointless cameos that never went anywhere.


It's wild to think that when Episode 1 came out, I was in the Toonami thread saying it was a waste to kill him off so early.

Seeing what came afterwards, Genndy should have just left him dead.

I can't begin to tell you how much I would have loved another season of Samurai Jack. The REAL Samurai Jack, not whatever the fuck season 5 was.

The IDW comic was damn great in this regard. Jim Zub really delivered.


Again, should have kill her or just allies.


was it really THAT BAD? It wasn't much of a story or character developed series in the first place and it was mainly praised for great animation and a very fast and moiving plot with single episodes that had honestly epic back stories to them. Granted the Ashi/Jack relationship did fall on it's face but THATS ONLU CAUSE PEOPLE TAKE FEMALE AND MALE RELATIONSHIPS WAY TOO SERIOUSLY in stuff thats a fucking cartoooooon!

I personally don't think it was "THAT BAD" as many people screech on insisting.
It was just a missed opportunity of a finale with astonishingly high quality.

People waited a long time for this, and int he first four-or-so episodes they have gotten something that was mostly on par with their already high expectations.

Then the tone slowly changed into something overly different, and they felt disappointed and some even betrayed.

>Jack will never have a true happy ending, somethings will always fuck him up.

Hey some cartoons are lucky to get a revival at all. I swear fans of western cartoons complain way too much about every single detail when it's honestly nothing to be taken that seriously because of a majority of it's fan bases like that of samurai jack and rick&morty, they especially complain tooooo much about there pwecious cartoon thats honestly really really fucking great anyway no matter what happens. "betrayed" jesus christ fucking really?

What does it being a western cartoon has to do with anything?
I'm starting to thing you might not be mature enough for this discussion.

It needed to be more than 10 episodes.

That would have solved almost everything.

Also the tree in the ending looks like a penis.

Quality Western cartoons are few enough as it is

Western cartoons have just started to become of age to mature audiences. "not mature enough" this is a cartoon once intended for Y7- FV right? Go fuck/cum on your Aku plushie you got from a movie theater crane game, I hope Mako soaks your piss up nicely and drinks it like a good supreme overlord

it either needed more episodes or it needed to be a movie.

like i would have accepted the rushed stuff it was a movie, because hey it's kind of how movies work.

also it was annoying that this season had a new character that took screen time from old characters just so that you would feel attached to her enough to feel bad when she was killed off.

>all the expectations after episode 2
Fuck man, what could have been

The entire season went downhill once Ashi became a prominent character. All of us knew it from the start. It's a 10 fucking episode cinematic series, we wanted to see how our Jackie boy overcomes himself and regains his path. Adding further characters when all of his characteristics were already set from other seasons was unnecessary, and in this case, degrading. What did Ashi contribute to Jack's character? She trivialized it. Jack didn't overcome his suicidal thoughts, Ashi literally killed them. Jack didn't make the decision to go back to the past. Ashi forced him.

Among other things, focus on this character made the pacing be all over the place. We didn't need to see jack babysit a monkey in a monsters gut for 20 minutes, we didn't need to be reminded why Aku is evil,we didn't need to have all the fucking cameos say what we already saw in the previous seasons, we didn't need to see the overpowered mary sue character that Ashi is by brooming through an army of robots just by using brute force, and most importantly of all, we didn't need to see Jack turned into a horny teen for an entire episode that provided nothing plotwise.

Genndy turned a well beloved series with a promising chance to wrap up the whole plot into his own shitty fanfic to wank at. It seems like he ran out of ideas after episode 3 and just used his fetishes as filler for the remainder of the season.

This! Ashi is a mistake.

>It was too short, which is why the pacing was so rushed. Ten episodes just wasn't enough for the story that Genndy wanted to tell, despite what he may think. I honestly think that season five could've been a lot better if it had at least three more non-filler episodes.

Yes, it was an 8/10 season but I think that ending it with a mini movie in 3 episodes (like the beginning of the season) would have fixed everything.

>tfw Ep. 9 didn't open like this
>yfw Zone drew vanilla

>What role did he fill that blue jack didn't?
Basically, he was a physical representation of Jack's dishonor at having failed his purpose. Blue Jack was a representation of Jack's feelings of dejection, sadness, anger and tiredness over having been stranded on the future for so long.
The Omen wanted Jack to kill himself because he had failed in his quest.
Blue Jack wanted Jack to kill himself so he wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

I think you all exaggerate too much. As someone who watched the original four seasons a few times, and season 5 also a couple of times, I have to say that season 5 was excellent at best, and serviceable at worst. It never really reaches "horrible" or even "bad".
While I do concede that the amount of episodes this season received was insufficient for the kind of story they wanted to tell, it's not the train wreck people claim it is.
Some mistakes were made, some of them worse than others. There are sequences and scenes that I can barely defend from criticism because they were in fact rather poor.
And while there's wasted potential in this season, what it got right, it got very right.
And no, not just the three first episodes, which has been said so much that I'm starting to worry it's become more of a meme than an actual opinion. There was something valuable in every episode. In some of them more than in others, and yes, the first three episodes are definitely the best well rounded ones, but by no means are they the only ones.

>How many times do we have to ask "What went wrong?" Seems like a pretty dopey question to ask ad nauseum.
Forever. Since there will always be virgins that still care about the show being "ruined" by having a love interest to constantly make threads about it. Just remember the generals and move on.

>should have died in episode 3
Objectively wrong, she had not served her purpose at that point
Her character was needed to give Jack hope again. After Jack got the sword back her purpose was served.
After that I believe she was misshandled, the romantic plot was too time consuming and didn't really add much imo

Honestly, I don't mind the romance, but she could have either become an apprentice or surrogate daughter and I would have been cool with it.
I don't think the idea of romance is inherently wrong as a direction in which to take their relationship, however, for the little time they had left keeping them as friends might have been more beneficial for the series in the long run. For example, episode 8 could have be re purposed.

I personally didn't like the romance but I makes sense why they did it, Jacky boy has been alone for 50 years so it makes sense that he would want to become close to a first human he's spent time with.
But I do think it was misshandled. Like, a whole episode was spent just on that.