>Damon, 47, reportedly has purchased a property in Byron Bay, New South Wales, according to Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph. The home’s next door to a place owned by Chris Hemsworth — with whom Damon recently appeared in “Thor: Ragnarok.”
>A source exclusively tells Page Six: “Matt’s telling friends and colleagues in Hollywood that he’s moving the family to Australia” because the activist actor disagrees with Trump’s policies. The president’s frequently butted heads with liberal Hollywood A-listers including Meryl Streep. The source added, “Matt’s saying the move will not impact his work — as he will travel to wherever his projects are shooting. He’s also telling friends he wants to have a safe place to raise his kids.” Damon has four children with wife Luciana Barroso.
>Perhaps Damon’s also allowing some of the controversy to die down after he had to publicly apologize for insensitive comments he made about the wave of sexual assault allegations shaking Hollywood. He said on an ABC movie show that the #MeToo allegations should be judged on a “spectrum of behavior.” But he then told NBC’s “Today” of the remark, “I really wish I’d listened a lot more before I weighed in on this. Ultimately, what it is for me is that I don’t want to further anybody’s pain with anything that I do or say. And so for that I’m really sorry.” Damon and best bud Ben Affleck‘s production company this week said it would adopt “inclusion riders” in stars’ contracts, after Frances McDormand spurred the trend from the stage at the Oscars.
Why do people hate trump? Just because he's not as statesman like?
Christopher Wright
> janitor deletes black panther threads > lets Sup Forums threads alive hiro sold Sup Forums to republicans confirmed
Nolan Reyes
Mnnie Driver: >“He didn’t want to cast me [in ‘Good Will Hunting’] because he said to my face, and to the casting director and to Ben [Affleck], to Matt, to Chris Moore who was the actual producer of the movie on the set and to Gus Van Sant that, and I quote, I was ‘not f—kable.’ But that’s just business,” she said. “I got off lightly with him. I really did … When we talk about sexual harassment, it’s not about sex, it’s about power.”
at least he actually is moving unlike all the other hollywood kikes who backed out
William Collins
Fuck I thought he was too good for capeshit. Well at least Clooney isn't a sell out.
Jacob Wright
because people are always jealous of sucess and want to see the top dawg fall
Hunter Johnson
kek has he seen ausfag politics it's a total shitshow 5 prime ministers in 10 years garbage coalition after coalition
And his body will die in that country
Joshua Gray
He’s an annoying retard and a shit president
Luis Richardson
Hope he gets his house robbed by sudanese "teens". Then again the area he's moving to probably hires its own guards and gets special attention from the police
Blake Gutierrez
Celebs are afraid Trump will arrest the notorious Hollywood pedophile ring.
When was the last time usa had a nonshit president?
Easton Russell
i'm legitimately curious how his life has changed since trump has been elected. what is actually different for him and his family?
well you see user he reduced the tax rate for rich people from 39.6% to 37% and referred to the poorest country in the western hemisphere as a shithole so we need to take to the streets and #resist so we can change the country back to what it was a year ago
Makes you wonder, did anyone actually kill themselves when he got into office or was it just tears for attention?
Gabriel Jones
>90% white
damon is a racist
Carter Wood
It's Byron Bay you dumb westerner.
Jayden Martin
first he has to arrest himself
Jason Price
>Australia >White
Isaac Turner
Why doesn't fagboy move to haiti or somewhere nice? Literally moving to the whitest country in the world. Fucking racist hypocrite.
Parker King
He was absolutely right. No one would fucking buy three dudes all contesting over a bitch that looks like Minnie Driver. She was an awful casting choice off of looks alone. Her character didn't even fucking matter but some serious eye candy would've helped.
Jaxson Reed
Wait what? A dude got his dick sucked by a stranger on the train?
Nathan Roberts
I'm like 80 kilometers south of Byron. Might go up and tell him fuck off we're full
Isaiah Phillips
Ask the lebs and abbos how progressive auslandia is
Nicholas Rogers
>He’s also telling friends he wants to have a safe place to raise his kids. Why not move to Haiti?
Ryder Ward
Matt Damon is the exact kind of American that Australians like to bully
Luke Price
>he wants to have a safe place to raise his kids >Australia
Isn't this a quote about Weinstein? Matt and Ben wanted Driver for the role. That being said, these Ivy League virtue signalers are the worst. Not moving to Mexico or Venezuela I see.
Mason Campbell
And washed his dick with coke
Connor Hernandez
It is though
Aiden Davis
Asher Sullivan
oh no
Parker Phillips
go to sydney and say that, population is literally a third to a half asian it's bananas
Andrew Ramirez
>Sup Forums actually believes this 'actor' on the lam is going to where the corrupt press reported he is
he is threatening their avacado toast. no slave labor from illegals? more expensive produce. gwenith paltro would only be able to buy 3 limes, the horror.
Tyler Martin
Cloony played batman....
Nathaniel Edwards
this. why not move to the UK or Canada? they're more in line with his pansy ideals
Isaac Turner
I hope he gets into argument after argument with random abbos, and as the stupid boongs throw a punch at him they get shot by security. Matt "Coon-Killer" Damon. That'd be sweet.
If you genuinly cannot understand why a person would dislike Donald Trump there is something fundementally wrong with you Im not trying to insult him I had no horse in that race and I think generally people don't give him enough credit but I'm just saying, he has made a lot of people very angry for reasons that are very easy to understand But it's a lot easier to just say that you're autistic
He lies, he's an awful businessman, he is going after guns, his supporters are idiots, he's an inheritance baby, he's spoiled and entitled, he has no idea how economics works, his staff turnover is higher than any president, his tax cuts don't even help lower class americans, the united states is still running larger and larger deficits, he admits to lying to other world leaders and making up facts, all his economic decisions will just lead to job losses for americans.
Oliver Smith
He's not the only celebrity who vowed to move out if Trump won, atleast he's following through with it
Ethan Stewart
does he know how openly racist a lot of australia is
Jason Murphy
> The home’s next door to a place owned by Chris Hemsworth
>hates Trump because 'he raycis' >moves to an all white country where they shit on their local black population of inbred retards Are liberals just not self aware or are they trolling
Easton Carter
his feelings are hurt
Cameron Gutierrez
John F. Kennedy, but we all know what happened to him.
Anthony Clark
you wish mate most white aussies are trash at best and iced up at worst
Jonathan Walker
Not him, but he asked about trump, I don't give a shit about user he can't do shit and is probably wanking as we speak
Logan James
>thinking Matt Damon was above Anthony Hopkins and Cate Blanchett in integrity