What do you think he's up to now?

What do you think he's up to now?

Other urls found in this thread:


jacking it to fanmail

Regretting that he didn't kill himself before he was caught

He's in a far off slave planet harvesting Elerium for a bowl of rice a day. The lizard people can be so cruel.

Biggest red Pill of the year right here



He's in protective custody in a cell by himself 23 hours a day. So... he's probably periodically wondering if it would have been better to suicide by cop or if he should kill himself now.

top kek

beating his head against a fucking wall, lol. Exactly what he will be doing for the rest of his pathetic life

Fucking ch*chen monkeys

I see you have experience in this sort of thing.

Is this guy going to be executed or what? Kind of lost track

Sure do :)

Just come to my house and talk to me please. Not like you don't know my address and where I am at any given moment. Think I'm stupid? No reason for your covert bullshit.

probably in a mandatory appeal stage. May take up to 6 years to work through it. But the gurney is still his last stop.

Praying five times a day and wishing he got martyred.

Think you're a big man? You're monitoring me based on false pretense and you have no clue what you're doing (though you think you do). Why can't you people just come talk to me in-person?

getting pimped out for cigarettes and gatorade.


give me ur IP adress u little bitch ill fuck you up im finna

I'd make him my prison waifu tbqh.

Rocking back and forth, reciting

"Krusty is coming, Krusty is coming"

He's supposed of be in protective custody so other inmates dont even have access to him to pimp him out. He stays in a cell by himself.

You're not one of them. (ID: Rf5MAL39) is. You though... you're just a shitposting faggot. Rf5MAL39 is tracking me irl in real-time. kys

I didn't even post this message... and for the note it's (ID: 8h32wkjn) who is spying on me.

They are now fucking with my by showing me they can post as my ID (i.e they have compromised my computer). I don't care though... I'm trying to get these guys to just talk to me in-person.

What is this? You think someone is spying on you in real life, has compromised your computer, and you want them to come speak with you in-person? Wtf

Prison workout, getting buff.

>she used a program called bleach bit, not a corrosive chemical

I don't just think they are watching me, I KNOW they are. They have been spying on me but apparently they don't realize they've not been as covert as they think they have. It's just government people... I wish they would just come talk to me instead of this spying bullshit.

Are you supposed to take anti-psychotic medication?

Dude no, I'm not schizophrenic. I shouldn't even waste my time responding to you to be honest... but I am completely mentally sound and I've never taken nor needed psych medications.

There are government types spying on me (I'm unsure of what agency they are with).

I think the next time I see a tail car I'm just going to confront them directly. But I'm hoping they can just realize it'd be easiest for everyone involved if they'd just come knock on my door so we could have a chat.

They are probably following some lame protocol where they aren't supposed to directly confront me without getting approval other than in extreme circumstance.

How do you know? Asking because I'm pretty sure it's happening to me too...

Well, I've noticed them tailing me in public various times. But they also follow me around online and make posts in response to me wherever I go to try and fish info out of me. They didn't realize I knew it until this thread but I know they have compromised my computer. I've been using a packet sniffer and other security tools to prove this. My computer is backdoored by them and they can see anything I do.

O for fuck sakes. It was banter. You said you need to talk about something. We are here for you. But come wearing fireproof undies.

Change your computer then. You can get one cheap on CL.

Nice try FBI. Come to my house and talk to me in-person. I didn't do what you think I did.

serving out his mandatory 40-year sentence on death row

this guy's diction is consistent enough to convince me he's fucking insane

I have many computers. It's one of my desktops that is compromised. I'm running packet sniffers on some other systems on my local network so I actually know what's going on. I really don't care that my desktop is compromised... I'm trying to get them to come talk to me in person. I could shutdown the backdoor in my system any time I want... but I don't want to.

so have you tried making 3 left turns to see if it's a tail? what crimes did you commit where you'd suspect that? can you even name 3 agencies that might be relevant to this scheme?

he is qt

Spoken like a true mentally ill person. Seek help user.

Didn't do 3 left turns but I do know they are tailing me. I actually did something quite a bit more complex and utterly ridiculous compared to 3 left turns lol.

Anyways... I didn't commit any crimes... what I DID do is troll a bunch of people into thinking I was involved in cyber crime (significant hacks).

I'm literally being followed by the government because of trolling on the internet. They think I'm an ultra hacker when in fact I can barely identify a man-in-the-middle attack with wireshark.

See I am seriously... truly being followed around and spied on in real-time because of a troll in which I convinced others I successfully accomplished a large hack.

I'm sure I seem like a lunatic but trust me...

Do you think it's beyond the US government to follow someone around they think is a hacker? lolzzzzz

You need to purchase a google home tomorrow at Walmart. It will allow you to talk directly to the government, one way of course.

i used to follow people for a living, is it possible you are being investigated for insurance fraud? such as workers comp, just asking.

Probably reading Love letters sent to him by all of his female orbiters

>taking credit for a hack you didn't do

My mom told me I used to play with these boys when I was a kid, what a meme

He should have done it in skandinavia. Their prisons are like ressorts.

Did breivik finally get his next gen console?

fake identity

he doesn't exist as you know it


I guess it's time to tell this story.

I was in Boston, only a few blocks away from the bombing when it happened. A few weeks before, I met a girl at a bar. Things were going well, when she started texting me in all kinds of languages and generally acting very strange. The night before the bombing, I'll never forget it.. she told me to never call or text that phone again. She was in a frat house.

I just assumed I had done something wrong somewhere amor that for whatever reason she just didn't want to see me anymore. The next day, the bombing happens. I figure that's a big enough event to break protocol and call. I get a text back, saying this phone is within custody of the Boston police department.

So, with the killer being from a frat and the weirdness of this girl, her being in a frat house the night before, I contact the FBI, and tell them this story. But in the meanwhile, I have to find this girl. So I wait at the same bar, every day until I see her. She can't remember where she is, she's clearly not drunk but is on some kind of drug. Maybe Xanax.

She takes me to a house of her "new friends". They're quite paranoid and tell me they're flying out of the country in the coming days.

There's more weirdness. Just weird events, truly strange things happened around this time. A couple of days after the city wide lockdown was lifted, I was walking across the Museom of Fine Arts and saw a lone backpack by a tree. There were two other students nearby so I told them and we started running. A police was there, waiting, and we told him the possible situation.

One other truly strange thing. An old man walked up to me, and told me he could give me anything I wanted. He said he had money, drugs, I could have it all. I said no, I'm not religious but I legitimately felt like this man was from the Devil. When I said that, he literally ran away, jumped into a car that was waiting on him and left.

I still don't know what to make of all that.

Nah, not possible it's something like that. The cars have government tags and the exploit they used on my desktop is insane. I'm a software engineer with a bit of network security knowledge and I've used a variety of security tools to prove my system has been pwned. No anti-virus, malware etc software picks anything up. I had to literally use packet sniffers and memory monitoring software to determine what was happening.

So... cars with government tags following me around... dudes who look like traditional secret service guys (suits, glasses, ear-pieces etc) following me on foot, and the computer exploit... Yea... not for insurance fraud lol

Yea I know... but the thing is... I took credit for a hack that NO ONE did. It's a hack that didn't even happen lol.

Rotting in ADX Florence along with some of his piece of shit heroes like Ramzi Yousef and Richard Reid. All he has to look forward to is the day they strap him down to a gurney and put him out of his misery.

Supermax is no joke. >www.boston.com/news/local-news/2015/07/17/tsarnaev-moved-to-supermax-prison-heres-how-hell-live

cool story user

well, i can assure you if they are after you they wouldn't have govt tags. They type of people you need to be worried about are strictly UC. so relax


How can infidels even compete?

Getting bumfucked

> I still don't know what to make of all that.

Wtf user please tell me this is a pasta

Yea I figured that too. True under cover they'd be in plain clothes and would have nothing to suggest they are government. Doesn't change that they are following me anyways... it's fucking ridiculous. I think I'm just going to randomly stop my car tomorrow, pull over, and directly walk to their vehicle and ask them "WTF!?".

He doesn't deserve to be in that horrible prison he's too cute to be in their. He was obviously wrongfully convicted no one that beaitiful would commit such a crime.

Thanks user, I think this may be of national interest. Someone will be in touch.

This fucking shit should be nothing more than comedy gold... instead it pisses me right the fuck off.

He's probably dead or living it up in some other country. The Boston "bombing" was a pathetically orchestrated false flag.

Lol the old man was a cop if you haven't figured that out yet.

You probably met the real bombers bruh, I wouldn't spread that around if I were you.


See pic for Tsarnaev's new home.
I'm sure it's cozy this time of year.

so that means only the guards rape his prettyboy ass?

Does he get a lot of visitation/pussy in prison?


And if he's a good boy he gets to go in an outside cage for an hour a day.

I cooperated, I told them everything I knew and if anything else happens I'll tell them that. I believe in the integrity of the FBI, as is being evidenced by Comey now and the actions they're taking. I know everything about this girl and I watch her from the Internet occasionally. She seems normal. It could all be nothing. But it was strange.

Mfw Sup Forums is collectively being Gangstalked by the feds

And I'll just say it's pathetic that autists get so enamorred with conspiracy theories instead of finishing school or getting a fucking job that they call these attacks false flag at the drop of a hat. I believe there is corruption within the system but there is no evidence the Boston bombings were a false flag. So fuck you, CTR here's your shekels.

Any ideas on how I can fuck with their heads?

sounds a lot like psychosis.

Did u do something to get them to keep,tabs on you?

You're a fool to dismiss it. There's is ample evidence. I pity you for thinking everything is as it seems, and for so throughly sucking the cock of the mainstream media.

I doubt supermax prisons allow congical visits

On the general topic of this does genuine tapping produce any kind of noise?

I ask because I was discussing something politics relatrd with a friend on my cell phone and both of us heard this staticky tapping noise for a couple seconds right before the call dropped.

Could be but I have no evidence of mental illness in my family.

Yea, I already mentioned it in some other posts in this thread though... Basically I trolled a lot of people into thinking I successfully accomplished a major hack.

Any visits that he is allowed are non-contact and monitored by prison guards. Visitors are not allowed to dress in revealing or provocative clothing and are subject to cavity search before and after at guard's discretion.

Nah, tapping of phones doesn't make any noise. The tapping shit is only in TV/movies. It is possible however that someone could royally fuck up and make some noise on the line but that's highly unlikely.

a little psychosis around the age of 20 is quite common. many people recover from that and never experience mental illness again, ever.


Those bombings and subsequent shenanigans post bombing weee some of pols finest hours.

U might be tripping so I don't wanna encourage a mentally ill user to do something stupid

Interesting. I'll look it up.

>tfw been working on pizza gate for 12 hours straight because sick day
>tfw burnt out and shitposting in a Boston bombing thread

Why didn't he kill himself...he had like a day and a half to do it. Wasn't he caught in a firefight too? Coulda sent one into the dome piece

Whoops cont:

Boston bombing was 100% a false flag carried out purely to analyze USA's reaction to tanks rolling through a city. Crazy right? No one fuckin cared. No one.

Not tripping at all, user. I just want to do some totally absurd that confuses them significantly.

I was thinking that I should hide a mashed up snikers bar in my ass (i.e tape it to my ass cheek) and then when I know they are watching me reach in my pants/ass pull it out and pretend like I'm eating my own feces.

That just makes you a run of the mill Sup Forumstard user.

No retard, he didn't kill himself because it was a falseflag. And someone who frequented the pizza gate threats should be smart enough to realize that falseflags are not fringe territory.

I mean seriously, you guys are digging into pedophile rings but you think Boston bombing was legit? Lol

Ok... what are your ideas then?

Have you guys noticed /r9k/ always kills more people than Sup Forums ever managed to?
Maybe they are the true alphas.

>leaf posting

Read my second post you nigger

Get help. That is my idea.

kys, you six-piece chicken McNobody