Trump surging in Google Trends

I just explored google trends and found interesting effects. Notice in the following charts that I paste here, that "vote hillary" searches were almost tied with "vote trump" searches, but only until yesterday. From yesterday in most swing states there is a surge of "vote trump" queries. This is data from the last 7 days.

For Florida: 7-d&geo=US-FL&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

For Pennsylvania: 7-d&geo=US-PA&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

For Michigan: 7-d&geo=US-MI&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

For NC: 7-d&geo=US-NC&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

For Colorado: 7-d&geo=US-CO&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

But not so much for Nevada: 7-d&geo=US-NV&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

Notice that it is yesterday and today that people started searching "vote trump" so much more than in the last week in general. This goes against the newest CTR narrative that emails help Hillary because people don't care, and that Obamacare criticque was what brought votes back to Trump.

I'm sure we can find other interesting trends here

Other urls found in this thread: 7-d&geo=US-CA&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton 7-d&geo=US-WI&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

Good stuff.

Also, what does this mean for California?:
> 7-d&geo=US-CA&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

In Wisconsin it's also present: 7-d&geo=US-WI&q=vote trump,vote hillary,vote clinton

That's because he's an asshole that spouts bullshit.

why do they all spike down at the end?

Wow, that is some reinvigorated interest in Trump in Commiefornia. Notice that both hillary and trump rise, but Trump rises substantially more and widens the gap

Because normies slowly put away computers and stop searching for politics-related things. Notice that in NY it's 8:30PM

That doesn't really explain Nevada's searches, though. It's strange, because Trump is up in the polls for that state.

Yeah, Nevada is a tough one. He is improving the polls, but doesn't improve the searches (aka 'interest'). However, he still leads the search count in Nevada.

I guess that's why Sup Forums is deciding the election

We're putting in overtime to shitpost!