ITT: We give the FBI agents our energy to gather enough evidence to arrest Hillary before election day.

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Fake & Gay


repeat after me

FBI user was right.

Based fbi

88 get


This shit is taking too long let the big guys take over.


Scandinavians are good people


A single and simple word that describes what these brave and principled men and women are.


What happens if Hillary wins but is put in jail before she's sworn in? Do we do another election or does Kaine step up?


Kaine becomes president and gets to pick his VP

If they rig this election the impending shitstorm will get them killed.
The justice system offers life and atonement.
The military and the mob offer death.
It's their choice. Just like breaking every law against humanity that has ever been conceived was their choice.

There is a reason they are called the 1%. They are few. They remain untouchable by using intimidation and fear. They want us to think we are alone. That no one is on our side.
The truth is we are all on the same side. The soldiers, the government agents, the public.
And we are all against them.





Make this a meme

Godspeed Agent Muldaur, I want to believe.
To Agent Scully: plz be my FBI gf.



I'm with you FBI. Godspeed.

"The emails are out here... I can feel it."

but they havent even fucking done anything yet

i will applaud as soon as they indict


>That Under Armour


How can I join the fbi? Seems like a cool job.

>ITT: We give the FBI agents our energy to gather enough evidence to arrest Hillary before election day.

can they hurry up though? NYPD needs to stop fucking around and drop the goodies before this gets boring,

I will not be satisfied if we don't see an arrest and the antichrist revealed plus alien space jesus second coming UFO bizznizz



Alright thanks Dane bro



if anyone 3letter agencyanons involved in this reading this, thanks for restoring hope in humanity
high level insider stuff adds up aswell
>we are three





Pepe FTW

GUYS don't you realize that if Shillary gets arrested Pre-New president Obama will just pardon her?

Rolling they need fucking DO IT already

>Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the Guardian, spurring a rapid series of leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election.

>Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited.

>“The FBI is Trumpland,” said one current agent.


Great democracy you got there, burgers. Your own public institutions intervene in political elections to make sure a certain candidate gets favoured.

You seem upset

Mind coming downtown to discuss it?


Wow, you actually believe this



Thank you based FBI

I support the Friendly Bureau of Investigation in their efforts to expose the corrupt and treasonous.

I'm not. I don't care who wins your semblance of "democratic" elections.

But I'm pretty sure nobody will ever again take the USA as an example of democracy.

When your public institutions intervene to influence the outcome of elections, you know it's starting to look like Russian "democracy".




>Break the law
>Go to prison

In first world countries no one is above the law.

I know this might be hard to comprehend for a gypsy, where leaders get to whiip everyone else.

>Your own public institutions intervene in political elections to make sure a certain candidate gets favoured.
So do our private institutions, so it's fine.
What, do you hate justice or something?

The election that couldn't any wierder sees a message from Sup Forums to the Bureau of Party Vans -- of unironic love.

>Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI.
cause she's crooked, and protected by a corrupt administration and political Justice department.
This agents took an oath to serve America, not the Democratic party.
I used to think liberal fascism was an oxymoronic term... not any more.
liberals are proving to be fascists, willing to tolerate corruption if it serves their agenda...
This a perfect case where an independent prosecutor has to be deployed... The administration can't be trusted to police itself, and everyone at the top is implicated.

We allies now senpai


>In first world countries no one is above the law.

Right now the FBI is above the law, they are making public stuff about an ongoing investigation. Which they never do, it's part of their work not to talk about the investigation until they can actually have enough evidence for prosecution to proceed.

Not sure your mental capacity can fathom these things. It's about legality and due course of legal procedures. And, in principle, a public institution shouldn't lend itself to such tactics.

They should, on the contrary, try to keep silent, in order to avoid interfering with elections.
Then, if their evidence is prosecutable, Clinton could be impeached and still face a trial.

But obviously, this is not just about a person, this is about politics. Simply impeaching Clinton is not what they're after. They just want to block a new Democrat mandate at any price.

Burt Macklin Reporting in

Shill go somewhere else.

Bif conquers all

Go suck a dick, I'll say whatever I want.

democracy is shit
better to have a god emperor who views the state and it's people as himself

Found the shill

eurofag from a country that produced cuckesescu

Black Lodge checking in



You're stupid.

I hope my country will break all partnerships with your country.

The USA is no longer a model for anyone. I hope both you and Russia nuke each other and the world would be better off without both of you.

t. Loretta Lynch

Who would win in a FBI vs CIA fight?

The Romanian front was where the Bolsheviks radicalized the people they needed to overthrow the Russian government during WW1. This is all your fault.

Yes, so we know from experience what dictatorship and rigged elections were like and we never want to go back to that.

Apparently you've had enough of democracy and want to switch places, you want to live in a dictatorship right now.

Funny how history works.

Take'em down


All this talk of pizza today got me to go get one on the way home from work. Cheese and pineapple with extra pineapple.


CIA is 100x bigger

How is the FBI investigating an organization designed to consolidate contacts, influence, money, and power after a President left office on the eve of his wife's potential ascension to office in any way a sign that the US' citizens want a dictatorship?
Has Donald Trump spoken of overturning the Constitution? He said that he will appoint judges who will make decisions based on the Constitution, while Hillary admitted she wanted to appoint activist judges.
Clinton is a greater threat to the republic and the nation than Trump.

The Department Of Justice has been proven to be in collusion with the Clinton Foundation.

Wikileaks showed multiple examples of them being tipped off from within the DOJ.

FBI agents were shut down by the DOJ in their effort to prosecute the Clinton Foundation.

If that trust is breached they will seek Justice in other means.

Never before has a corrupt network like the Clinton Foundation been seen in American politics.

Both the Department Of Justice along with the State Department have been proven breached.

Hillary's '7th' floor shadow goverment named in FBI's released file on HRC document 4 page 56, is most likely CIA command involved.

Pic related.

They are a rogue agency with a shitload of power.

No way to control it really, perfect infiltration point for corruption.

There's a big lack of digits in this thread, let's change that

7th floor is also where the secretary of state has its office in the state dept building.

It's also where Soros open society foundation is located.

Both in DC and London


Are they just trying to insult Kek now? Really, what's with this globalists obsession with 7?

F-f-or me?

KEK bless the fine men and women of the FBI


You niggas retarded? A large portion of people voting Trump are only voting for him because they hate Hillary. Put up anyone against Trump and he will destroy him, so if Hillary is arrested, it will be boring old at least he is not a racist fascist Kaine vs Trump Hilter 2.0.

Yes, I can just imagine the huge black and latino turnout for Kaine.

I can assure you the high Hispanic voter registration and turnout is not because Hispanics love Hillary.

The Obama run DOJ is obstructing the FBI from conducting a thorough investigation, and that helps Clinton. Tell me how that's fair.


How's this?

pretty dope,

not OC I assume?

It's not about the FBI gathering enough evidence. I'm sure they have enough to indict charges. The problem is, the DOJ doesn't want there to be charges laid at all.

major get for the FBI to indict Huma tomorrow

No sir, definitely not my work. Shameless plagiarism. Got it off reddit.


Thank you FBI for being based!