There are former Bernie supporters who STILL support Shillary despite all the allegations that have come to light

>there are former Bernie supporters who STILL support Shillary despite all the allegations that have come to light

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>there are former Ron Paul supporters who STILL support Drumph despite all the allegations that have come to light

to be fair, she's not donald trump.

The fall of Sanders led to my awakening.

whats this obsession with Drumpf? americans cannot pronounce Drumpf. I would have had to change my name if I integrated into american culture as well

Is there a lower form of life than an ex-bernie now hillary supporter, anywhere on the planet? in the present or past?

he's the Cuck King
what a faggot

I'm a Bernie supporter and have been following you guys on /pol for awhile now, as we have the same end goal. Fuck Hillary, never liked her and never will. Trump that bitch if it comes to it.

In fact, I pay more attention to Fox News blurbs now than CNN, NBC etc. (something I never thought I would say) because the Wikileaks show how full of shit most MSM is and now all I hear is shilling. At least fox has a common interest in hating Hillary.

Not all of us Bernie bros are ridiculous. Many of us are just as outraged as you.

Hillary and Bernie were never that much different ideologically. They always voted together. And now she has adopted every platform of his. Bernie hates Trump's guts. He said from the beginning that Hillary would be better than any republican. They have always been close friends and now they are even closer friends. Bernie supporters have a lot to gain in this election by supporting Hillary. Not Drumpf. Most Bernie supporters liked Hillary before they even knew who he was. Nice try at bait though.

I like Bernie but I've been #WithHer from the very beginning.

FBI themselves debunked it
0 evidence besides 1 tape they cherry picked out of probably hundreds of hours of audio and footage where he even explicitly says 'they let me'

I convinced a bernie supporter to ditch him and support trump. We burned his Bernie t shirt in his backyard

>I'm a Bernie supporter
>Fuck Hillary
I don't think Bernie would like that much, user. He already ordered you to go out and vote for Hillary.

I felt pity for him, but now I just hate him.
He could have just not back her up or even better talks about the corruption among dems.
But no, he publicly supports her like nothing happened.
What a kek

Meh, not thinking critically is what got us to the point where so many flock to Hillary to begin with.

Nope nope nope.

I remember when Wil Wheaton was getting all pissy about Hillary supporters calling Bernie Bro's sexist.

Then he chopped off his dick and is literally stumping for Hillary.

These guys are literal cucks. her candidate got his nomination stolen, had to (forcefully) endorse Hillary and threw away his values. How can Bernie supporters who wanted a political revolution and to fight the establishment now support Hillary Clinton?

For these BernieBots, Zizek said it best

Bernie is like "an Occupy Wall Street protester endorsing Lehman brothers."

I was originally a Bernie supporter because I fell for the "hurr durr we're gonna blow up the establishment" meme until I realized what an absolute spineless cuck he is to endorse the candidate who basically colluded with the DNC and the media to slant the primary process in her favor.

I used to think the American left was about challenging a broken system and enacting genuine political reform, but now I see that it is basically all about power and self gain. They don't give a fuck if the system is broken and corrupt to the core, as long as they're the ones in charge of it.

There's nothing more sad than a Bernie supporter who votes for Hillary.

TRUMP 2016

Maybe Bernie was just a plant to attract young voters because Hillary Clinton couldn't draw any millenials towards her in the primaries. Bernie will lose, endorse her and many millenials would vote for Hillary Clinton.

That's not the way the leaked emails make it sound, but nothing would surprise me anymore.

Wow it's almost like people prefer the false promise of progress over the true promise of calamity.

I know Bernies that are abstaining this election.

Will Weateon is a tranny now?

Not me my dude. Was gonna vote for her because there was no proof that she was cheating Bern. But after wikileaks, I am no longer Dem.

what does the establishment even mean?
a guy like bernie would fold and bend in his first 100 days to special interests and sign on bullshit just like obama did

brumghft bTFO! how will he ebver recover from this!!!!!!!!!

Hillary is more open to Bernie's message than Trump would ever be.

If we give her a dem congress she will remember our help and push through Bernie's programs.

>she will remember our help and push through Bernie's programs.

Get the fuck out my thread, you parasitical kike