Where can I watch the fan edit without the women? i'm really interested in watching it
The Last Jedi Without Women
The pirate bay. Also didn't take out all the women just Rose and Holdo.
so they kept Leia? good, she's actually a good character
so the clickbait media lied to me?
just use fast forward
>user i worked really hard on my performance. why don't you wan't to watch me? have i done something wrong?
you didn't object to the shitty fucking script
>Also didn't take out all the women just Rose and Holdo.
So it's not really an anti-woman cut but rather an anti-filler cut?
>95% of complaints about TLJ come from misogynerds who get mad women don't fuck them
>wanting a fat chink or a purple haired freak to fuck you
I want purple haired freak to fuck me and admonish me.
I want purple haired freak to kill xerself
I see women as men, a little smaller and a little weaker but we are the same and we are both needed for procreation.
I don't think it's healthy to dislike women, myself i always feel relaxed and good with my gf.
Here's a short rundown of changes (spoilers!):
>No whiny/reluctant/murderous psycho Luke. He does tell his story, but that's it. In the beginning of the movie, he has already started to train Rey, no convincing needed.
>No green milk.
>Cut out most shots showing female fighters/pilots and female officers commanding people around/having ideas.
>NO HALDO! She simply doesn't exist. Her whole subplot doesn't exist. The Kamikaze is carried out by Poe. ( = Poe dies.)
>Leia never scolds, questions nor demotes Poe. He is a respected and very skilled high-ranking member of the resistance.
>Lea dies. Kylo kills her.
>Kylo is more badass and much less conflicted and volatile, for example he does not smash his helmet. Luke did not try to murder him, he chose for himself.
>Snoke disappears after he is "killed", leaving a reverb laughter (could be done better, but was lazy).
>Kylo takes on more of Snoke's guards, Rey struggles with a single one.
>No bomber heroism by china girl in the beginning.
>No Canto Bight. ( = No weird goggled alien woman during union dispute.)
>No superpowered Rey. She does get to show off a little bit of skill, because she is now shown to already be in training in the beginning of the movie. Interestingly, with these edits she now seems more graceful and real to me, that I almost like her as a character. She still saves the people in the end.
>Less Porg nonsense.
>Luke is not a semi-force-ghost and is smashed by the first laser cannon shot. (sorry, I just had to!)
>When Rey and Kylo fight for the lightsaber, Rey flies away, Kylo remains standing. (there is no footage showing how she gets away, unfortunately >maybe with deleted scenes someday? My idea was that Kylo has mercy and lets her get away)
>No force-connection between Kylo and Rey. Was kinda pointless. (Though now there's no good explanation why she goes on Snoke's ship. Let's say she wants to save Finn.)
>Wookie eats the Porg, or at least isn't interrupted in trying to do so.
>No Rey beating up Luke. (obviously)
>No Yoda.
>No Jedi archives.
>Rey does not force-grab Kylo's lightsaber. One of the many things that made him look like a weakling.
>The Keymaster is now simply some random guy from the crew who isn't really important or even introduced.
>Phasma is finished after the first blow by Finn. (Women are naturally weaker than men, she isn't force-sensitive, and we know nothing about any exo-skeleton in her suit)
>Finn's final sacrifice would have been awesome, but it was ruined by the Asian chick, so the whole sequence was dropped.
>Asian chick speaks less, doesn't bully Finn, Finn doesn't try to escape, she is never formally introduced. She is just there and occasionally smiles at Finn or screams "Finn!". She has no sister. Serves her right for all the heinous stuff she did.
>"General Leia's" is censored from the intro "General Leia's resistance fighters". It's just "resistance fighters" now.
>Lots of little cuts reducing the number of female facial shots. Too many to count. (Pun intended.)
>For example, when there's a scene where a woman is cut in making some important statement that can be substituted by another statement by a guy, then she gets cut out. Works pretty well actually.
>Quite a few scenes rearranged so that the flow of the shortened movie is still somewhat coherent.
Do you know the file's name? Because 'the last jedi' has like 5,000 pages of results.
has anybody done an all female cut ? That would be good for twitter and clickbait articles.
nvm, think I found it, if it's only hd-cam quality.
I don't hate women, I just wanted to watch the film without them to see it would turn out. Especially after the outrage this whole thing caused
>wanting to watch a star wars movie that has all of the feminist propaganda cut out means you hate women
Do you know want to know how I know you wear a yarmulke?
Go somewhere else, shilling
>Also didn't take out all the women just Rose and Holdo.
How the fuck to you cut out Holdo? Who is piloting the fucking ship when it rips through the fleet?