ffs Sup Forums i'm on the verge of killing myself give me something good to watch to distract me a series or a movie or anime i don't care just something immersive
Ffs Sup Forums i'm on the verge of killing myself give me something good to watch to distract me a series or a movie or...
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Fraggle Rock
watch kurosawa samurai flicks
in Bruges
The Extended Lord of the Rings Trilogy with all of the Appendices.
any Miyazaki movie
Chungking Express
The Thing
The Double
Withnail and I
If you kill yourself now people will just think you are imitating the guy who did it yesterday. You should probably wait a year or 2 before trying.
Don't give up!
Stay, starring Goose and a Scottish cocksucker
Redline, my man. At least check it out, it's crazy how hard it must have been to animate this
If you're an artist, La La Land.
If you're a student, Whiplash.
The Expanse
Un homme qui dort
Brawl in Cell Block 99
Good Time
I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore
^ these are good
second this
why would you kill yourself? seems like a hassle really
>If you're an artist, La La Land.
unironically kill yourself
Watch Hannibal or Black Sails.
Good Time is good. The rest of those are shit
True Detectives. Nuff said
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
It's going to lift your spirits hopefully
If you're over 20 and this is your opinion, end your life
I feel the same way. I'm bored as fuck and trying to find something to watch but EVERYTHING seems boring, and the odd time I start something I'm bored as fuck while watching it too.
Is my brain broken?
The Entire Battlestar Galactica Series.
Great characters, great story (I know the ending is divisive but I really liked it), great music and set design (On the Galactica at least).
Plus the first two episodes are some amazing Television.
And I want to fuck the brains out of Starbuck and number 6
Like, I absolutely love that first season but how helpful can Rust's cynicism be for a suicidal bloke lol