ITT: Shows that couldn't be made today

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It was a different time

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why the fuck did this die?

why couldn't it be made today? I don't disagree just curious

I would like to see a good "conservative" comedy show but I saw a clip from this and the jokes really weren't that great or clever enough tbqh

the USA hates Trump-enablaing shows.

I was thinking about it the other day. When Vito is in the nice New Hampshire town, it’s ethnically homogeneous, and is made to seem all the more pleasant as a result. That would never fly on TV today

Why does the faggot janny delete Soprano threads?

>full white cast (yes I know, Weeman is """"white"""")
>barely any girl
>homophobic slurs
>fat shaming slurs
>dixie flag

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>>dixie flag
they'd probably remove the american flag and the whole patton salute thing because patton was a white male war criminal

Janitors hate everything that isn't Reylo General.

Is this show actually good?

Can’t stand the guy on the far left. Looks too cartoony

He started sympathizing with the Germans after the war so they had him die in an accident. Not kosher at all

Watch it user

Fucking queer

Buncha men hanging out in a bar and they're all mostly normal heterosexuals.

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you hate based paulie? he's the best character on the show

He's the best character on the show

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You believe the balls on this guy?

Show is openly racist (and not in the 'racism is bad' kind of way) and extremely conservative. They'd have to completely revamp the characters in order for it to be made in the new liberal environment.

I don't fucking get this. They're not some TV family. They're mobsters. They're supposed to be racist, masculine, homophobic, and chauvinistic.
They do it with blacks still.

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Dude, it doesn't matter what they're "supposed to be", all that matters is that the current liberal environment requires that racism should be portrayed as nothing else than the vilest of evils, etc, etc and characters like Tony should be portrayed as the most idiotic and hateful people out there, not educated enough on Marxist ways.

Imagine a show made today in which the main characters defend Columbus. Or hell, even a completely white cast. These things ain't happening.

No one's paying to shill an old show. Gotta make room for more Star Wars, Black Panther, and Sup Forumsbait threads.

>Ratings almost as high as Modern Family
No it doesn't

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