>Waaah i can fuck practically any 10/10 i want and have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life why is it so hard for me :( :(
Chad "problems": the show
>Waaah i can fuck practically any 10/10 i want and have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life why is it so hard for me :( :(
Chad "problems": the show
/r9k/ : the thread
lol hes a fucking degenerate
as a middle aged 40 hour a week wageslave consumerist I quite strongly identify with the idea of having literally everything and nothing but time and constant avenues for validation and self-actualization but still not being as happy as I was when I was 8.
gay show for faggots
>watching manchildren cartoons
no wonder you're a virgin lol
autistic "criticism": the website
I wish corgi women were real
yeah totally not like chad
Money and pussy can't bring you happiness, only pleasure.
you clearly dont know the difference between being a chad and a degenerate. no wonder youre a virgin
so what gives you happiness? People kill themselves for not having either
it's because we're literally decaying day by day. the fact that op is posting this means he's still not 25 or so and hasn't started to rot. it's coming op. raging at cartoons and imaginary villains won't stop it.
Wow it's almost like story isn't meant to pander to or portray an average 5/9 Joe. Huh.
>he doesn't know the definition of chad
Chad can very obviously be a degenerate just as much as any random loser
Look I'm just some cunt from Sup Forums but from my 22yo experience which may very well be not enough to speak about such matters only following your passion and seeing gradual success in it combined healthy amount of adversity makes you happy. Your brain is a tool worth figuring out and one thing about it is it's not easily tricked by sheer amount of things. You're not squeezing your way into feeling content and happy by buying the biggest yacht or mansion, in fact probably the opposite cuz now you're playing with the big boys and you're the smallest one of them.
And throwing material things and people into that gaping abyss is a big part of Bojack's story.
How old are you?
Wow, got him.
How old are you?
>Can't maintain friendships
Chads succeed because they can form tight knit friend groups and support systems. Where do you think all that self-esteem comes from?
I can related to the problems of being rich and beautiful. There's a lot of pressure to perform on a high level. I guess ugly, stupid and poor people wouldn't get this show since they don't have any pressure to be the best. They can just sit around all day collecting food stamps and drinking alcohol. Life is so easy for them.
watched this a few months ago and i don't remember 90% of it. pretty forgettable.
>being this stupid
You must be a 16yr old soyboy white cuck
Nobody over the age of 25 thinks money/pussy will make you happy for longer than a year. People killing themselves over lacking either re simply stupid losers who havent made any real effort into acquiring either especially since a little bit of one buys the other