Need a Kino TV Series

I've watched the following Kino TV series
Generation Kill
Hell On Wheels
Mad Men
Boardwalk Empire
The Last Kingdom
Star Trek Deep Space 9
Sons of Anarchy

I've also seen the not-Kino
West World
Star Trek the Next Generation
Star Trek the Voyager
Game of Thrones

What should I watch next? I got a pizza in the oven, help!

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>Sons of Anarchy

reddit is thataway

What would you like to watch ?

big love
band of brother
generation war

Jessica Jones

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>generation kill
That title sounds like something made up by a Japanese person

wtf is wrong with her
she can't run ?

Of course

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the big kino

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Niy him, but spartacus it's prrtty fucking kino.

But not this

the first season is good
the second is nice because of rachel's cute ass colin farrel is also alright

Spartacus is an underrated gem and has no business being as kino as it turned out to be. Rewatched it to see if it was just the pleasure of watching it live and it holds up well.


Altered carbon
Generation war

>try to show room mate generation kill
>fuck this is boring dude
>turns on justice league
I have to murder him now, right?

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Yea, he's not really sentient at that point

season 2 is better.
season 1 is for plebbitors who need muh cult gimmick

Band of fucking brothers

Late to the party, but hey fella you need to watch
>Band of Brothers

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>altered carbon
add that to the shit tier list next time I make this thread

trembley did nothing wrong

>Mad Men
>Boardwalk Empire

Sounds like you'd enjoy Breaking Bad, you plebbitor

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I'd put that in the non-kino tier
It has it's moments but just got boring at the end


>At last i have finally become Generation Kill
Ugh jesus trombley


>I hate good things because they're popular

third watch

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