It's pretty fun.
Did it have as little tension as the first one? Where Jeanu effortlessly beats up/headshots everyone, really had me on the edge of my seat.
the first one was pretty fun. the second one was pants on head retarded
merican unilateral wet dream
The Continental is clearly New York's biggest employer.
What? You are too retarded to understand that scene LMAO
I assume you're referring to the excommunication scene? Because that was clearly Winston making a point of how much power he has and that he is the only reason John is alive at that moment.
what? the very momment d'antonio placed the contract on john wick a billion fucking people got the message and tried to kill him. just how many fucking assassin does this universe need?
There's 7 billion people in the world. There can't have been more than a few thousand shown in the film.
If you took this movie seriously for one second, you're a legit brainlet
It's a fun action film
This movie should have never happened. You could tell it was just rehashing the first film
9/11 was their most successful contract.
>he doesn't want to have fun watching a flick
it's your fault
I thought that was fucking hilarious
>sells weapons to the guy who murderes the local mafia boss
what was he thinking? Surely the mafia would take revenge
>dude just turn your brain off~!
this movie had a scene where two characters shoot at each other in a busy subway but nobody notices because they have silencers and that obviously means the guns make no sound lmao waht a piece of trash
*shoots you silently*
>Assault On Precinct 13 is awful garbage because silencers don’t work like they do in real life
The movie exists in another universe where assassination is more common. Jesus Christ, it's fiction you fucking faggots.
>pay 3 meme coins for an entire arsenal of weaponry and ammo
>pay 1 meme coin for a drink
My thought as well. Jesus fuck, must be some dicksuckingly good bourbon.
are the assassins the ones running the show, or are they just a parallel society that hides from the authorities?
I only just saw the first John Wick like last week. It was okay. Most of the scenes lacked tension because of how god-like Wick always seemed to be. Unlike Reddit soyboys and women, I don't get super worked up over a puppy getting killed so I wasn't even fully invested there.
Judging from Reddit you'd think this was the greatest revenge movie ever made.
John Wick movies have been full retard since the first
Get a free pass because action sequences aren't overedited "fix this in post" unwatchable clusterfucks and this automatically elevates them above such classics as 'Taken'
Said action scenes have 0 regard for shootout geography and instead focus on Wick which makes them painfully boring to watch, but they are indeed watchable. Any action movie made in the 80s absolutely skullfucks John Wick but the bar has sunk so low John Wick is a modern classic, aparently
it's almost like it was intended to be over the top and comedic or something! naaahhhhhh no way, I'll leave this stick up my ass
Not even that guy you were talking to, but you are seriously mentally compromised in some way if you think watching an action movie warrants this kind of scrutiny.
In the first one a cop shows up to his house, sees bodies and blood everywhere, and decides to let him be. So I'm guessing they do run the show
The cop asked him if he's working again lol
Half of society is secret assassins. The other half is criminal scum. All the "civilians" were assassins too scared to take on john wick. They just pretended nothing was goin on during the silencer gunfight.
IIRC the reason nobody reacts was a director decision after a film crew member carrying equipment had fallen down near the subway and nobody came around to help them. It was more a jab at the apathy of New Yorkers
Its worst. They jump on him with their guns and he has a bullet proof suit.
holy fuck this board is turning into Sup Forums. I think I need to stop coming on Sup Forums.
With the gold doblons shit going on, i think the whole thing is just a game of pretend to be pirates gone wild
>give money to a homeless man thinking you've done a small good deed
>inadvertently fund global assassinations and terrorism
Everyone in the subway station was an assassin.
>shootout geography
well fuck you too
I really hope that wasn't the most unrealistic part of the movie for you.
just another day in trump's america
(And that's a good thing)
Movies with a lot of physical combat and shooting in them shouldn't feature any CGI, ever. At least not in the scenes where you're beatin or shooting someone. I'd be prepared to make a concussion on explosions and yes, even car scenes. But John Wick is literally expendables tier. The lighting and the sets were 'cooler'. I don't think I'll ever watch another action flick again. Fuck 'em.
Sup Forums the movie
Name one realistic action movie ever made.