name the movie. describe or post pic from movie u want the name of
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is that the matrix cartoon?
that's from Second Renaissance which is a short from the Animatrix
Animatrix, you shouldnt even need to reverse search that faggot
The animatrix on its own is better than all three movies.
Just rewatched the Animatrix last month. It’s amusing how it seemed so cool and mature when I was 14 but is so cringey and stupid today, especially the Second Renaissance.
uhmm,the first matrix with a prologue based on the animatrix would be goat.
Sounds like you were a faggy 14 year old who turned into a faggier manchild
Hey I've been trying to find this hentai movie about these 2 female scientist in a cage with a humanoid freak. He fucks one of the scientists with his huge long tongue and the other with his dick. Thanks
>some faggots tumblr watermark on it
>It’s amusing how it seemed so cool and mature when I was 14 but is so cringey and stupid today.
I dont see the cringe,maybe the animation style,but otherwise the movie talks about human irresponsability with the environment,what makes us human,our violent nature and the unwillingness to make peace with enemies,racism,intolerance...
maybe you should rewatch it.
I remember seeing a movie as a kid that involved a business-looking guy and a dog that looked exactly like this
I thought the story was the guy transforms into the dog but when I search it I just get the shaggy dog movie and it's NOT the shaggy dog for sure. I don't remember anything else
shaggy dog (1959) instead of the tim allen one
it was definitely in color, and the dog looked more like the one I posted
The second renaissance scared the shit out of me when I was a kid, it was like a physical reaction I can still remember it vividly. I think it’s why I’m very distrustful of robots and AI
I swear it was a white dog
quigley? gary busey is a rich dude who dies and comes back as a white shaggy dog, but its a smaller dog if i remember
shit I think it's this movie
thanks dude
The Second Renaissance is genuinely one of the most disturbing pieces of work I've ever seen.
"Hand over your flesh, and a new world will await you... we demand it."
*nukes your city*
>tfw teen me loved last flight, Renaissance and detective story best
>10 years later the top list is mirror-reversed 100%
When she accidentally cuts herself in the glitch house, it's pleasure she's feeling.