I was not ready for these feels
I was not ready for these feels
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>Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch avenge the Punisher
Jon Bernthal not savagely beating up women for once was a nice surprise
It probably shouldn't have won anything, but I feel like Wind River was snubbed at awards shows.
great movie. some parts of it felt a little melodramatic but it made sense considering the bleakness of the environment. some parts were also really disturbing, like the mom cutting herself and the dying cops getting executed after the shootout
>Im afraid she was swept away by the current of....Wind River
dropped the movie at the point. fucking hell
Idk, those so called emotional scenes were cringey to me. I just can't take Renner seriously after capeshit. Also, his jawline is so fucking weak.
>Also, his jawline is so fucking weak
What kind of faggot are you, giver or reciever?
I'm straight /fit/izen. It's just ugly people shouldn't be in films.
>why you flanking me, bro?
Best scene followed by the actual shoot out.
Having an opinion like that and still calling yourself straight is a contradiction though.
Pretty fucking tense.
I loved the tracking scenes and how they played out. Renner's character was pretty well written. I grew up hunting and have spent a lot of time out in wilderness with nothing for miles...it felt right on.
Now thassa a warrior.
Well, it's much better than The Shape of Water.
The Appalachian trail is on the other side of the country from where this film was set.
I know, but I figured looking up some mountain in Wyoming would be both too bothersome and less effective than what I opted for
I watched Three Billboards the other night and it seemed that they sort of struck the same note thematically with me, and the characters were a bit more nuanced than Wind River so I can understand it being passed over. Also Taylor Sheridan is a handsome white male so his work isn't welcome in current Hollywood. I hope the Soldado script is another good one, he's been solid so far.
lol Jeremy Renner owns in part because he's NOT a typical Hollywood pretty boy like any of his capeshit costars named Chris
>the sheriff from Sons of Anarchy is one of the best working screenwriters
What the fuck
Yeah, I know right?
easily one of the most tense and realistic shootout scenes I've ever seen. No infinity ammo, everyone gets hit, every kill shot had the person drop like a sack of potatoes, very keen attention to detail
It is if there's positive things to like that fit outside of White Male.
Sicario is about a realistic woman with good morals. And there's an amazing performance for a Mexican in Del Toro. And he's getting that again most likely in Sicario 2.
Wasn't there a few bits where people flew back when shot with a shotgun?
Olsen got knocked off her feet and fell off the trailer porch because of the blast, she didn't get blown-off-her-feet from that shotgun bullet
great scene.
I like how this movie never tried to push muh strong woman bullshit.
so did the sheriff die?
>the sheriff, your friend, gets mowed down in a shootout
>first thing you do is run over to the woman you've known for not even 2 whole days
It pushed the city-slicker FBI girl as a character. Her scene in the house is literally a ripoff of Sicario when Blunt rounds the corner (same scriptwriter in both, aka hack). Would have been a far better film if she weren't in it.
Nothing special really, unimaginative and safe, but an okay movie, I guess. Renner plays the same character once again.
It had been addressed multiple times that out there, there was no calling for help- rewatch the first shootout scene where Olsen shot the tweaker repeatedly but he hadn't died yet, and the sheriff just tells her to let the guy bleed out. He was down and not moving, so presumed dead. The only one that was moving and in decent shape was Olsen, hence why he addressed her and neglected everyone else also presumed dead
>2015: Sicario
>2016: Hell or High Water
>2017: Wind River
>2018: Yellowstone (TV Series, from what I've read it's telekino)
>2018: Soldado
>never written a screenplay before Sicario
>never written a screenplay before Sicario
Never sold a screenplay, more like. I'm sure he'd written dozens.
>This was, correct me if I’m wrong, the first screenplay you wrote that was turned into a film, right?
It was the first screenplay I ever wrote.
>Oh, it was the first screenplay your wrote, period? Wow. I’m guessing that you read a lot of scripts during your years as an actor, though.
Yeah, believe me, I’ve read 10,000 scripts.
>Did you ever take a Robert McKee class or anything like that?
No, I consider my 20 years as an actor my PhD in screenwriting.
whoops, source:
That rape scene was KINO
Yeah, when he was revealed as the boyfriend I just eyerolled but it turns out the casting person probably did that on purpose.
The bit where Renner was shooting guys with his lever action. 45-70 was a bit much. It wouldn't do that but I think it was just artistic depiction of how much more powerful his rifle was. It was a anti lion gun that can reliably take down grizzly bears so I think they were just trying to hamfistedly communicate that. My only real gripe with the movie that desu.
>f-fuck you, let's go
I was so pissed when he died
Why consider it a gripe? It made the actual 'hunting' scene have much more of an impact.
Amazing kino. I adore Sheridan. One of the few people left in Hollywood who interest me.
>why consider it a gripe
>Written and directed by Taylor Sheridan
>Soundtrack by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
What more can anyone ask for?
the guy in the trailer getting thrown through the air and over the table was awesome though. especially with the violins playing
The soundtrack was immense. Especially in that scene, as it plays when Renner starts picking them off.
Elizabeth Olsen is the strange nexus that gives you all kinds of weird combination
this user gets it
soundtrack was honestly pretty underwhelming. Cave & Ellis's scores for The Assassination of Jesse James and The Road are god-tier, I guess they burnt themselves out. Although Nick Cave & The Bad Seed's last 2 albums have been 2 of his all time best, so who knows. Maybe it just depends on the material. I haven't seen War Machine (the Netflix movie with Brad Pitt) but is their soundtrack any good?