>Falklands movie
>Pink Floyd Young Lust starts playing
Falklands movie
Nice aircraft. Britain built some real nice ones in the 1950's- check out the Hawker Hunter!
The war itself was kind of depressing- a pointless move by the Argentinian government for domestic reasons, at a time during the Cold War when Britain could not afford to lose face.
Who would win
few french missles
entire royal navy
Royal navy is such a meme post ww1, they don't have any anti ship capabilities right now lol, harpoons belong in museums and they don't even have enough of them.
>meme post WW1
>mfw it turned out that Thatcher told the Frogs she'd order Buenos Aires nuked if they didn't give us the kill codes for the exocet system and they caved
that never happened and Exocets worked fine
it's just that they had too few of them
not even missiles
few good bomb fuzes and British invasion would fail
what's funny here is that Argentinian air force was kept in the dark until the invasion happened, because no one liked them or something
and nowdayes their carriers have no planes
their ships are anti air, anti submarine without any anti ship capabilities except harpoons which are a useless due to lwo range, speed and quanity. Even if bongs got into range they wouldn't have enough harpoons to score any hits.
Maybe they would have been against it, if they had known about it.
they defended an island half way around the world at a moments notice from a huge and angry nation. They creamed the Argentinian airforce despite having the odds against their favour.
Are there any Falklands movies?
56%er here, theres none that come to mind.
>Malvinas movie
>They're called Falklands
Britain does not need as much navy, post Cold War. It is the US State Department and the EU who want Cold War II- not Russia, and, I suspect, not a lot of Britain, either.
Argentina was neither huge, or angry. They never even expected a fight. That is why they did not build an airstrip on the Islands... which would have given their aircraft enough range to keep the Royal Navy at bay.
>it’s not called Les Îles Malouines
Best song off The Wall. Fight me irl.
But it got us the Patagonia Special, well worth
I never saw those episodes of Top Gear. It is an entertaining show, so I expect they were pretty good.
>tfw the Vulcan isn't flying anymore
I saw it on its last tour, and felt genuine emotion
There's an Argentine film called "Iluminados Por El Fuego", I remember liking it.
>all those youtube videos of it
>someone is always caught saying 'its a bit quiet isn't it' and immediately gets BTFO
>invade someone else's territory
>don't expect a fight
ah yes, the I Was Just Pretending To Be Retarded military doctrine
>someone claims to be a patrician
>hasn't seen pure argie kino
kek, always with the murmur of soon-to-be-crying children. it sounded so sexy though
>he still believes ships are for fighting other ships......
Top jej user, you seen those new top of the line battleships?
Nothing wrong with bomb fuzes argies used, everything wrong with training people that did fuzing. Same thing with their torpedoes. One of their subs got couple chances of torpedoing British destroyers, torpedoes failed because torpedo officer fucked up setting gyroscopes.
Ill check it out. I've always been interested in the war. Shame the movie is from the Argie point of view.
UK has been more aggressive towards Russia than rest of EU or US.
They expected UK give up without fight due to lack of political will.
>Falklands footage
>Comfortably Numb solo starts playing
It wasn't overly partisan from what I remember. It was basically about how shitty the conscripts had it.
That's not Handley Page Victor
What did they mean by this?
there's "an ungentlemanly act" for the british side
There was a TV movie with Bob Peck, but I don't remember the name.
I can see this playing out on film as I type.
>They expected UK give up without fight due to lack of political will.
More fool them.
The good thing is... you don't have to pretend. If the US backed Argentina (and we considered it...) the Royal Navy would have never left Scapa Flow. Little Britain should not talk too big.... because you aren't, anymore.
It was basically a desperate attempt to hold on to power.
The military dictatorship was losing more and more support and people were turning against them. Capturing Falklands would have been a huge PR boost even though they probably knew they were taking a great risk.
Of course, in the end they fucked up and the War accelerated their own destruction.
*shits your pants*
The US would never have backed Argentina. Britain was and is a much closer and more valuable ally.
The US Marines had Harriers like that. Pretty much like A-4 Skyhawks, with VTOL/STOL capability. Useful... but old, even in the 1980s.
US went through the trouble of putting a dictator in argentina and it backfired. The junta probably thought the US would want to protect its interests or at the very least stay out of the conflict altogether
Not really... the Reagan Administration spent a lot of time trying to talk Argentina into withdrawing. If Margret Thatcher was not PM, we probably would have waved you off.
Why do people get so triggered by this naming shit?
It's "Falklands" in english and "Malvinas" in spanish, just like London is called "Londres" by spanish speakers.
>Why do people get so triggered by this naming shit?
A dictator, in 20th Century Argentina? No trouble at all, my friend... no trouble at all. Just sit back and watch them do it themselves.
All I know is Tom Hardy will probably be cast.
There's a world of difference between putting your guy on top of some corrupt Latin American banana republic, and pissing off a fellow English-speaking NATO member with one of the world's largest economies by forcing it to hand over sovereign territory with British subjects on it. Britain was far more valuable to the fight against the Soviet Union than Argentina.
With Nolan directing the film? And Hans Zimmer as the composer?
they have a island that is not theirs front and center on their currency
Shocking lack of diversity!
The ole boy got himself'd Faulklanded
What part of "we don't need you" don't you get? Friendship is fine... just don't try playing the role of a nagging wife- we have a lot more concerns than just you.
so aesthetic
>More fool them.
Thatcher was in full panic mode due to Argentine invasion and willing to give up. It was up to 1st Sea Lord Sir Henry Leach and Chief of the Defence Staff to convince her that Royal Navy could actually send an task force to Southern Atlantic.
Good thing they did not guarantee it would come back... it almost didn't.
(105 IQ)
chupar un pene, escoria argie
I love how I can identify you as the same butthurt autist because you keep using those ellipsis like a fucking tumblrina.
I followed the Falklands War in the news... were you even alive yet?
Will you stop with the fucking ellipsis?
If Britain is so proud of the Falklands War... why haven't THEY made a movie yet? ; )
Thank you
Probably because of the implication of dominance. I'm sure there are some salty Arabs in the Sinai right now about their land being referred to as Israel by the rest of the world.
Seriously, stop with the ellipsis. It adds nothing to your post and makes you look like even more of a retard.
You can still get btfo by someone that types like a massive faggot. It's happening right now!
Sure, pal... whatever you say! x)
But spanish speakers do that shit with a lot of places.
Britain is "Gran Bretaña", England is "Inglaterra", London is "Londres" and so on.
It's not some dominance shit it's just a weird translation convention and the people who think so and get butthurt about it are retarded and this applies to both britcucks and argies.
stop pushing kike D&C memes
When you have no planes on your carriers yes
>stop pushing kike D&C memes...
Which carriers are they?
I would respond in detail... but I am too busy studying "The Manly Art of Typing " by Miyamoto Musashi, introduction by Chuck Norris. ; )
Royal navy
The new Queen Elizabeth class? Why would a carrier which won't be fully combat ready or operational for another 2 years and is currently undergoing various trials to work her up need aircraft right now? She's only just finished rotatory trials and will have fixed-wing F-35b trials in 6 months.
In most cases that is true and I don't think anyone really gives a fuck, but when it is contested territory people like to dick wave, and name bickering is one of the easiest ways to do it.
yeah, thanks to videla we dont give a shit about the army since the 70s
big guy crashing argie planes with no surviorshh?
>Anglo pirates think they deserve the Malvinas.
Aguante Argentina carajo, !!muerte al anglo invasor¡¡
we call them Falklands in chile when we want to piss off argies
You would probably piss me off, not becuase of some nationalism shit but because I think people using the english name of a place when it's supposed to be a different name in spanish pisses me off.
Like the retards who say "USA" instead of "EEUU".
*because people using the english name
I knew a Marine who was there. He said it was like carrying a fat man across Wales. By the time he got to the Argies, it was all over. He was so pissed, he bought his way out. He should have stayed so that he could slaughter Arabs a few years later for the sake of the Jews and Yanks.
I've seen those things fly so low they kicked up dust.
Thatcher had to re-take the Falklands. She was already losing in the polls. If she rolled over, she was gone. Personally, I think the loss of the Falklands would have been worth it to get rid of her. What followed was Thatcherism and its bastard child Blairism, leading to the rich becoming much richer and the country flooded with Pakis.
You're lying. The Yanks never considered backing the Argies, but they weren't keen on helping the Brits either. They eventually helped. I knew someone who they flew out to Ascension Island to help fix some naval gear.
Forcing Britain not to take military action would have been backing the Argentinians (whom we do not refer to as Argies because we are not beer-swilling English proles). We very much considered forcing Britain not to take action.
By dumping the Pound on the currency exchanges and crippling your economy, if you want to know how.
stfu you 17 year old virgin faggot
I am 49... and make me, you silly crumpet-muncher! x)
I need a britbong to red pill me on the Falklands War. Why does it seem like it's the Vietnam of Britain? Why is it such a big deal in your media? What was that movie with the little skinhead that hated everyone because his dad died in a war? This is England?
Anyway, I'm looking for some history. Educate this Ameritard.
>Why does it seem like it's the Vietnam of Britain?
It's not.
>Why is it such a big deal in your media?
It's not.
Just read this. I want a mini-series based on this in the same vain as Generation Kill with it following one outfit going from A to B in a short amount of time with plenty of shit to put up with.
Soundtrack should be the soundtrack from The Blues Brothers sung a capella by the cast.
Well I'm certainly not all in on British media, but it's used as a story point often enough to wonder why you fuckers care about a war you didn't even lose 300 people in.