What is she doing at the moment?
Some new projects?
What is she doing at the moment?
She's living in her car
Sorry, user, but I have bad news for you. After all the shit Dan did to her, she quit acting. I think she is at college now.
Any new sex-college story?
sitting on my face
She’s getting BLACKED
I hope porn. Her hair is perfect it needs cum on it.
wasn't she on Justice League?
more like getting PUMPED
More like some new guys in the projects if you get what I mean.
More like getting GUCCIGANGED
Old fag here. I remember when an user posted a wild story about how Miranda rode him at the backseat of her Porsche. No proof, but he seemed legit.
That was me and it was true, all of it.
I see no reason to doubt you, and by proxy that other user.
it's weird i never found her attractive now im starting to
La Fantasma?
On the left she's basically Jimmy Fallon in drag
This. The fuck? Never thought she was cute growing up, but now, I would absolutely smash.
To answer OP, I'm pretty sure she quit acting to become a lawyer or something.
underrated cutie
foot porn
la creatura
here we go
This Mexican is getting BLEACHED
She is just doing whatever she wants
I'm surprised thread is still alive. Usually, mods are kinda brutal with Icarly's threads.
>She has been passed around at USC basket team. One legendary party, I tell you what.
>the team was having a get-together and decided to give her a call. A bit of alcohol and half a minute and she was pulling them one by one into a room. After two or three guys the others decided they didn't want to wait and just started nailing her right there. I heard that they suggested she call her friends but she didn't want to share.
>I don't think it was the whole team, but enough that she had her work cut out for her that night. But I hear she performed admirably.
>when it was over she was bone-white all over
...and everyone clapped
She looks like she only fucks black guys
nice pic, faggot
Is she blacklisted? Just saw her imdb, and nothing at all.
Poor girl.
>"but you were in iCarly"
Lil Pump
bump for curiosity
>look similar to him but pale
How do i find her bros