Starting with the obvious one
Anti-soy actors
>says his father is now in hell for being a NSDAP member
he's the definition of a good goy
Clint Eastwood is one of the softest limpdick faggots in all of movies. He is what soybitches wished they were. Skinny jeans, squinting, soft-voiced.
Robert deNiro is soft too. But they at least picked him to play right roles in Hi Mom and Taxi Driver. Beta autist. Clint Eastwood is not threatening at all. He's a stand-in for soyboy representation of "cool". There's nothing cool abut Clint Eastwood though. Not even for 60s/70s. Pic-related cooler men than Eastwood ever could hope to be. Dean Martin was getting up in years, but he's still cooler than Eastwood in the 60s. Sean Connery is cooler. Nothing about Clint Eastwood speaks "man." The squinting is a defense mechanism hiding how frail and week he LOOKS and is, and it appeals to beta males. Real men don't squint. Implies their straining. Lower the brow yes but not squint.
Alright OP
Back then maybe. Arnold is now full soy.
Before he was an actor he used to teach actors how to fight, throw knives and how to act when killing someone. Before that he used to torture people in Mexico.
lmao ur a faggot
He only got more "threatening" in years because the smoking lowered his voice.
Shut up, microdick.
>While serving as a member of "I" Company, 3rd Battalion, 24th Marines, 4th Marine Division, he was wounded in action on June 18, 1944, during the assault on Mount Tapochau in the Battle of Saipan, during which most of his company were casualties
so homoerotic actors?
Someone please point out to me the peer-reviewed, authentic scientific research that says consuming soy makes you more feminine.
>I was born under a wandering star
Love his voice
Just because someone disagrees with daddy Trump doesn't mean they're not macho. It just means they don't tolerate bullshitters.
i still refuse to believe it's genuine
An internet meme image is not peer-reviewed, authentic scientific research. Muh feels is not an argument.
Fuck off soybitch
Clint Eastwood.
Effeminate. Metrosexual.
has a cock much bigger than De niro
>unironic sourceposting
you must enjoy soy products
His badass, understated performances in spaghetti westerns and the dirty harry movies are the epitome of the strong, silent type. He might have actually created that trope.
Mads Mikkelsen litterally only plays retarded faggots in his home country. Seeing Americans try to make him cool is so funny.
>wanting sources for unverified claims is faggy
Eastwood is weak, not strong. He doesn't scare me. He's nothing without his revolvers.
This guy has 10 times a bigger beard than I have if I dont shave for 2months, and I've never ate/drank soy my entire life (I dont think its even available where I live)
effeminate gay european soyboy
take it from professor Sheldon
Soy ?
wesley snipes
sylvester stallone
jason statham
scott adkins
sean connery for based bond movies
mel gibson
russell crowe
Soy !
The KING of kino
Soja ?
statham is soy. Hes an action hero that is digestible for soyboys
>nobody posted Mel
american white males are feminized because of their shit genetics, that's why they go bald young, can't put on muscle naturally, have statistically small dicks, etc.
instead of accepting their sad reality they created the soy conspiracy.
Soyboys HATE him!
crank was anti soy kino. most of his other films are decent action flicks with no soy involved.
>injuring other people is masculine and an admirable trait
god this board is retarded
I have always found it hilarious when anons call these masculine men soyboys.
Just shows how delusional the average user is from all the isolation
Wtf does Mikkelsen with Til Schweiger in a strip club?
Soja !
Shitposting is serious business.
they drink fucking fluoride desu
Come over here and let me put a baby in your ass you little faggot
Ive never been able to take Danny Trejo seriously because the first thing i saw him in was Spy Kids 2.
no jean claude, what gives?
>trying this hard to troll
>all you do is is make yourself look stupid
Sucks tranny dick for a living
fight me
not an argument
that's pretty much the definitive sign of masculinity. overpowering other men
life must be tough if you constantly look like you´re wearing a richard nixon mask.
has she been to grad school lately? it's all poos and gooks with the occasional qt iranian girl
Gary Cooper is a better strong silent type than Eastwood
all the true european men died in ww2, only the cowards lived. they passed their coward genes on and now europe is filled with this guy on the left.
*fucks your brother*
>father was in NSDAP
wtf I love Herr Schwarzenegger now
Gary Cooper is JEWISH
That you come into a shitposting thread demanding sources like a sassy bitch that doesn't know how to use a search engine reeks of soy. Just admit you consume Soylent on a regular basis.
When the chimes end, pick up your gun. Try and shoot me, Colonel. Just try.
>statham is soy
would a soyboy dance in leapord skin underwear in a 90’s music video, I think not!
are you from /vg/?
now THIS was an American
he did what he had to do and never complained
is statham gay for pay ?
Why is Christian so Based?
They are aware of the meme and do this on purpose. Right?
All actors are soy by definition. They make their living by putting on make-up and playing pretend.
>muh playing pretend
>that hairline
t. soyboy
not just that, his son is gay
>using perspective on the background to hide that he is 5'5
Says the guy with pictures of shirtless men on his computer. Okay. Haha.
Grasping at straws, soybitch.
yea its soy, its what a soyboy would do "ironically" just like soyham does in your gif.
I just find it amusing that you/he wrote all that, but has pictures of shirtless masculine men saved. Probably wants to get fucked by them as well. No homo. Testosterone beast.
Soyboys don't satisfy me!
wow! a soyboy can take roids to get ripped!