What are some movies that are appropriate to show to a lady friend?
What are some movies that are appropriate to show to a lady friend?
Blue is the Warmest Color
Something with lots of sex. Make sure to glance at her facial expression every now and then and squirm around to make it extra uncomfortable.
The Killer Inside Me.
Brokeback Mountain
Something that scares her and involves a decent amount of sex and violence. She'll be simultaneously turned on and scared and will grab you for protection. Then you fug
Planet Terror
>made a joke to a female friend about netflix and chilling
>she laughed
>got a text a couple minutes ago asking when she can come over
wtf I was just joking. what do I now bros?
Be a gentleman and fuck her. Buy condoms to be on the safe side but try hit raw if possible. If you find it hard to get it up because you're a nervous pussy make her blow you and suck on her stanky puss for them pheromones.
wash your cock, have a few drinks and fuck her.send her home afterwards and watch some kino.
she probably just wants to watch a movie and find you nonthreatening & fun. update us about the situation
>try hit raw if possible.
lmfao retard
watch rise of the footsoldier. she will love it and let you fuck her up the ass for showing it to her. guaranteed.
>2000 + 18 doesn’t have a vasectomy to raw dog all the babes he wants
>Frances Ha
>maybe a Lars Von Trier movie if she seems weird/“artsy”
>The Big Sick
Just to name a few
Show her Taken, she'll love it and be super turned on by the end.
Hobo with a shotgun
>thinking these will get you laid
Either she really wants to fuck and you accidentally made all of the right moves, or she thinks you're such a non-threatening beta that she just wants someone to watch a movie with. Either way, you need to go for it bro. You'll regret it if you don't. I believe in you.
He literally just said “to show to a lady friend”, nothin about getting laid.
That being said, I have gotten laid after watching two of those movies with two different people. There was also alcohol though...
It Happened One Night if you want to impress her.
Tell her you're gonna be busy. If you absolutely have to see her, take four shots of any 80 proof alcohol. It's the perfect amount to make you feel comfortable without acting like a drunk retard.
Just pull out, bro. Trust me.
Who dis?
i have 4 older sisters. the all love watching CONTACT
Space Jam. Bitch will suck you dick as the credits roll.
But it's a horrible movie.
>cmd F
>problem child 2
>0 results
fuck Sup Forums 2018
It's less a chick trapping you with a pregnancy and more not getting an STI from her roast hole.
Raw creampies are the best if you know she's clean and won't get pregnant, though.
There is nothing better than filling up a girl with your cum raw.
look at this beta and laugh everyone
>invite her over
>drink some alcohol beforehand to cool your nerves
>spend 2 hours stressing about what would be the perfect movie to watch with her
>figure it has to be good
>can't be to pretentious
>under no circumstances can it have any awkward sex scenes or something similar
>do literally nothing for the entire time while you wait for her except obsessively think about what's going to happen
>you shower and excessively clean your dick
>greet her super awkwardly
>instantly go for another beer
>"umm i kinda thought we could watch this, but you can choose anything idk haha"
>"yeah sure user whatever"
>"user you forgot to offer me a drink haha"
>"i'm so sorry yes what do you want? I mean i only got beer, milk and monster energy"
>"i'll take a beer then"
>you go get it for her
>you forgot to open it
>finally sit down
>sit awkwardly far away from her on your 2 seat couch
>by now you are sweating heavily, probably should've put on some deodorant
>put on movie
>after 30 minutes she makes some comment on the movie
>you realize you didn't pay any attention and instead just thought about what you should be doing right now over and over again
>mumble some answer she probably can't hear
>silence for another 40 minutes
>says she has to use the bathroom
>"i-i can pause the movie if you want"
>"no it's fine"
>comes back after 5 minutes
>you are convinced she just texted some friend what a weirdo you are
>movie ends
>you try to awkwardly talk about it
>"user i really should get going"
>"okay, t-this was fun maybe we can do it again sometime?"
Anal Acrobats 8
make a gif of you stroking your penis and send it to her 'by mistake'. Works like a charm bro. Make sure it's only one stoke long tho so it restarts when you get back to the top that say she has the opportunity to slow it down or speed it up and it looks continuous. All my many girlfriends agree with me
Too real too real
My favorite is "My Sassy Girl". The original Korean one