Should women even be allowed in the government? Has there ever been a female politician who wasn't a retarded shitfuck cunt
>Hillary Clinton
>Angela Merkel
>Sarah Palin
>Margaret Thatcher
>Jeb Bush
>Jill Stein
Should women even be allowed in the government? Has there ever been a female politician who wasn't a retarded shitfuck cunt
>Hillary Clinton
>Angela Merkel
>Sarah Palin
>Margaret Thatcher
>Jeb Bush
>Jill Stein
Other urls found in this thread:
Dolley Madison did the country a solid
Maggie was the shit!
Her and Ronnie crushed the evil empire of Communism.
Based Maggie the argie remover
They were neocon shills who destroyed true conservatism.
Ronald Reagan didn't do anything to stop communist subversion in USA and opened the floodgates to millions of brown people.
Thatcher was based. She doesn't get enough credit for the way she dealt with the IRA and retarded hunger strikers
Does Germany approve of this woman?
>jeb bush
Catherine the Great was pretty good.
>you philosophers are lucky men. You write on paper and paper is patient. Unfortunate Empress that I am, I write on the susceptible skins of living beings.
How about this one?
What about this one?
Is she any good?
I have no idea what she does but she is definitely qtest politician desu
Catherine the Great
Catherine di Medici
There us LITERALLY nothing a woman can do better than a man, except maybe have babies. But if men could do that, they'd probably be better at it.
she's based. subscribe to her youtube channel, she has all her political videos there. 90% of the time she's wearing a qt cowl at some church.
Should men be allowed in government either? ALL politicians are retarded shitfuck cunts, you knob. It's not a matter of gender it's a matter of being a politician desu.
>be glorious white man
>liberate women and niggers
>generations later...
>white women become spoiled, nigger loving whores.
Really makes you reflect.
Is this Union Station?
I pass here every day on my way to work AMA thanks thank you thanks.
This is why we abolish politics. Reforge the monarchies and give homage to the king. The political class is killed in one fell swoop.
ITT: Spastic thatcher defenders
Nah m8 women just love guys who aren't you, because those guys don't spend their time ranting about women and Jews on an anonymous Taiwanese macaroni art website for adult virgins. isn't that what it's really about?
I don't know. What I sure do know is that I just pictured in my mind a hot steamy gilf orgy with Sarah Palin and Jill Stein and now I have the most satisfying boner ever.
Replace Thatcher with Theresa May...
I know this is a retarded question but what's her name senpai
thatcher was a fluke
Whats her channel?
Natalia Poklonskaya
Haтáлья Пoклóнcкaя
Of course not! Women are pretty lovable things, but they aren't cut out for government or any position of responsibility that requires a cool head and emotional control. That's not what women are good at.
Dilma was pretty good, shame the jews took her down.
you love you lose
>Jeb Bush
Already lost senpai.
> Maggie was the shit!
> betraying Rhodesia
Get out of here you fucking cuck.
>Subscribe to her youtube channel
Nice. You guys are a fucking riot.
Conzolezza rice, Loretta lynch
Nah bro.. It's actually the exact opposite. I have too much experience.
Also, project much little virgin?
Would you?
Poccия cильнa
>"Saucey minx"
I generally hate all politicians, but why do we hate Thatcher again?
>jeb bush
>Should women even be allowed in the government?
women shouldn't even be allowed to vote.
There used to be noodz of her. Back and white. Tits out.
They should not be allowed. The 19th amendment must also be repealed
>mfw Natalya will become Tsarina of Russia and reinstitute Christian Autocracy
this shit is going to be SO cash
You could find better looking grils on any college campus anywhere
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
most people who fought for woman's suffrage regretted it lol
It's so hard to tell what's bullshit and what isn't with these people.
>indeed it was a flagrant crime when Tsar Nicholas Alexandrovich was dethroned and then all his family was brutally murdered,” said the Crimea’s Prosecutor General. “And what is better and what will be next: a monarchy or a republic—is not my business”.
Stones throw from naming The Jew. And she practices realpolitik.
That was 100% Gorbachev's fault.
Video of a stronk politician Zoe Lofgrin
Am I the only one who thinks she kinda looks like the girl from Chvrches?
forgot link
Can I add another to the list?
> Park Geun-Hye
No idea.
She really is stunning
I don't think they have any place in politics or teaching, or street level law inforcement. We had a female prime minister named Kim Campbell and she was probably the worst one other than PET. They just can't do it right.
Women and politics are a horrible mix and nobody dares to fucking say it
>tfw op made an entire thread just to troll jeb bush
Wanna gas some kikes user...its ok if you don't?
She seems ok, but really has never been in a power role so we don't know. There is likely a man who could do the job better, although, her being female may deflect the racism hate for her a bit
Only if they were republican
Most western countries would be dramatically improved and uncucked under her leadership
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>Jew nose
Redpilled mick, good lad
Jeb is a god among men. If he was nominated by the GOP he would turn even Minnesota dark red.
I'm young and have never thought about the question. I just accepted things as they are. I almost wish I hadn't read the question! It has made me think and not pro woman politician...
I need these as soon as possible.
Who's this?
Have a Debbie--legendary-tits--Wasserman Shultz.
There's also a high res of her out there in a bikini, pool-side, one-handing a shotgun. Fucking funny lady.
Damn, I think I want to fuck Debbie Wasserman SLUTS now.
>Margaret Thatcher