Just you wait. Uncle Ben's death won't be in vain

>Just you wait. Uncle Ben's death won't be in vain
What was he implying here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Screenshot-2018-2-12 tv - How the hell did he get away with this in 2002 - Television Film - 4chan.p (1044x155, 56K)

>Those filthy subhuman insects now have control of my society, my home. I shall become a watchful spider who will put an end to this era of insect rule.

How did Raimi get away with this shit?

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>Do you like the feel of other man`s hand firmly upon your head? Do you wish for my manhood to enter your fleshy tonnel of pleasure you filthy millenial faggot? I raped and killed little fags just like you all across Korea and if you think that I am going to spare you because you are my fellow countryman you got another thing coming Spidey! A huge and green thing!

Am I the only one who thinks that 25 minute long scene of Spider-Man being anally dominated by the Green Goblin from the director`s cut should have made it to the theatre version? I mean there was a lot of character development lost due to decision to cut the scene, and also I`ve heard that Raimi forced Dafoe to actually rape Maguire on the set which speaks to the sheer dedication of his.

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GOAT spider man costume.

It's really astonishing that Raimi ordered Dafoe to keep going, even after the cameras stopped.

He was creating a living, breathing world. Beyond what you would simply see in the cinema.

They donĀ“t make movies like before

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I unironically lol'd

We were not prepared for his genius.

I heard studio still has an original 7-hour long cut of that scene somwhere in the archives.

The people over on the Lost Media Wiki have been trying to get in contact with Raimi for years to release it.

Redpill me on the Green Goblin. What is he supposed to represent?

hahahhaha i don't know even know why this is so funny to me i dont think i saw the same movie lmao

Check out the director`s cut, it`s insane.

>Spyaryan man defeats the Green (((Goblin))) in the first movie
>His best friend, discovers he's tainted like his father, and can't escape his fate
>Becames the next (((Goblin)))
>But in the end, he stays as a unstable, insane friend towards Peter, killing himself for the greater good.

They named a brand of rice after him and made a billion dollars.

>Go them (((them))) Tiger.

Rami was subtle

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But Uncle Ben was black on the packaging...
What could (((they))) mean by this?

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They guilt tripped a bunch of ""whites"" into buying his rice. Their idea is brilliant and it's still paying off today...

How the hell was something this graphic rated PG-13?

Ben got a tan after bathing in the light of the fuckhut and that whole gook village going down in flames.

He was a LARPing parody of the j*ws

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>go to /r/raimimemes
>no holocaust or jew jokes
What the fuck

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This is a mistake! I didn't agree to the Civil Rights Act!

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>You're the one who's out Gobby, outta your fuckin' mind!

Raimi really pushed that PG rating to its limit.


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I didn't understand this scene at all? Was it parody?

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>6 million views

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More of a statement.

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Goddamn he really controlled the soundtrack.

>all the videos on the side

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>Just think about it...two planes crash, three towers go down.
>Three Peter...

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those daily threads are fucking autistic

>you couldn't even name yourself after a real historical event, huh?
Jesus Christ, Raimi

>-Do you enjoy the lack of oxygen, Spiderman? This is what my people felt!
>-I... I will stop you... From poisoning my country, (((Venom)))!

I cry every time.

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It was an odd writing choice for Spidey to say "open parentheses" and "close parentheses"

Art. You don't question it.

There was that quote from him from a few years ago on this
>the full cut will be released when the minarets of the hagia sophia are brought low, and the sons of charlemagne retake their birthright

No idea what he was on about

>He's just a mutt... no whiter than my wife's son...
Was this really appropriate?

Really challenging stuff from our leading auteur

I don't remember the scene looking like this in the theatre.

It only adds to the drama of the scene.

Yeah, it was cut too. Thanks god, based Raimi kept most of the footage for the director`s cut.

Why are the Raimi SM movies so memeable compared to the newer ones? What happened to the magic?

They were films while the new ones are flicks. Amazing and Disney Spider-Man just don't have that cinematic vision, they feel like over budgeted tv shows.


Isn't that the question of the day?

>you got another thing coming Spidey! A huge and green thing!
Audibly kekeroo'd

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Now post Jameson's backstory to this.

kek, don't think i've seen that one friendo

pimp-tight sheeit nigga

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>The stories aren't true? Who gives a fuck what you think, Parker? Let me give you a history lesson:
>De Nang, 1968. I was a cub reporter for the Stars and Stripes, and goddamn if I didn't have a dick hard for seeing some charbroiled gooks.
>problem was that we were in a so called "safe zone." So what I do, I snoop around a bit, find out the CO is a raging fucking hophead. I feed him some bullshit intel about the slope village up the hill being a VC trading post. Eager to keep the brass off his back, fucknuts calls a napalm strike right in the middle of a fucking Red Cross inoculation event.
>Kid, the next two hours earned me my pulitzer. I interviewed gook after babbling gook, liberal after crying liberal, and 40 years later I'm running the biggest fucking paper in Jew York City.
>The stories aren't true? Fuck you, you twinkletoed cocksucker, I'll MAKE them true!

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Hunter Thompson's contribution to the Spider-Man film is so overlooked


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Okay, THIS was a bit too much.

>people are posting screenshots of Sup Forums now
this isn't reddit, you can fucking make the posts yourself

People have done that consistently since before reddit existed, go back to 9gag.

My favourite one

I'm still mad they removed those faceapp features because some people got upset

Raimi lost me here, what exactly is he implying?

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I feel like non of these new threads will ever surpass SM2 Octopus user's post. Shit was literally scary.


There's a really funny one with a pic of this scene and the greentext says something like
>Peter, I know you think this white light means I'm in heaven. Actually it's white light because I was put in the hottest fires of Hell. I never told you about what I did in nam...
It's really funny but I can't find it anywhere. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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hell yes

post the "rational thinker" webm


Fucking kek

>Peter, there's a saying my wife told me, she said "With great power comes great responsibility". Well Peter, it's our job as the most powerful race on the planet to hand over our power to the minorities. The African Americans in this country, the women, the nonbinary, the twosouls. They are the future Peter, and it's time to accept that the sins of the white man can't be ignored any longer. We must remove ourselves from the spotlight.

Wow, I never thought about it before, but these new Marvel movies are really speaking to me on an intellectual level.

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It's me whos out gobbie
out of sympathy for you kikes and your "6 million"

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Peter why aren't you getting dressed?

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Glad I found this, I needed a Raimeyposting thread tonight Sup Forums


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>Before we get started... did anyone happen to lose a roll of twenty dollar bills wrapped in a rubber band? Because we shot the nigger that stole it
jesus fuck

>We are changing the name Peter to...The Daily Stormer. Has a nice ring to it heh

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I still don't understand the ending where Spider-Man swings to Afghanistan after the towers fall and celebrates with the locals and dances on top of the American flag while handing out kebabs to everyone, what did Rami mean by this?

Spider-Man had hands down the GOAT early 2000s soundtrack

What was the black spiderman costume suppose to mean? I cannot comprehend Rami's vision sometimes

P-Peter...Hitlers only mistake was not securing Great Britain's air space.

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Based Raimi