>Character smokes weed
>He doesn’t freak out and have intense panic attacks for an hour
Character smokes weed
>OP is underage
>he still posts this thread
>character smokes weed
>he doesn't inhale
>Character rolls a joint
>no tobacco
>weed instead of cheap hash blended with rubber and god knows what else
This. Really breaks the immersion.
>character smokes weed "erryday"
>doesn't develop panic disorder
t. underage
>tfw can only enjoy weed when I'm alone otherwise I get panic attacks where I start to think other people make fun of me
They do make fun of you
I know
Aw dude that's a cool ass bong
>character says weed isn't addicting
>smokes weed everyday and is obsessed with it
>can enjoy weed at all without freaking out
Fucking normie
Try quitting hard drugs/alcohol vs weed. Literal hell and still having the cravings for ever, vs slight anoyance and never really missing it.
>slight anoyance and never really missing it.
t. too busy getting addicted to heroin to be psychologically addicted to weed.
t. underage
>character rolls a joint
>half tobacco
why europeans do this?
>psychologically addicted
this meme has to stop
In used to hate spliffs but I like them more than just regular joints now. Makes them hit smoother in my opinion
I always feel shit when I smoke weed in my circle of friends
not paranoia or anxiety, but physically shit, like my neck hurts, don't feel my hands, and shit like that
when I smoke with someone else it's great
maybe I just hate my friends?
they do make fun of you. that's why I only smoke alone now too, user.
You're right. I'll stop now. :(
>dude I had no problem stopping weed that means no one has lmao
this meme has to stop too
> Tfw you start to shiver all over your body when you've taken a few drags at your friends house
> Tfw he goes and gets you a blanket and tells you to get comfy
It's nice to have friends.
Bullshit. I've done both (hard shit was once in awhile tho) and haven't done anything in 3 years because of my work.
Still think about weed everyday.
makes it burn easier
>smoke with friends back in highschool
>it makes me paranoid
>stoned friends just laugh at me
Repeat until I stopped trying to smoke.
that's because weed isn't as good when you get older while alcohol gets you the same drunk, you just have to deal with worse hangovers
Same here, why the fuck am i not even able to enjoy weed?
It's a normie drug for normies
>character "rolls a joint"
>he just puts some weed in a thick small paper
>feebly attempts to close it, puts no butt
>shit is drenched in oil after 3 minutes and itches the throat
Why do american do this ?
>>feebly attempts to close it, puts no butt
those are pointless 2bh
I get the exact same thing. I feel like my friends dont like me when I get baked and I get really self conscious and critical.
>using tobacco