Attached: 3887a3c86f42835dd33e6fe9be3cfb9364f36627_1_500x500.jpg (500x500, 180K)
Why are none of them in prison
Dylan Davis
Aiden James
great apologies
Eli Gutierrez
>trying to put Steven Seagal in custody
You can't snatch the Birthday Snatcher.
Sebastian Watson
Weinstein is in a rebab.
He's is reflecting on his wrong doings and bettering himself.
Aiden Baker
because their famous and rich
Kayden Clark
No charges have been filed
Samuel Morales
Woody Allen is looking JUSTed as hell right there.
Carson Long
Because this is the greatest display of virtue signalling in the history of mankind.
Liam Ramirez
>Why are none of them in prison
There's like maybe 2 people in that pic that should do time/ Cosby and Harvey W.
The rest is either unprovable, not really a crime, didn't do shit (Casey), or the statute of limitations has run out.
Matthew Torres
I thought he only went for a week.
Logan Russell
he's 97 years old
Evan Robinson
Because the accusers have nothing on them and would gladly do it again if it was for a role?
Jacob Campbell
Because the majority are Jewish, and Jews run Hollywood
>"G-Go back to Sup Forums"
I´m half Jewish, I know the deal
Noah Barnes
I thought Allen was investigated by the cops and it was found out that farrow coached her daughter to say those things and he wasn't even in the same county at the time?
Nathaniel Gomez
Yeah but how come we have heard nothing of Spacey or Weinstein since virtually half of the acting communities they inhabited came out against them?
Lincoln Carter
What´s wrong with Woody Allen´s eye anyway? He didn´t have it like that back in his young days
Charles Brooks
You thought correctly.
Cameron Thomas
>Yeah but how come we have heard nothing of Spacey
Because someone has to go to the police and have a case against him. No one has done either.
Supposedly the police are getting close to some form of action.
Jace Myers
weinstien will be charged , he's got like 10 rape accusations. Spacey did nothing wrong.
Charles Morales
I mean all Louis did was stroke his ginger mexican micro peen in front of girls AFTER asking permission
Austin Martin
"I, I, I love little girls they make me feel so good!"
William Brown
C.K. dind't even do anything wrong
Justin Hernandez
he isnt funny anyways so no one fucking cares and wants him to just leave. he is the krager of comedians
Jose Reyes
Innocent until proven guilty, fascist.
Jonathan Peterson
some dead
some fled the country
1 went to trial and wasn't convicted
Jack Gutierrez
They had sense enough to commit the rapes at least 7yrs ago. Thereby passing the statute of limitations
Nolan Clark
>obama gets elected
>go on a free for all
>8 years later
>trump is elected
>leave country when being controlling people against other humans
>go on another type of free for all
>8 years later
>niggers in south africa still fucking babies to remove aids
Jacob Brooks
because that's not the point of #METOO
Point and shriek to destroy men is the ultimate power, no proxy needed.
Blake King
He's jewish.
Chase Price
Because either the charges are completely fabricated, they didn't do anything illegal, or there isn't enough evidence for a prosecutor to bring charges against them.
Blake Cooper
Nolan Barnes
If you call someone who is 1/4th or 1/8th Jewish then wouldn't it be more logical to say they are actually whatever makes up the other 3/4ths or 7/8ths?
I'll understand if simple logic and consistency go over your head, from what I can tell literally everyone from pol is about as smart as a monkey with a brain disease.
Ryan Brown
he's half mexican
Austin James
Is the guy to the left of Spacey the guy that played Roy on The Office?
Connor Jones
Day 1 in courtroom 12:
Plaintiff Ashley Judd testifying
Baliff: Do u swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Judd: I swear to spin it in whatever direction I choose
Baliff: Fair enough
Defense Counsel: Ms. Judd, would you have had a career if you didnt sleep with Mr weinstein?
Judd: I uh, I um
Defense: Remember ur under oath
Judd: I uh, I um
Defense: Is it fair to say that you have no acting skills whatsoever?
Judd: I uh, I um
Defense: Is it also fair to say that when you stopped giving away free pussy, your career completely ended?
Judd: I uh, I um
Defense: And at that point you started leeching off ur millionaire racecar driver boyfriend, all while screaming men are scum?
Judd: I uh, I um
Defense rests
Xavier Carter
Based Oingo Boingo poster
Brayden Hall
and the rehab clinic was a massage parlor
Colton Hill
just (((because)))
Carter Russell
Anyone have that pic where all the women that accused him are rubbing up on him and laughing with him?
Tyler Lee
because they did absolutely nothing wrong
and they haven't been charged with any crimes because if they were the bitches making the accusations would have to provide proof, which they don't have because no crimes were committed.
Matthew Robinson
Jason Carter
Juan Hernandez
>because they did absolutely nothing wrong
except trying to undermine the country and it's constitution
Sebastian Myers
Not enough evidence to convict.
Jack Powell
Spacy = dead
Weinstein = protected/fled the country
Cosby = not convicted in a court of law
Segall = joke
Allen = ?
Szekely = ?
Kayden Ortiz
(((why))) indeed
Caleb King
Seagal is a force of nature and no man can cage him.
John Kelly
You are more Jewish than him, dude.
Daniel Fisher
>Why are none of them in prison
because they did absolutely nothing wrong. whores fucked them to break into showbiz, now they're salty.
Owen Williams
You can stop shilling this narrative. No one buys it.
Isaac Allen
>implying it'd be possible to even catch Seagal
Nathaniel Bailey
Because there's not actually proof of any of them doing anything wrong. Literally all that happened was a bunch of bitches started claiming they raped them or whatever.
Camden Bennett
Who are to the right of and under Szekely?
Is that GT in the top right corner?
Ian Harris
See Now fuck off already.
Nicholas Green
Samuel Gray
>GT in the top right corner?
it is. some fag said he drugged him twenty years ago and when he woke up Takei was diddling his balls or something.
Joseph Roberts
Public shaming is cheaper than taking them to court.
Robert Robinson
Aziz fled the country too. Protected too.
Connor Thomas
>He shares a quarter haplotype with us! Full blooded jewish comedian!
Daniel Baker
>Because the accusers have nothing on them
Jack Parker
Top operator maneuvers
Xavier Thomas
>nobody buys it
I think I speak for many Americans when I say, “yes, yes I do buy it because it’s absolutly true”
The sex to get into the industry part, not the they did nothing wrong part
Alexander Moore
Because they're rich people with high-powered lawyers. And the way you become a high-powered, well-paid lawyer is by being a better manipulator of the law than your contemporaries.
Angel Rivera
When you have the money and influence to keep your victims silent, you can coast long enough that even if they do speak up, you suffer almost no consequences.
Robert Lewis
Shkreli was that too and he's in jail now
Ryder Miller
The sec part is prob true, but it's not what this is really about.
They just used the sex as a way of maintaining a cult like atmosphere, to maintain control of what had become a criminal enterprise.
The #metoo shit is propaganda
Austin Powell
he was also really dumb about it all though
Aaron Clark
Because hearsay accusations do not equal evidence. They just equal the death of a career. They are not legally binding and it's why I find it hilarious most of them actually acknowledge it in the first place. Sure maybe it's true maybe it's completely false it's better to just simply deny it and move on. You make yourself look worse by coming out in front of it.
Landon Brown
Elijah Moore
This. Public indecency is a fucking misdemeanor and he wasn't even in public. It was a private matter.
Ayden Martin
I'm beginning to think you are the shill
Robert Harris
>Sure maybe it's true maybe it's completely false it's better to just simply deny it and move on.
of course it was farrrrr easier for Weinstein to destroy his 'business' and disappear.
Fuck off shill.
Isaiah Young
Yup. It was ritualistic abuse used to control certain media industries.
Def the case with Weinstein and Szekly.
Anyone heard from Lyor Cohen?
Spacey was just a straight up monster.
Blake Reed
Some of them did and are within the statue of limitations. Others were just silly twitter wars that ruined careers. Louis CK especially.
Austin Ramirez
Please. Szekly was a fraud from day 1. He was running the comedy world the way Weinstein was running Hollywood and Cohen was running the rap industry.
Brayden Garcia
Weinstein was forced out by his brother and other benefactors as a kneejerk reaction and the company is still basically fucked at this point.
Samuel Phillips
I'm aware of the story the '''press''' spun. Thanks though.
Isaac Hernandez
Zero evidence of anything you're saying. He jacked off in front of some women after asking because he's obviously fucked up. That's far from what Weinstein did.
Camden Rivera
Spacey didn't do shit
Anthony Clark
I'm aware of what was in the '''press'''
Carson Rodriguez
Based Allen. He have good taste.
Jackson Reed
they're ugly lolis user
Jason Miller
One of the worst.
Jaxon Morales
Why don't you just say "fake news" and get it over with? If nobody ever believes any news source other than their echochamber we're doomed to a pretty gloomy future. Might as well read National Enquirer and give it credence at that point.
Jackson Wilson
What a classy samefaggot shill
Fake news would be correct. The men we're talking about where complicit in creating this environment.
Bentley Rodriguez
someone should edit that and make it a birthday cake instead of a backpack
Robert Jones
>open sourced information bad. Corporate controlled 'news' good
Tyler Gonzalez
Really? I thought he just came on to a couple of dudes but backed off when they spurned him.
Or did he actually rape all the teenage actors at the Young Vic?
Brayden Bennett
picture needs aziz ansari and tj miller. both rapists.
Nathan Ward
And that annoying dude from the 70s show. And Harmony Korine.
Hunter Nguyen
>And that annoying dude from the 70s show
you thought Hyde was annoying?
Carter Reed
He was the Scientology guy with the fro? If so, yes.
Jack Davis
>ctrl + F
>white privilege
>0 results
Jackson Phillips
I didn't know he was a scientologist. I know Donna, Laura Prepon was or still is. what the fuck man
Owen Davis
I think basically all the kids from the 70s show where/are Scientologists.
Logan Hernandez
weird. celebrities/actors are a crazy bunch.
Anthony Flores
Not that weird. Business as usual in Hollywood.
Isaac Edwards
>What a classy samefaggot shill
Carson Cruz
Based Brief History of Germany poster.
Carter Flores
You dumb fucks do the same thing every time youget caught.
Thanks for the confirmation retard.