BR2049 fags BTFO

BR2049 fags BTFO

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>BR2049 fags BTFO

>Vaste of time

People like OP are a laughable joke.


Sure kid. Because some idiot on twitter said something my world is rocked. lol

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Ummm, sweetie, I'd appreciate it if you didn't give attention to racist nazis that pollute the gaming industry with their offensive and insensitive trash.

>he didn't watch blade runner 2049 one hour a time across three days on his cellphone with the brightness on low in front of a sunny window

it is visual trip, i don't see anything deeper in it and dont look for or expect it. enjoyed it a lot tho

literally who?

you just didn't understand it

He really hasn’t written anything good

i wish plebs would shut the FUCK up about the visuals
the original is so fucking superior in this respect
so rich and opulent

Daniel Vávra (born 2 September 1975) is a Czech video game writer, director, designer and co-founder of Warhorse Studios. He is best known as the author of crime action video games Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, Mafia II and the medieval role-playing game Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

>video game writer, director


there isn't much to understand. whole movie is as 1st one, asking question about humanity.
if replicants can reproduce (or love) are they still replicants or human?
thats all, there is lot of subplots but thats the general question. also movie wates too much time on K's problems
and i still like this movie, enjoyed it a lot
as a programmer/IT guy all that artifical intelligence and stuff is really close to me

>video games
into the trash.jpg

we're still talking about denis right

>I can't stand progressive punk revolutionaries
holy fuck this, from all the shit you could have trimmed of the movie this is the most annoying, and it's on every FUCKING movie since the start of the decade
You sure could show us some of your popular achievements in your work of field user

If someone actually did anything impressive with video games I’d be the first to congratulate them but no one ever does it’s just genre fodder bullshit

Like we get it you watched Goodfellas, the Godfather and maybe the Sopranos. Noone’s impressed you can regurgitate this shit

>marathoned over three nights

>punk progressive revolutionaries

>watched it for three nights

finally, someone had the balls to BTFO the stupid af fa/tv/irgins and their circlejerk around this abysmal """flick"""

>Jew hates movie where Jew isn't present

>videogame director
>toy maker thinks anyone gives a shit about his opinion

It boring!
Not enough xplosions!

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I mean it was kinda long movie and he is probably a busy man.

yeah they meme'd me into watching it and while it was ok, it was nothing remarkable

Who the fuck is that and why should i give a shit?

KCD was k i n o
too slow isn't good critique though

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>marathoning a move is no longer a meme

>progressive punk revolutionaries
It was mostly background shit.
Reminder K didn't listen to them, saved Deckard and took him to his child.

hes a neonazi

this is laughably false

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nigga, it was 3 hours long, if you expect actual fully functional adults to sit through that long of a snoozefest you're more retarded than I thought

underage ban
not an argument

>watched it for 3 nights

Annnnd opinion discarded. Sit down, put down your phone and watch the movie in one sitting like the director intended

>punk progressive revolutionaries
wat. they were in the film for like 3 minutes and K didn't even join them wtf is this nigger's problem. probably brainwashed by twitter """""political discourse"""""

What was the point of them then?

>they were in the film for like 3 minutes
yeah and? are you only allowed to mention things that show for more than 3 minutes?

more like daniel confirmed for having an absolute shit taste
>soooooo slow
what a multipleb

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>so slow
>made movie longer by extending it over three nights

you're an intentionally obtuse faggot and i'd kill you with my bare hands if you even made eye contact with me irl which you wouldnt because you look down when you walk because you're a little bitch

>wastes too much time on K's problems
You really didn't understand it, K's "problems" are the vehicle that expounds on the theme, he "becomes" human which settles the question.

You tried


BR2049 plebs are too easy
they outta pay me to trigger you cucks

This has to be bait

>saved Deckard and took him to his child
I’m still not entirely sure why he did this, or why I’m supposed to care. Did he think Deckard was his dad?
>All the best memories were her’s
What the actual fuck does that mean.

They were there to push K to finally become special, through his own actions, by basically telling them to fuck off and deciding to save Deckard, bringing him to his daughter.

>didn't watch the movie

>three nights to watch a movie
ADHD is a hell of a drug.

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>some faggot on twitter gives his opinion on a movie that came out 4 months ago


>wins two oscars
>voted best movie of the year by television and film board of Sup Forums
>Sup Forumsedditors can only spam their meme buzzwords with autistic rage
Based Dennis how does he do it?

>punk progressive revolutionaries
I'm pretty conservative but I still don't think not wanting to be slaves is a 'progressive' movement. Seems libertarian if anything.

Some guy that makes really shitty video games. He's "anti-SJW" though so a bunch of retards love him now.

>Too slow
I watched it 7 times at the cinema and wished it was longer desu

Didn't help that he fucking marathoned a movie over 3 nights

>Did he think Deckard was his dad
Yes? This is pretty much the basic plot of the movie

Coming. From a man with broken promises.

>K becomes contrarian for the sake of it
So that’s his arc, and the overarching plot is some dumb shit concerning underground replicants versus Wallace Inc.
I really don’t understand why they can’t just fucking adapt Book Deckard’s story, or why this shitshow had to be 3 hours.

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So does this prove BR2049 has nothing to do with Sup Forums or video game cinematics then?

What is your point

it means you're too young to understand this movie

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His arc IS the plot

Right, but I mean like on a personal level. Like why did he give a shit about reuniting Deckard and... whatever her name was, the Memory Maker girl.
They quickly establish that neither K nor Memory Girl has any actual memories of Deckard since he left relatively soon after her (his) birth.
Like I imagine them trying to write a closing scene after Deckard enters the building to talk to her, and they couldn’t come up with anything because there’s nothing there. It’s all just symbolic crap, removing every possible HUMAN element and passing it off as an introspective arc.

anyone else find the movie to be video gamey?

Yeah it looked like a really watered down bioshock 2.

In the end K felt that even though the memories weren't his he knew what it was to love and to crave that feeling of belonging, to be human, so he delivered Deckard to his daughter, even though he knew he would die. He chose to love selflessly in his final moment, so he became human. The rain changes to snow in the last scene to symbolize his progression from machine to man.

You may as well put the trip on, everyone knows it's you

>is a Czech video game

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there literally were explosions in the movie though, it's a brainlet action movie

That was literally the point of the movie, it settles the question of real vs artificial by showing us unequivocally that it doesn't matter.

>google him
>"Daniel Vávra is a Czech video game writer, director, designer and co-founder of Warhorse Studios"

And I should care about this guy's opinion why?

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it won the useless video game tier oscars

You need to see more movies mate

i want reddit to leave.

>any action in a movie makes it an action movie

>the memories weren't his he knew what it was to love and to crave that feeling of belonging
He got all that from the fever dream furnace memory?
>He chose to love selflessly
Didn’t he do it because he wanted to, though? Isn’t that the point? To want is to be selfish. Humans are incapable of being “unselfish”. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just a concept that assholes love to label themselves as. All men seek happiness...

I get the symbolism, it just feels weird because when you take a step back and look at the -human- elements of it, none of it makes sense. Deckard doesn’t know his daughter, his daughter doesn’t know Deckard, K doesn’t know Deckard. They’re all doing it as a symbolic act, one that will cause their inevitable destruction (K dying, etc...) and they’re doing it because ???.
K and Deckard are literally going to get the latter’s daughter fucking killed because of what?
Also K had a magic fucking shower that healed his ass, and he still thought he was human.



I've seen plenty of movies, that's why I thought the post was stupid. You aren't supposed to defend a movie by saying "not enuff asplosions" when the movie actually has multiple explosions.

there's a bunch of action in the movie, just because it's boring doesn't mean it's not an action movie

His right about the revolutionaries though, almost ruined the film. But you do have to be a brainlet not to get how great the story is


>he says, responding to bait and feeling smug about it

>shitty video games
>mafia II
>kingdom come

Neck yourself you commie faggot.

>What if we made the same story again except even worse
I love unnecessary sequels to movies that failed to match their source material.
Thank Christ it flopped.

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Please stop posting, you're a complete dunce

>kingdom come
boy I sure love buggy ugly boring medieval games
MAGA amirite?

so this is the power of blade runner 2 fanboy arguments

Wtf I hate BR2049 now!!

Game’s protagonist has more of an arc than K or Deckard

The Mafia 2 opening is pure ludo. Makes me especially sick with what they did to Mafia 3 now knowing the creator of 2 was such an alpha male.

>What if we made the same story again except even worse
How the fuck is it the same?
The first one was about tracking down escaped replicants while the second is about a search for a child

No you don’t understand, the character arcs ARE the plot.

They are if they are used as a focusing lens for the problems of the world they inhabit
But how are their character arcs similar?
The only thing that connects them is that they have a change of heart but that happens in different parts of the movies and in completely different ways

Ok, ill pirate his game

No but really, K’s 3 hour arc was done in 2 minutes in BR.
I’m not a huge fan of the original, seeing as I was expecting an adaptation of the book “Do Androids Dream...”
but 2049 just feels completely pointless. You’ve seen Batty & Tyrell, heard the C Beams monologue, etc...
It’s retreading old ground to a less interesting or convincing plot. Deckard hunting Batty was a snooze, especially since movie Deckard has no character, but shit it at least gave focus to the Replicants and Batty.

What could be less exciting than Batty giving focus to movie Deckard, I.E. the last hour and a half of 2049? Hot damn I’m falling asleep just thinking about that goofy water fight with Harrison strapped to a wetset.

>Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
No one involved in the making of that game has a leg to stand on when it comes to calling something boring. The amount of cut scenes at the beginning make it so fucking boring.

but muh shadow of the colossus