>character drinks a beer
>doesn't keep drinking for two days followed by a four day hangover
who the hell writes this shit?
>character drinks a beer
>doesn't keep drinking for two days followed by a four day hangover
who the hell writes this shit?
If you're an alcoholic you develop a superpower and don't get hangovers anymore
>followed by a four day hangover
Lmao, drink some fucking water idiot
How do you let something like that get so bad. Like nigga just stop drinking alcohol lmao like nigger just put the bottle down!
>suicidal depression and intense anxiety are not features of his hangovers
18+ site sweetie
I don't know why people think this. I've dranken daily for almost 4 years with some sober days here and there, and if anything my hangovers are worse. At a certain point your tolerance goes to shit and you'll get fucked up
>Drink three or four beers over the course of an evening
>Call it good and go to sleep, no hangover tomorrow.
It's not hard to be a functioning human being.
>wah I drink cause I'm sad
Just kill yourself then because I'm sure your a shit drunk anyways
I don't drink because I am sad drinking makes me sad learn to read fuckwit
he said depression is part of the hangover, not his reason for drinking, dumbass
>sex scene
>character doesn't go to the bathroom and masturbate right after
I fight my hangovers with more alcohol. Sometimes it works and I manage to make it back into the sober world just fine, the other times I have a three day hangover where my mind is attacking me every which way it can.
get fuckin' told. You're even a loser on Sup Forums haha, and no, closing this tab won't make your embarrassment disappear
surprised small beers aren't more of a thing, you could drink 10 pints of 2% proof beer and be mildly tipsy at worst with the same taste.
beers smaller than 0.5 liters ought to be illegal
what's the fucking point, I take three jugs and have to crack open the next one already
I get a hangover from 2 beers
>character drinks a beer and doesn't immediately proceed to tell everyone in the room about how they like getting strapon fucked in the ass
Who writes this crap?
what did he mean by that?
>character drinks 3 beers
>doesn't proceed to tell everyone about black crime rates being the same all over the world regardless of whatever society they happen to be a part of which completely destroys the theory that blacks are criminal in the US solely due to white privilege
what is this shit
>being this new at life
>Amerifat drinks one shitty fucking Budlite
>gets drunk immediately
take an Excedrin with a glass of water the next morning and your hangover will be 90% gone within an hour
getting drung from 1 bear does not sound to bad
>drung from 1 bear
I'm gonna have to cut you off buddy.
This. My hangovers got so bad that they actually cured my drinking eventually
>2% proof beer
you may as well just drink water or pussy excretions at that point you fucking blanket
Not true for everyone. Drank hard liquor 5 days a week for 7 years. My hangovers only got worse as I aged. I never had a time where I didn't get them.
Same almost, I've been drinking a lot less because i hate waking up puking and feeling like shit every morning.
>doesn't realize a hangover is dehydration
>calls others new
Nice try kiddo
Actually, you're just hungover all the time so you don't remember what normal feels like. Stop drinking for a few days and then realize that you were just hungover that entire time.
It's more than just dehydration.
Sure thing bud, learn to handle your booze idiot
You're objectively wrong that a hangover is just dehydration, I was just pointing it out. Go fuck yourself you greasy pussy.
desu I plan on going to rehab this sunday
I wonder where the coffee meme came from. It's about the worst thing you can drink when you're drunk. It'll only dehydate you further and get you drunk even more.
I mean probably a good idea man
I'm 25 and I never suffered from hangover, and I got wasted quite some times
>he's this mad at a shitpost
>he thinks that's what mad looks like
So sensitive.
the caffeine counteracts the alcohol and *sobers* you up. You'll still get a hangover, but the idea is you'll become more functional
Watch Bojack horseman, it delivers.
I had a friend in highschool that would get pissed sometime because he couldn't handle the jokes, then wed make fun of him for being mad and hed get even more pissed and try to keep calm while yelling about how he's not mad
Thanks for reminding me of those good times
Not true, you just become a more awake drunk
Only thing that seems to knock some sense into me when I'm on a binge is weed. I'll eat, sleep or have a meal after taking just a few tokes.
This is absolute bullshit, mine just get worse and worse. What you mean is fictional alcoholics you've seen in movies don't have to deal with hangovers because the next scene begins.
Whenever last night's turmoils catch up with me, I turn to the Ray Velcoro lunch box. Works like a charm.
Looks comfy
Ray never struck me as a weed guy
Shit Im an alcoholic that means. Fuck
Maybe you nerds should drink water when you're drinking
It actually depends.If you stay home and lie around the bed all day when you wake up, the hangover will be a bitch.
I started walking my dog as soon as i wake up and my hangover is done within 20 minutes.I sweat it out.
who else /dietcoke/ here?
>Woman drinks like a fish, is attractive with slender figure
Stop peddling bullshit Hollywood
>doesn't realize a hangover is dehydration
it's more than dehydration you retard, you are poisoning your body.
Thing is, you don't realize because you are obviously like 12 years of age. Is as you get older, your body is disintegrating from within.
So simple things that you could do as a teenager, like drink a pint of milk, causes your body issues when you are 30 years old.
The same is for alcohol, depending of course on an individuals genetics, health, previous levels of intoxication ect.
Someone like me who has been able to drink strong larger is vast amounts since I was a young teen, now experiences frequent hangovers, and the side effects of alcohol, that I never
experienced in my teens or early 20s.
Of course this logic never crossed your mind because, to repeat, you are clearly very young.
Yeah... but sometimes it's so bad that you just can't even stand the thought of getting up. And especially when it's freezing cold outside...
Well that's the hardest part.
1.Try to get up without sleeping 12 hours
2.Instantly go for a walk
If i do this my hangover is always gone within 20 mins max 1 hour.
If i sleep 12 hours or more i wake up and just turn around in my bed for 6 more hours.
I drank a liter of tequila yesterday and woke up fine. I'm about to start drinking vodka too, oh hey it's almost 5pm so that's kindof socially acceptable to start drinking.
I will say though after swimming in my pool for like 15min the physical activity fucked me hard, and I had to lay down, then falling asleep for an hour.
Also my mother is most severe alcoholic I've ever seen, she drinks almost 1.75L of vodka every day and has done so for, decades at this point. She mixes it with straight tap water though so I suppose that helps.
Hope you're ready to give up a kidney.
I have only gotten a hangover once. It's because I didn't drink enough water while I was drinking alcohol.
Seriously, if you drink as much water as alcohol you won't get a hangover the next day. Your liver, kidneys and bladder will hate you but you won't be hungover.
You alcoholics make me sick. I rarely drink but suffer from a syndrome where my liver overproduces a certain enzyme just because.
fuck all of you for ruining your livers
>18+ site sweetie
only a child has such a small amount of self-control as you fucks
>shit drunk
all drunks are shit